Of course, among the witnesses, including Zhao Yuanwai

, the scene where Shen Xuan just showed his might was also seen by Zhao Yuanwai.

Zhao Yuanwai, who was already quite confident in Shen Xuan, also took the intention of soliciting after seeing Shen Xuan's high and strong skills.

When everyone was happy that they would not have to suffer from ghosts and things in the future, Zhao Yuanwai walked towards Shen Xuan.

Shen Xuan was checking the corpse of the weasel at this time, this is the first time Shen Xuan encountered a monster, in the past, what he encountered was only demon people and ghosts, like this kind of spit monster, but it was the first time to meet, it was naturally necessary to check it well.

Taking the weasel's corpse into his pocket, Shen Xuan saw Zhao Yuanwai walking towards him.

"Master Shen Xuan, it's really thanks to you this time, my Zhao family is grateful, this is a little bit of caution on my part."

That Zhao Yuanwai's title for Shen Xuan also changed, originally called by name, now called master, Shen Xuan looked at Zhao Yuanwai again to say a little care, a golden light flashed to Shen Xuan's eyes through the meager moonlight.

Gold, wow, gold, and there are five taels, this year, copper is expensive, silver is expensive, resources are scarce, but no matter what it is, gold is hard currency, even in the hands of those warlords, gold is also precious, and being able to take out gold is enough to prove that this Zhao family is bloody.

It can be said that the amount of gold in the entire Ma County is very rare, and these five taels of gold can be said to be the foundation of the Zhao family.

Even if he helped the Zhao family get rid of the weasel, why did this Zhao Yuanwai bleed so much, it shouldn't, absolutely not.

Shen Xuan did not accept the gold immediately, but looked at Zhao Yuanwai, hoping that he could give himself a reasonable explanation.

That Zhao Yuanwai naturally also knew what Shen Xuan meant, and he could give this price, naturally he had his own plans.

Now in the chaotic world, maybe one day there will be some warlord troops to fight in Ma County, at that time, guns and cannons, although they are big households, but what kind of world is this, but the richer you are, the more the warlords will rob you.

At that time, in order to break the wealth and eliminate the disaster, he will inevitably have to pay a lot of money, and if those warlords go a little too far, they will drag their families and run away.

And no matter what the possibility, they need an able person like Shen Xuan by their side, not only because they have unusual abilities, but also because they can save their lives at critical times.

If you encounter a demon like today, you will have to make a move by Shen Xuan, but if you encounter a soldier, in order to save your life, you can also recommend Shen Xuan to the warlords so that you can escape with your life.

You know, what these warlords need is this kind of capable people like Shen Xuan, and those big warlords not only need their troops and weapons to fight, but also the endless strange means of capable people.

Zhao Yuanwai is also a person who has seen the world, as far as he knows, Ma County was occupied by another warlord before, and the warlord not only had a strong army, but also had a capable man, and the means of that capable man were extremely strange, which led to the fact that the warlord occupied Ma County was solid.

If it weren't for the current marshals uniting to attack Ma County, maybe the current Ma County would still be in the hands of that warlord.

At this time, if he can win over Shen Xuan, Zhao Yuanwai can be said to have guaranteed his safety in the future.

Therefore, Zhao Yuanwai will spare no effort to please Shen Xuan, not to mention this bag of gold, that is, let Zhao Yuanwai give half of the family base, he is also willing.

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