Shen Xuan and the two slowly approached the place of light, raised their eyes, it turned out that a faint moonlight penetrated in, with the light, could it be that he thought badly?

Shen Xuan looked at it, in front of a forest with a one-acre large clearing, that clearing was surrounded by trees, the branches were luxuriant, but there was still moonlight above.

Shen Xuan pulled away the branches and walked into this clearing, and the trees formed a circle in an orderly manner, wrapping this clearing.

Shen Xuan walked on the grass of the clearing, which was a bit like a paradise, hidden in the woods, illuminated by a few rays of light, quiet and soothing.

This made Shen Xuan, who had always been nervous, couldn't help but relax a little, wanting to enjoy this tranquility.

Suddenly, Shen Xuan realized that it was wrong, how could his cautious nature relax at this moment, completely ignoring what would happen.

Shen Xuan raised his spirit, and at this time, Lao Huang also spoke:

"Master, this place is not right, I am already a ghost, here, I can feel the abnormally rich ghost qi, almost richer than the ghost qi outside combined."

When Shen Xuan heard this, he also reacted, he just now had the flame talisman emitting flames, but he didn't feel the cold around him, and now he put away the flame talisman, Shen Xuan felt the temperature around him, I am afraid that it has reached zero degrees.

Ghostly, Shen Xuan is also a clever, quickly looked around, he just relaxed his spirit, did not observe the surrounding situation, at this time reacted, only to realize how dangerous his behavior just now was.

Looking around, there were almost no lush weeds in this clearing, all solid land, and in the center of the land, there was a thick tree.

The weeds and vegetation in this forest are very luxuriant, how come to this area, there is only flat land, Shen Xuan looked at the trees in the middle.

Isn't this telling him that something is wrong with the big tree that grows in the middle of the land? Otherwise, a tree will grow in this acre of land?

Shen Xuan did not easily approach the big tree, vigilance, always synonymous with Shen Xuan's work.

Looking at Lao Huang next to him, at this time, the role of the ghost is reflected, a clever cannon fodder, at a critical time, can play a great use.

Lao Huang also knew that his current role, that is, was like this, and he did not stay, and floated towards the tree.

Shen Xuan watched Old Huang float towards the big tree while holding the Flame Talisman and preparing for action.

Lao Huang squinted a pair of small eyes and slowly floated towards the big tree, at this time, although it was already a ghost, but not dead does not mean that it will not die.

It's just that compared to ordinary ghosts, the ghost body will die if it is scattered, and Lao Huang, a dependent type of ghost, will not die after being scattered ghost, but it will also be greatly injured and lose memory.

Therefore, for Lao Huang, if he can ensure the safety of the ghost body, he will not take risks, but at this time, there is no way, Shen Xuan, the master, is watching from behind, if he does not contribute, it is specified that there is no good fruit to eat.

Lao Huang trembled and came to the side of a big tree, nothing happened, Lao Huang also breathed a long sigh of relief, just fine.

Around this big tree, Lao Huang observed, although it was just a monster before his death, he still saw a lot.

At a glance, I recognized that this big tree was a locust tree, and it was also a rare species of locust tree, ghost locust.

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