Shen Xuan did not take the gold given by Zhao Yuan, he did not feel that he

had the ability to take these five taels of gold, and he did not believe that pies would fall from the sky.

Zhao Yuanwai saw that Shen Xuan did not accept it, and he also knew that Shen Xuan was a smart person, and this careful thinking of himself had long been seen through.

Knowing that Qian Xuan was afraid that he would not be able to recruit Shen Xuan, the money clerk also sighed slightly, and ordered his subordinates to settle down those family members who were still happy, and beckoned Shen Xuan to go to the backyard.

Following Zhao Yuanwai to the backyard, before sitting down, Zhao Yuanwai showed his true sincerity, he knew that most of what a capable person like Shen Xuan really needed was not money, but some ancient secrets that could be practiced.

And it just so happened that Qian Yuanwai had this kind of secret in his hands, which was also the proof that he felt that he could recruit Shen Xuan.

It was a small booklet covered with yellow spots, and Shen Xuan took the pamphlet and opened it to look at it.

This is a left-way qigong method called "Beijuku Demon Slashing Qi Technique", and it is the same as "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa", which is a method of sword going sideways.

This "Beijuku Demon Slashing Qi" is a method that specializes in cultivating breath, and it is a unique left method that combines the power of the Big Dipper stars and the method of slashing demons with breath.

Practitioners need to recite the Beidou Du Divine Mantra until they cultivate their sense of qi, and then fuse their own breath with their sense of qi before they can practice a kind of Beijuku demon qi that belongs to them.

Because everyone's breath is different, the Hokujuku Demon Slashing Qi of each practitioner who practices the "Hokujuku Demon Slashing Qi Technique" is different.

Some people's breath is just fierce and domineering, the cultivation of demon slashing qi is naturally violent, some people's breath is soft and long, and the cultivation of demon slashing qi is cruel and ferocious.

And if you want to practice this method, there is also a prerequisite, that is, the practitioner must have a righteous heart, and must have killed monsters and been contaminated with demon qi.

When Shen Xuan saw this method, he also had the idea of cultivation in his heart, but he was a little puzzled, this Zhao family is only a big household in Yima County, but it can't even deal with ordinary ghosts, how can such a method be in the hands of Zhao Yuanwai.

Shen Xuan looked at Zhao Yuanwai and asked his own doubts. , Then Zhao Yuanwai also knew that Shen Xuan would ask this question, and he also made it out with him.

It turned out that this ancestor of the Zhao family also had a cultivator, and the Zhao family at that time was also a famous family in Ma County.

It's just that later, this cultivator was robbed halfway, and the rest of the Zhao family also didn't know anything about cultivation.

Fortunately, there are also some strange means in the clan to maintain, can kill a few monsters, and also produced a few cultivators, but they are not qualified, and finally the people die and disappear, and there is no means of killing demons in the clan, so the practice has declined.

But this Zhao family is also okay, there are no cultivators in this clan, and except for a few people who are engaged in business and officials, they can barely maintain, but who can guarantee long-term.

Under this kind of sitting and eating for a long time, this Zhao family has been passed down to the current generation of Zhao Yuanwai, and the Zhao family has long lost its former brilliance, so it relies on Zhao Yuanwai to operate here and out, and life can be regarded as good.

After listening to this Zhao Yuanwai's explanation, Shen Xuan could be regarded as knowing the origin of this Zhao family, and this "Beijuku Demon Slashing Qi Technique" was the cultivation method of the ancestor of the Zhao family.

It's just that the current Zhao family has fallen and can't kill monsters, so naturally they can't cultivate this "Beijuku Demon Slashing Technique".

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