When the two men, who were still begging for mercy, saw this scene, they were so frightened that they knelt directly and kowtowed repeatedly.

Shen Xuan's residual anger at this time did not subside, whether you begged for mercy or not, it was two more backs, and there were two more headless corpses in the yard.

The tiger qi in Xuan Gong directly shattered and absorbed the souls of these five people.

After killing these people, Shen Xuan's anger dissipated a little, put away Xuan Xuan, Shen Xuan wanted to see who these people were.

As a result, four of the five people had only headless corpses left, but there was still one corpse that could be seen, and Shen Xuan recognized the identity of the body that was left with half of it.

It was a well-known scoundrel in Ma County, named Ma Liuzi, who secretly played tricks and acted as an adulterer on weekdays, but he handed over most of the stolen money to the people in that Yamen to make connections up and down.

So every time they finished stealing something, someone reported to the official, and no one in the Yamen arrested him, even if he happened to be caught, the Ya Gong saw that it was Ma Liuzi and just made a show, closed it for a few days, and let that Ma Liuzi come out.

This time and go, people see that the Yamen can not control Ma Liuzi, so they do not see him in general, which leads to Ma Liuzi stealing chickens and dogs in Ma County and no one cares, and it is also a good thing to do all day, which is regarded as a harm to Ma County.

But today, Nama Liuzi was kicked to the iron plate, and was caught by Shen Xuan, and it was even someone who brought his subordinates in.

Recognizing this Ma Liuzi, Shen Xuan guessed that the rest of the people were all Ma Liuzi's subordinates.

After thinking about it, Shen Xuan dragged these corpses to the field where vegetables were planted in the backyard, and the grass in this backyard, Shen Xuan had not taken care of it for more than half a year, and at this time it was in the grass, burying these skin-splashing corpses, and saving himself fertilization.

After burying the body and cleaning all the blood stains in the front yard, Shen Xuan picked up the altar entrance and entered the inner room.

Fortunately, there were not many things in the inner room, that is, the set of furniture that Qian Yuanwai gave him half a year ago was gone, and Shen Xuan knew as soon as he guessed that it was those few spilled skins that were taken out and sold.

However, there is no set of furniture, and the rest of the wooden beds are still there, probably because no one wants these.

Looking at the place where the altar entrance was originally enshrined, now there is nothing left, and Shen Xuan is so angry that his teeth itch.

Bring the wooden table back to the house, and then offer the mouth of the altar, Shen Xuan will go out to buy things.

Not only to buy some tables and chairs, but also to buy a lot of incense, the incense ash in his altar mouth is gone, and I don't know where it was thrown by the gang, Shen Xuan can only store it again.

Fortunately, before Shen Xuan went to Shishan, he hid the fifty taels of silver on his body in the soil in the backyard, which was Old Man Cao's favorite way to hide money before, saying that it was the safest.

Those splashes are also too lazy, but if you can go to the backyard to dig and dig soil, pull vegetables or something, you may get a windfall.

Shen Xuan went to the grocery store directly emptied the fragrance in the store, enough to buy five catties of incense, the owner of the grocery store was also puzzled, these five catties of fragrant are enough for ordinary people to burn for seven or eight years, he has never seen this kind of person who buys incense since he did business.

However, the boss did not ask so clearly, if there is business to do, who will be afraid of too much money.

Shen Xuan went to the market to buy a table and chair, plus the mattress to be replaced, the quilt and his clothes that had long been tattered, after Shen Xuan bought it, he let the store deliver it directly to the door, and Shen Xuan of the province took it himself.

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