It must be known that the two ways of improving the tiger Xuanqi allow the tiger to absorb more ghost qi, more and more intense, in order to feed back the Xuanqi promotion, and the promotion of the ghost can also feed back the Xuanqi,

but that is to improve the cultivation of the ghost, if the number of ghosts is too large, it will drag down the Xuanqi.

Therefore, when Shen Xuan knew these two paths of improvement, he planned to accept only one ghost, but after accepting the ghost, if he was not satisfied, he could naturally abandon it and accept it again.

The ghosts who are abandoned will turn into the nourishment of the tiger and scatter their souls.

Right now, Shen Xuan wants to release this ghost who was subdued by himself to see how this ghost works.

Sitting on the Taishi chair in the room, his mind moved, and above the tiger flame, a black qi floated out, different from the tiger qi that floated out before, this time the black qi was a weak ghost qi, the soul of the weasel.

This black qi floated on the ground in front of Shen Xuan, and slowly turned into the appearance of that weasel, but compared to its arrogant appearance before its death, it obviously knew its situation now.

As soon as the black qi transformed into a figure, the weasel smiled humanely with a rat face, nodded and greeted Shen Xuan:

"The little one has seen the master."

Shen Xuan couldn't help but be amused by this weasel's instigation, just yesterday, it was still scolding Shen Xuan, not wanting today, so it turned into fish meat on the chopping board and was slaughtered.

"You little devil, but you know the time, now, what I ask, you will answer, answer well, you will stay under my hands to do things, answer badly, hum, designation, is there your good fruit to eat."

Shen Xuan also said viciously towards the weasel.

"The master has words, the small one knows everything, the word is endless, but if there is a lie, the small one is guilty of death forever."

As soon as the weasel heard this, how could it not know its own situation, as a ghost, the little life was in the hands of others, as long as Shen Xuan's mind moved, it would immediately be scattered.

was also startled, hurriedly stepped forward, while flatteringly floating on the back of Shen Xuan's chair, helping Shen Xuan beat his shoulders, while nervously answering Shen Xuan.

Shen Xuan saw that this weasel also had the consciousness of being a ghost, so he opened his mouth and asked the weasel to explain its own origin, and this weasel was also honest and began to tell.

It turned out that this weasel was cultivating into a demon in a mass grave next to Ma County, and it ate corpses in the mass grave every day, and it was in a bad mood, and one day, when it was gouging, it was attracted by the moonlight of the moon in the sky, and under the light of that moonlight, the weasel opened its mind.

The weasel who opened the spiritual intelligence is also ignorant, does not know the method of cultivation, but just continues to eat the corpse, and I don't know how much time has passed, so that it can instinctively and slowly absorb some scattered ghost qi.

Since then, the weasel has really begun to practice, relying on its own instinct to absorb ghost qi every day, and then later, it can rely on its own ghost qi to produce some communication with other ghosts without spiritual intelligence.

It was at this time that the weasel began to contact the human world, that is, from that time, the weasel knew about "people", knew that it ate and ate all the time, called corpses.

However, the weasel was also clever, knowing that the corpse was the product of human death, so he stopped gouging.

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