Shen Xuan arranged the home again, and it returned to its previous appearance, that is, the incense ash in the mouth of the altar was about to burn slowly.

In the evening, Shen Xuan hastily took a bite of dinner, brought the fire talisman and Xuangong, and planned to go out, and by the way, he asked if there was any new situation in Ma County when he was not at home for most of the year.

Going out, Shen Xuan walked towards the teahouse that was known as the Ma County Intelligence Center before.

From a distance, Shen Xuan saw the teahouse that he used to go to, but this teahouse originally had no signboard, and now there are four big characters on the teahouse.

As soon as he arrived at the teahouse, Shen Xuan asked for a cup of tea as usual, found a seat, sat down, sipped the tea carefully, and listened to those idle men chatting about the sky.

"Hey, you guys said that Zhao Yuanwai's house is haunted?"

"Then what else can happen, isn't this Zhao family also domineering in Ma County on weekdays, the ghosts can't stand it, and they want to find their business."

"That's true, but the family members of this Qian family seem to have converged a lot recently, and the young masters of the Qian family are also much better than before, and they don't shout much."

"What can this say, this Qian family is also afraid that some gods and ghosts will come to the door."

Hearing this, Shen Xuan was a little surprised, not only because the Zhao family was haunted, but also because the people of the Qian family said in the population had converged a little.

It seems that the money clerk still listened to his own words, although it has not changed much, but at least it is much better than before.

That Zhao family is haunted, it is estimated that it is also similar to the situation of the Qian family, sometimes, if there is a lack of virtue to do more, there will naturally be retribution.

Shen Xuan continued to listen to the chats of other idle men.

"I heard that the county master went to the city a few days ago, and when he came back, he said that this month's grain would be collected by two percent more."

"You don't know this, there is a war on the front line, those soldiers go to war, don't eat, isn't this food for us ordinary people to come out."

"Huh? Aren't the marshals who are in charge of us united together, and which marshal dares to fight?

"This is the south, and it is Zhang Dashuai from the north who beat us."

"Zhang Dashuai! Is it the Zhang Dashuai who led the troops to take the royal capital and kill the king's assassination?

"That's not it, in this north, this big marshal has the greatest strength, and then down, it is the four marshals Yu, Yang Dashuai, Jiang Dashuai and Lu Dashuai who have united here in our south."

"Why is this big marshal suddenly going to war? Didn't he stay well in the north?

"I heard that in order to fight for control over the Yangtze River, the south did not submit to the north and the north did not obey the south, and then our four marshals began to gather our warlords on the southern side to fight Zhang Dashuai together."

"Huh? So can this handsome Zhang still fight? Didn't our side gather all the marshals from the south?

"You are stupid, the big marshal over here will call people, and the big marshal Zhang will not call people? Now it's no longer our family fighting with Zhang Dashuai's family, now ah, it's the warlords in the south and the warlords in the north. "

South versus North? Alas, this is all suffering for us people, fighting back and forth, we are all suffering. "

It's all good if I didn't pull you to the front, I heard that the warlords in the north, there are not enough people under them, they all began to arrest Zhuangding."

Hearing this, Shen Xuan also frowned, he was going to fight again, listening to those idle men say that the scale of this time was not small, I don't know how many demons will be spawned in this battle.

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