The ultimate victims of war have always been ordinary people, and those seemingly beautiful warlords are the executioners.

Shen Xuan was also in no mood to continue listening, and after taking a sip of tea, he was ready to go home.

As soon as he walked out of the teahouse, Shen Xuan saw several people running towards him.

Shen Xuan looked at it, and it was also a little familiar, as if he was a subordinate of the Qian family.

Those few people came to Shen Xuan, first respectfully saluted Shen Xuan, Shen Xuan was stunned, this is inevitably a little too much courtesy, but when he turned his head and thought about it, Shen Xuan was relieved, and he also had a life-saving grace for Qian Yuanwai.

"Brother Xuan, the master heard that you are back, so let us immediately invite you to the house to chat."

The subordinate who took the lead said respectfully to Shen Xuan.

Hearing this, Shen Xuan did not refuse, although he had just returned, there were many people who knew him in this horse county, and it was reasonable that Qian Yuan could know his whereabouts.

With that person went to Qian's house together, he came to the door of Qian's house, but Qian Yuanwai was waiting there early.

Seeing that the next people led Shen Xuan over, Qian Yuanwai hurriedly greeted him.

"Virtuous nephew, you can be considered back, you have not been seen for most of the year, but you can scare your uncle to death."

This Qian Yuanwai smiled with a fat face, and was very polite to Shen Xuan, Shen Xuan also said hello to Qian Yuanwai, and the two entered Qian's house together.

As soon as he came to the backyard, Qian Yuanwai beckoned Shen Xuan to sit down, and then asked the next person to make tea for the two.

Qian Yuanwai spoke:

"Virtuous nephew, where have you been for most of the past six months?" I have repeatedly sent people to find you.

Shen Xuan also replied:

"It's not a big deal, just went to the mountains to cultivate for a while."

Upon hearing Shen Xuan's words, Qian Yuanwai also nodded in agreement, although he didn't understand very well, he still agreed with Shen Xuan's words.

Looking at Shen Xuan, Qian Yuanwai spoke again:

"Xian nephew, during this time, you were not there, and now that you come back, what have you heard?"

Hearing this knowingly asked, Shen Xuan knew that this Qian Yuanwai was afraid that there was something to do, and he wanted to help himself, and he was not good not to listen, so he replied "I don't know", so he let Qian Yuanwai continue.

When Qian Yuanwai heard Shen Xuan's words, he did not hesitate and said the cause of the matter.

It turned out that just a few days ago, the Zhao family, which was the only two big households in Ma County, somehow began to haunt their homes, according to what Qian heard from outside.

The youngest son of Zhao Yuanwai claimed to have seen a ghost, and the family did not believe it, but more and more people in this Zhao family said that they had seen ghosts, and this time, it scared Zhao Yuanwai.

After searching for it without success, he went to invite some master monks to practice, but after those people came to the Zhao family to practice, there were still people who saw the ghost.

At this time, Zhao Yuanwai was helpless, but that Zhao Yuanwai heard from nowhere that the Qian family was also haunted, but Qian Yuanwai invited a master, and the master suppressed the ghost in only two days.

When Zhao Yuanwai heard this, he quickly ran to the Qian family to ask for help, the Qian family and the Zhao family, that is also a good friend for generations, this time for help, Qian Yuanwai is not easy to refuse.

But Qian Yuanwai knew that the exorcism was due to Shen Xuan's skill, so he sent someone to find Shen Xuan, and found that Shen Xuan had been away from home for most of the year.

Can't find Shen Xuan, then the Zhao family is haunted and more fierce, Qian Yuanwai is also in a dilemma, today when I heard someone come to report, saying that Shen Xuan was back, he quickly sent someone to invite Shen Xuan to come.

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