From the death of Old Man Cao, to the cultivation of the

Yanyang Fire Talisman, going to investigate the poisoning and murder of the Zhang family, discovering the culprit who killed Old Man Cao, sneaking him to death, getting the method of cultivation, and then going to Qian's house to eat, killing the black hair ghost and long-tongued ghost for the money officer, to now practicing in the stone mountain.

The thrill in it, the difficulty in it, when Shen Xuan remembered it, he couldn't help but be secretly afraid, the cloaked man of the Zhang family, the revenge of the Qian family, these gods and ghosts, people's hearts are ill-willed, if they are not careful, they are afraid that there is no place to die.

Shen Xuan is not unaware of his situation, in this era of warlord contention, the artillery outside is full of fire, those guns and cannons, just with Shen Xuan's current strength, when they encounter the army, it is a death.

Originally, above this imperial court, it should be the emperor in charge, and hundreds of officials congratulated, but now, this dynasty called "Zhou" is already in danger, the warlords outside and the corrupt officials in the court, plus those princes who are called to guard a land, but in fact enclose the land as the king, these people have already squeezed this already rotten dynasty dry little by little.

The kings of the north are all perennial change lords, and the conquests for years are unstoppable, and up and down the country, more than 100 warlords and princes, large and small, collude with each other, prey on the people, and make chaos everywhere, and the dispensable strength of the imperial court is difficult to even protect itself, let alone suppress the rebellion.

Those warlords fought for territory every day, fighting back and forth, and those princes, colluding with each other, concealing information from the imperial court, and deceiving the upper and lower.

Now the people everywhere only recognize the warlord's military order, and there is still any imperial decree in their eyes.

For example, the so-called Yamen in Ma County is not an orthodox court person at all, but a minions under the joint regime of several warlords occupying Jiangnan.

The country will die, demons and evil will rise together, and there will be that demon and ghost in a horse county, not to mention other places, I am afraid that ghosts are everywhere, and the yin and the earth are yang.

This court, this troubled time, this suffering, should be true:

prosperity, the people suffer, death, the people suffering.

These were all things he couldn't imagine before, fear, fear, nervousness, excitement, and all kinds of emotions filled Shen Xuan's heart.

The Flame Yang Fire Talisman and the Tiger Flame Xuanqi, these mysterious things, the mouth of the Origin Altar and the cultivation method, where did they come from.

What kind of world is this? What is the end of spells and magic? Where is the line between life and death? How did you get here?

Shen Xuan didn't know that he might have started his pursuit since the first day he came.

The road is walked out, and the people are practiced.

Shen Xuan did not dare to guarantee that he would definitely get an answer, maybe one day in the future, Shen Xuan would die on the road of pursuit, but he would not regret it.

The wonderful experience that the spell gave him had already made his originally silent heart beat again.

Spells, spells, spells.

Practice, practice, practice.

Thinking of this, Shen Xuan couldn't help but chant:

The road to eternal life is different, and people's hearts are treacherous and unpredictable.

I also want to play cloud games in the sea, and eat and drink without hunger.

The three-foot Qingfeng sword in his hand is difficult to get rid of the world.

There was a bright red blood in the throat, wanting to stain the sky and white clouds.

If it is not powerful and inactive, it will not end in depression.

Chang Si is unhappy in his heart, and it is rare to feel more comfortable and lonely.

If there is a heaven-shaking technique, the three mountains and five mountains are at ease.

Refine the five elements of yin and yang, and the four sides of the universe are all one.

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