The weasel also knows all kinds of things in the world through ghosts, and also slowly absorbs ghost qi, and it can instruct those ghosts to do something.

For example, the weasel stopped eating corpses, and it began to instruct ghosts to steal some of the meals of the people of Ma County to eat, steamed buns, vegetables, meat, etc., but each time it did not steal much, so no one found out.

It began to slowly learn things about people, and it also began to learn to speak human language, maybe talent, weasels for human words, can be said to learn quickly.

That is, one day, suddenly it felt that its throat was light, and slowly, it could speak human language, and it began to learn the doors of those worlds.

Although these doorways were only used as entertainment for it in the past, they are very useful for it now.

For example, now it is next to Shen Xuan, and while flatteringly patting Shen Xuan's, he has explained his experience over and over again.

Shen Xuan listened to the origin of this weasel, and probably knew why it was so humane.

So Shen Xuan asked everything it knew about the practice.

The weasel said that when he was practicing in the mass grave, he once picked up a note left by the practitioner, which was full of important things about the practice.

It turns out that the cultivation world of this world has a history of thousands of years, there have been many masters who have reached the realm of ascension, and naturally there are many large sects, all over the north and south of the river, but in addition to these famous or unknown sects, more are scattered cultivators such as the side door left path.

The owner of this note was a casual practitioner, who had heard many things in the spiritual world and recorded these things in his notes.

Daomen, Buddhism, Demon Gate and Confucianism are the strongest four giant forces in the cultivation world, and under these four families, there are naturally many other forces, such as the left side door, the hundreds of families, the nine scattered people, and the cultivation forces of the northern and southern factions.

The Daomen pays attention to freshness and nature, conforms to the will of heaven, and the realm of cultivation is divided into qi training, foundation building, golden pill, yuan baby, Mahayana, and finally ascension.

Buddhism emphasizes the practice of Dharma vows, the perfection of merit, and the realm of cultivation is divided into taking vows, induction, great virtue, high monk, golden body, and finally ascension.

Confucianism pays attention to being in the red dust, entering the world to rule one's life, and the realm of cultivation is divided into scholar, centering, establishing life, great Confucianism, birth, and finally ascending.

The demon gate emphasizes doing whatever you want, doing everything, and the realm of cultivation is divided into evil head, respect, good desire, knowledge, self-attainment, and finally ascension.

Except for these four most powerful forces, which have clear cultivation realms, the other cultivators do not have a standard clear cultivation realm, and each sect has different names for each cultivation realm.

Sometimes a cultivation realm has several or even dozens of different names in the mouths of different practitioners.

But for cultivators like Shen Xuan, because there are too many scattered cultivators, there is no specific cultivation realm title, some call themselves real people, some call themselves Tianzun, and all kinds of people who boast of their power.

The cultivators of the nine scattered people are divided into the upper three streams, the middle three and the lower three streams, the upper three streams, the merchants, craftsmen, doctors, middle and third rate, Danqing, Qinqi, wizards, lower third rate, thieves, prostitutes, and beggars.

The practitioners of hundreds of families are said to be in each family, such as soldiers, soldiers, lieutenants, generals, soldiers, and legalists, and legalists are divided into missionaries, officials, officials, courtiers, and dharma saints.

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