Now that Zhao

Yuanwai knows that the Zhao family is afraid that no one will be able to cultivate this "Beijuku Demon Slashing Technique", he simply took it out to recruit Shen Xuan.

As long as there are cultivators in this family for a day, then this Zhao family can not fall for a day, otherwise, in the chaotic world, maybe one day the Zhao family will be like the Zhang family before, quietly and silently.

Shen Xuan took this "Beijuku Demon Slashing Qi Technique", he didn't think about robbing this method and running, but this was not his style, otherwise he would not have the confidence to practice this method that can only be practiced with righteousness.

After thinking about it, Shen Xuan still put away this method, for Shen Xuan, now he needs more powerful strength to explore everything he wants to explore.

There are not many spells in Shen Xuan's hands, "Flame Yang Fire Talisman" has been practiced, "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa" has no specific way to improve in addition to the breathing method, but this "Beijuku Demon Slashing Qi Technique" can strengthen its own foundation again, which is not Shen Xuan's heart.

Seeing that Shen Xuan put the spell away, Zhao Yuanwai was also determined in his heart, and taking this method was equivalent to answering his solicitation.

From then on, this Zhao family can also be regarded as having the guard of cultivators, and there is no need to worry about any accidents every day as before.

After accepting this method, Shen Xuan also looked at Zhao Yuanwai, and Zhao Yuanwai was also happy, and immediately said that he wanted to worship Shen Xuan as the guest secretary of this Zhao family.

Shen Xuan also agreed, and when Zhao Yuanwai heard Shen Xuan's promise, his heart was even more joyful, and he would arrange a place for Shen Xuan to live now.

But this made Shen Xuan a little embarrassed, he wanted to go back to his freshly cleaned up courtyard more than the Zhao family, but if this guest Qing did not live in the master's house, how could he ensure the safety of this family at all times.

Shen Xuan and Zhao Yuanwai said this, Zhao Yuanwai was also cheerful, only asked Shen Xuan to come to Zhao's house every day to eat a few bites of food, morning, noon and evening, at any time, the rest of the time, Shen Xuan wanted to go, he would go, if there was an emergency, the Zhao family would send someone to the small courtyard to find Shen Xuan.

Hearing this, Shen Xuan also responded, in this way, he can not only return to his small courtyard, arrange his time freely, but also have two free "working meals" to enjoy, so why not be an idle guest secretary?

At this time, both of them got the answer they wanted, naturally they were very happy, Zhao Yuanwai saw that it was almost morning at this time, so he wanted Shen Xuan to stay for breakfast, and Shen Xuan also agreed cheerfully.

After eating breakfast at Zhao's house, he took his own income and prepared to go home, and before leaving, Zhao Yuanwai also stuffed the five taels of gold that Shen Xuan had not received before into Shen Xuan's hands.

The beautiful name is "paying the guest secretary in advance", seeing that Zhao Yuanwai was so polite, Shen Xuan was no longer good to refuse and accepted the money.

Back in his own courtyard, Shen Xuan calculated his gains from this trip, a weasel's demon corpse, a weasel soul that was accepted as a ghost, and the tiger qi of the tiger Xuan Xuan was also greatly improved after absorbing the ghost qi, and there were five taels of gold.

Putting the weasel's corpse aside, Shen Xuan took out the Tiger Xuanqiao, and at this time, the Tiger Xuanqi could be regarded as exerting all its own divine powers, not only having a stronger Tiger Flame Qi, but also subduing the ghosts.

The more ghosts are not the better, but the ghosts in the tiger are enough.

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