Shen Xuan summoned back the Yang Fire Talisman that had not been hit, and when he saw the change in the black mist in the air, he did not act rashly.

Instead, let the family members escort Qian Yuanwai and Liu Qingqing and retreat to the back door of the backyard.

The black fog in the air slowly changed into a human shape at this time, and the tongue was pulled to the side of the mouth, reaching to the waist.

Liu Qingqing behind him also found that this was the female ghost he saw at this time, and he also hurriedly said it to Shen Xuan.

Shen Xuan heard Liu Qingqing's words, and also inferred that this black-haired ghost and the long-tongued ghost in front of him should be the same ghost.

It's just that this ghost seems to have two lives, and the black-haired ghost was killed and became a long-tongued ghost.

Seeing this long-tongued ghost, Shen Xuan also began to get nervous, he had seen many ghosts and other things, but this was the first time he had seen such a strange ghost.

The long-tongued ghost was also completely formed at this time, and those eyes had changed from white to black, looking directly at Shen Xuan.

Shen Xuan was also not to be outdone, and the Yang Fire Talisman flew out of his hand, and he shot out, and the long-tongued ghost looked at the Yang Fire Talisman that arrived in an instant, and actually reached out to block it.

Seeing this situation, Shen Xuan suddenly felt bad, the black-haired ghost just now saw that the Yang Fire Talisman was too late to hide, and where did he dare to stretch out his hand to block it.

Shen Xuan doesn't think that this long-tongued ghost is untargeted, ghosts and things have the instinct to avoid evil, just like the black-haired ghost before, but this long-tongued ghost should have the ability to resist the yang fire.

I saw that the long-tongued ghost's outstretched hand emitted a stream of black qi, and the Yang Fire Talisman that flew out was actually in a horn situation, not giving in to each other.

Seeing this situation, Shen Xuan summoned back the Yang Fire Talisman, but he hit the Flame Talisman in his hand towards the Long-tongued Ghost.

The long-tongued ghost emitted black qi again, but this time it really failed to stop the flame talisman, and the flame talisman passed through the black qi and hit the long-tongued ghost directly.

The long-tongued ghost also did not expect that he was hit squarely by the flame talisman and was directly beaten back to the ground from the air.

Without waiting for the long-tongued ghost to get up, Shen Xuan punched out the remaining flame paper talismans, and after hitting the flame talismans, Shen Xuan thought about it, and still used all the remaining paper talismans.

Whistling, more than a dozen flames sprayed towards the long-tongued ghost, exploding clouds of smoke on the ground, and when the smoke cleared, the long-tongued ghost turned into black smoke in the eyes of everyone and slowly disappeared.

Seeing that the long-tongued ghost dissipated, Qian Yuanwai and Liu Qingqing slowly approached Shen Xuan under the protection of all the family members.

Qian Yuanwai took the lead and said

, "Xian nephew, thanks to you this time, otherwise I don't know what to do."

When Shen Xuan heard this, he also frowned, he came to this Qian family to ask for money, but the style of this Qian staff outside the family was staggering.

"Outside the staff, what this ghost thing said, is not unreasonable, your reputation outside..." Shen

Xuan didn't finish speaking, but that Qian Yuanwai also knew what Shen Xuan meant, originally a few days ago, he thought about crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, but today when he saw Shen Xuan's means, he was also shocked, and quickly made amends:

"Don't worry, my virtuous nephew, I swear hereby that the Qian family will never run amok in the countryside from now on, and if there is a violation, the sky will strike five thunders."

Seeing Qian Ren pretending to finish his vows, Shen Xuan didn't want to say anything more.

That Qian Yuanwai also asked Shen Xuan to stay in Qian's house for one more night at this time, and stayed until tomorrow noon, to hold an exorcism banquet for Shen Xuan, so, under the arrangement of Qian Yuanwai, Shen Xuan returned to the box room and rested for the night

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