In the middle of the stone mountain, in a secret cave, a young man with sword eyebrows and stars was sitting cross-legged, swallowing spiritual energy.

This person is Shen Xuan, who

has been practicing in the stone mountain for more than half a year, he is practicing in this stone mountain, and the "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa" has long been cultivated by him to Xiaocheng, but the tiger Xuanqian has also been refined.

Now there is a black qi wrapped around the tiger xuanxuan, and from time to time there is a tiger roar on the body, which is the tiger qi of twenty-eight wild tigers.

Tiger Fu Xuan now has these tiger fires, when hitting the enemy, the tiger fire will also attack the enemy, which is equivalent to a physical attack and a magic attack.

When Shen Xuan used this Xuan Gong to hit the wild boar, as long as it was a moment, the tiger fire burrowed into the body of the wild boar, and after a while, the wild boar began to jump up and down, and then died violently.

Moreover, the current Tiger Fire Xuan Gong can subdue his own ghost through Tiger Fu, and with this ghost, he can summon it at a critical time to help him ward off the enemy.

The key is that this ghost will not betray, because as long as it is killed by Xuan Gong, it will be absorbed by Xuan Gong, and those souls that have not become ghosts will be broken and absorbed by Xuan Gong's tiger fire, and there will never be the possibility of reincarnation.

After Shen Xuan learned of the power of this tiger Xuanqi, he felt that this "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa" was indeed a collection of sword deviations and cruelty.

It's just that since this method has been practiced to Xiaocheng, there is no specific cultivation method, and I can only slowly improve it according to my own chances.

That cloaked man shouldn't have taken the second path in the first place, was too anxious, went to kill people to practice, and honestly practiced pure practice in the mountains like himself, isn't it good?

Alas, attacking the heart with fire is actually one of the great taboos in practice.

Wrapping Xuan Xuan in cloth and bringing fire talismans, Shen Xuan packed up the belongings he had left behind in the mountains for most of the year, there was no extra meat, but the animal skins that Shen Xuan picked up after hunting were placed in the cave, Shen Xuan did not take these away, he took away some living utensils.

Lifting the baggage, Shen Xuan went down the mountain.

After half a year in this stone mountain, Shen Xuan returned to Ma County again.

Entering the town familiarly, Shen Xuan went straight to the door, just arrived at the door, Shen Xuan was about to push the door and enter, but he heard a voice from the house.

Hearing the voice of someone in the room, Shen Xuan couldn't help but be angry in his heart, who dared to occupy the Magpie's Nest.

Kicking open the door, Shen Xuan rushed in with Xuan Gong, and saw that on the wooden chairs in the courtyard, there were several men sitting, and on the table, there were several jars of wine.

Just as Shen Xuan was about to drink a few words, he suddenly felt a sense of his heart, and when he looked at it, his own altar was overturned on the ground on the side, and the incense ash inside was cleaned.

At this time, a man turned around and saw Shen Xuan, and asked in surprise, "

Why did you come back?"

Shen Xuan saw that the mouth of the altar was turned over, and there was a fire in his heart, he couldn't contain it, where he still cared who was in the house, Xuan Wei stretched out, and pounced on it was a mess.

There were five men in the room, Shen Xuan rushed up, it was one by one, and two of the five people were drunk, and they were pointed at the head by Shen Xuan, and in an instant those two only had a body left.

The remaining two, seeing Shen Xuan so fierce, hurriedly begged for mercy, and one was so frightened that he was about to escape over the wall.

Shen Xuan saw the one who climbed over the wall, went up a few steps to the root of the wall, and the Xuan gong in his hand hit the man's waist and back impartially, only listening to the "click", the man was directly divided by Shen Xuan, and cut off into two sections.

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