The mass grave was not far east of Ma County Town, about two miles away, and the Zhao family happened to be in the easternmost part of the town, which saved Shen Xuan a lot of distance.

As soon as he left the town, Shen Xuan found a place where no one was, released Lao Huang, and handed it over the tiger Xuanqiao, so that it could carry the Xuanqi and follow it at his right hand, which was also convenient for him to access at any time.

In the past, when the tiger Xuangong was not completely refined, it still needed to be with you from time to time, but now I don't want it, so I let the idle old Huang do it for me.

In this way, Shen Xuan walked in front, and Lao Huang followed with Xuan Gong on his back, and in just half an hour's work, Shen Xuan arrived at Lao Huang's former home, the mass grave.

A short hill appeared in front of Shen Xuan's eyes, and Lao Huang came here, also a little excited, floating in front and leading the way for Shen Xuan.

With Lao Huang, Shen Xuan walked to the path of the hill, and saw that there were all kinds of graves everywhere on this hill, but most of them were unattended here, and the graves were overgrown with lush weeds.

Some of the graves were too long, no one added soil or anything, and the coffins inside were exposed.

With Lao Huang's lead, he came to the place where he lived before his death, which was a small earthen cave next to a flat empty space.

Lao Huang lived in the earthen cave, and the empty place was dug up when it used to plan, and then opened up the spiritual wisdom, so he simply cleared out an empty place and settled in the earthen cave.

Seeing the earthen cave before the pig, Lao Huang also couldn't wait to float in, Shen Xuan saw that it was pitiful, and did not care about it, just stood in the empty space and felt the surroundings.

It can be said that this small hill is indeed full of ghost qi as Lao Huang said in his mouth, and the gloomy and cold feeling fills the entire hill.

Shen Xuan took out the Tiger Burning Xuan Gong, and the Tiger Burning Qi in it was revealed, turning into a black tiger, slowly absorbing the ghost qi waiting for me around him.

This ghost qi is not particularly strong, but it can't hold a large number, and after the tiger qi absorbs the surrounding ghost qi, more ghost qi surges over, and it is continuously absorbed by the tiger qi.

Seeing the situation here, Shen Xuan was also a little happy, if he could keep the Tiger Qi here, his Tiger Flame Xuan Qi could be said to improve rapidly.

Thinking of this, Shen Xuan felt that something was wrong, this place was no more than a mass grave, and it had been abandoned for a long time, and no one had been buried here for a long time.

After so long in this place, how can there still be so much endless stream of ghost qi, something is wrong, very wrong.

The more Shen Xuan thought about it, the more wrong it was, there were many ghost qi, it was good, but if he didn't figure out where this ghost qi came from, I was afraid that he would get into trouble.

Shen Xuan admitted that he seemed to have some persecution paranoia, but this is not a bad thing, in Shen Xuan's opinion, this is a good thing, in the chaotic world, it is also very important to be able to constantly alert yourself.

When Shen Xuan thought of this, he also called out Lao Huang, who was saying goodbye to his hometown, and asked about this ghostly qi.

Lao Huang also told the truth, he didn't know where this ghost qi came from, anyway, since it opened its spiritual intelligence, this ghost qi has always been there, and it didn't want to find out where the ghost qi came from.

However, Lao Huang said that it was already a ghost thing, and he could detect the strength of the ghost qi, and naturally he could help Shen Xuan find the source of the ghost qi.

Shen Xuan took Lao Huang, and the two began to look for it on this mass grave.

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