Shen Xuan released Hu Fu, and while being vigilant about the surroundings, he let Hu Fu absorb the ghost qi to practice.

One person and one ghost searched for a long time on this hill, almost searching for the entire hill.

Suddenly, Lao Huang said to Shen Xuan:

"Master, the ghost qi over there is stronger than the ghost qi in other places before."

Shen Xuan followed the place pointed by Lao Huang's paw, it was a barren grass forest, the trees inside grew extremely luxuriant, and grass and shrubs were also overgrown everywhere.

But Shen Xuan also sensed that something was wrong at this time, although it was close to the evening at this time, the sky was still a little bright, and inside the forest, it was already dark at this time.

Something is wrong, there is a problem.

No matter how lush this bush is, it is impossible that a trace of light cannot penetrate through, how can it be pitch black.

Shen Xuan immediately took out the Flame Talisman and injected it with spiritual qi, causing it to fly and emit flames.

Shen Xuan took the flame talisman and relied on the fire light to enter the jungle little by little.

According to Shen Xuan's thoughts, I lit a fire, something came, first give it a bit, then it is not good, run directly away, and then light up the woods here, everyone don't play.

Shen Xuan was holding the Tiger Xuan Gong in his right hand, holding the Yang Fire Talisman in his left hand, and Lao Huang was vigilant on the side, advancing in the forest little by little.

This forest is also really big, and no one has walked through, and the grass and trees inside are also vigorous, which makes Shen Xuan realize that something is wrong.

Such a large jungle, walking in it, and lighting such a bright fire, how can the snakes, insects, rats and ants in this forest not see at all, then there is only one possibility, that is, there are no snakes, insects, rats and ants in this forest.

The more Shen Xuan thought about it, the more wrong it was, this place is absolutely strange, there is no light, that is, the ghost is vigorous, there are no snakes and insects, it is to cut off the anger, this kind of situation, it is very wrong.

Shen Xuan's heart moved, and the tiger qi in the tiger fire was also wrapped around the body, ready to strike, and the spiritual energy on the Yang Fire Talisman was pervasive, and the talisman was shining.

Suddenly, Shen Xuan only listened to a "whoosh" sound in the bushes on the left, and without thinking, the flame talisman turned around and smashed towards the bushes, and the Yang Fire talisman was also closely followed.

The tiger's qi also jumped out, turned into a black tiger, and roared at the bush.

The grove that made the sound, at this time, was also smashed and burned clean by the flame talisman, and it was also revealed, the thing that made the sound.

It turned out to be a hare, and Shen Xuan also breathed a long sigh of relief, but he was fussed and overly nervous.

However, the current hare was silent, it was half-cooked by the flame talisman, and Shen Xuan was not in the mood to eat a meal of roasted rabbit meat.

Asked if Lao Huang wanted to eat it, as soon as Lao Huang heard it, he pounced on the half-ripe hare, opened his mouth and sucked, and returned to Shen Xuan.

Now Lao Huang has adapted to his identity as a ghost, if the ghost wants to eat, just absorb the "qi" of eating, will taste the taste of eating, and those who have been sucked in the "qi" will be tasteless.

With Lao Huang, one person and one ghost continued to explore forward, and slowly, Shen Xuan looked ahead, and a trace of light appeared, which was particularly conspicuous in this dark grove.

When Shen Xuan saw the light, he also quickened his pace and rushed over.

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