The weasel saw that Shen Xuan no longer kept his hand, and at this time he also spit out black smoke from his mouth, and the black smoke floated in the air, condensed but not dispersed, and quickly floated towards Shen Xuan.

Shen Xuan looked at this black smoke and smiled gently, isn't this the smoke composed of ghost qi, it's good to deal with ordinary people, it's good to deal with himself, but it's a sheep into the mouth of the tiger.

As soon as his mind moved, the tiger qi on the Xuan Gong in his hand flew out, and it was also condensed into a lifelike black tiger, and he opened his mouth and pounced on the black smoke wafting in.

As soon as the black tiger approached the black smoke, the black smoke seemed to sense something wrong, and was about to escape back to the weasel, but was swallowed by the black tiger that pounced.

As soon as the originally strong black smoke reached the mouth of the black tiger, it was immediately absorbed by the tiger qi that made up the black tiger, and Shen Xuan could clearly detect that the ghost qi in that black smoke flowed directly into Xuanqi, almost doubling the power of the tiger qi.

The weasel was also round in eyes at this time, unbelievable, and a mouthful of blood spat out from his throat, and suddenly, his figure withered.

That black smoke is the original magic weapon condensed by the weasel since the beginning of his practice, through a tooth decay in his mouth to suck the ghost qi, at this time the black smoke was broken, and the magic weapon tooth decay was also damaged, and the weasel was seriously injured.

The weasel's own original magic weapon was broken, and he also knew that Shen Xuan was not easy to mess with, so he retreated and stepped back step by step.

When Shen Xuan saw the weasel's reaction, he also knew that this black smoke was also an important thing for the weasel, and he absorbed the black smoke, and the weasel was afraid that it was the end of the crossbow.

At this time, if you don't take advantage of the victory to pursue, but you don't want to give that weasel a chance to escape, Shen Xuan is not an indecisive person, the weeds can't be burned, the spring breeze blows and grows, now it's time to cut the grass and remove the roots.

As soon as the left hand flipped, the flame talisman flew out towards the weasel, and the tiger fire on the right hand was not slow, and with the flame talisman it hit the weasel.

The weasel, who had already retreated, saw Shen Xuan attacking again, and he also wanted to get out even more.

Seeing that the flame talisman was about to hit the weasel, the wilted weasel also lifted his spirit and dodged again, but at this time, Shen Xuan was different from before, and his control over the flame fire talisman at this time could be said to be arbitrary.

In the past, Shen Xuan could only control the Yanyang Fire Talisman straight, and if he couldn't hit one blow, he could only strike another blow, but now Shen Xuan can directly grasp the movement trajectory of the Yanyang Fire Talisman in the air.

The flame talisman that had been dodged by the weasel turned a corner in the air and hit it straight towards the weasel.

The weasel who had just dodged the Yang Fire Talisman was all focused on the Tiger Fire Xuan Gong in Shen Xuan's right hand at this time, wanting to dodge the Xuan Gong again.

But at this time, the weasel felt a heat behind him, and the alarm bell in his heart was loud, but it was too late, and the flame talisman hit the weasel's back.

The weasel, who was already seriously injured, was beaten straight forward after receiving this blow, and by coincidence, Shen Xuan's tiger Xuan also came from the front.

At this moment, the weasel at the end of the strong crossbow was hit back and forth, and Xuan Wei hit the rat's head with a strong tiger fire.

At this moment, the weasel the size of a native dog directly lost his life.

As soon as the tiger in Shen Xuan's hand moved, the weasel's soul was turned into a ghost by Shen Xuan.

The battle just now happened in an instant, and everyone in the Zhao family who was opened by Shen Xuan witnessed the whole process.

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