This Jiangnan Ma County, trance, another year, this year, Shen Xuan can be regarded as living at ease, every day, in addition to practice, is the Zhao family to eat, and then, go to the county to sneak around, drink tea, listen to gossip, live uncomfortable.

In the past year, there have been no cows, ghosts, snakes and gods in Ma County, and Shen Xuan is also happy, without these gods and ghosts, it is naturally the best.

In the Zhao family in Ma County, eating, sleeping and sleeping, the life is like that paradise, just like that, a year has passed in peace.

However, today, Shen Xuan's practice has made some progress, and the Beidou Du Divine God Mantra, which has been recited by Shen Xuan for more than a year, finally cultivated a sense of qi today.

In fact, Shen Xuan didn't know what qi sense was, just today, as usual, when Shen Xuan was sitting at home chanting, he suddenly felt a burst of comfort coming from the hundred remains of his limbs.

This feeling is like clearing the clouds and seeing the blue sky, a sense of enlightenment, and a relaxed feeling surrounds the body.

It's like taking off the originally bulky baggage on your body, people, at this moment, seem to be able to flutter.

This feeling lasted for half an hour before Shen Xuan woke up from this feeling.

As soon as he breathed, Shen Xuan felt very different from before, as if his body was lighter, his perception of external objects was clearer, and his practice was more fluid.

For example, when Shen Xuan used to practice, it seemed that there was an invisible thing outside his body wrapped around him, causing himself to absorb Spiritual Qi not quickly, but now, Shen Xuan only felt that that layer of things disappeared, there was no barrier, and the speed of absorbing Spiritual Qi was also faster.

Shen Xuan thought that this should be the so-called "sense of qi", in the booklet, there is actually not much description of the sense of qi.

It's just that this sense of qi is an intangible and qualityless thing, and the process of practicing qi sense is different for everyone, some people can cultivate it after reading it once, and some people spend their whole lives and can't cultivate it, but the sense of qi is extremely helpful for practice.

Shen Xuan didn't know how much it took the seniors of the Zhao family to cultivate the sense of qi, but it took him a year to cultivate the sense of qi, thinking about it, the talent should not be particularly bad.

After cultivating the sense of qi, you can fuse your own breath, and then you can refine the Beijuku demon qi.

However, another difficult problem appeared in front of Shen Xuan, that is, how to fuse the sense of qi with his own breath?

In this "Beijuku Demon Slashing Qi Technique", there are only a few words about this problem, just saying that everyone's breath is different, so the difficulty of fusion is different, and the cultivation of Beijuku Demon Qi is also different, and the power emitted is naturally different.

And to integrate the sense of qi with your own breath, you need a certain coincidence, this coincidence, maybe, maybe you eat and eat and realize, maybe, you think for a lifetime, just don't know what to do, this is a coincidence.

Except for these few sentences, there is no answer to this question in the pamphlet.

As for how to feel your own breath and how to fuse your qi sense, there was no mention in the booklet, and Shen Xuan expressed helplessness in this regard.

This is a method for the Zhao family's own people to practice, those former cultivators of the Zhao family, how come they didn't even leave some experience, no wonder, this Zhao family's cultivators are getting fewer and fewer, so that they are extinct.

Alas, the road of cultivation is a long way to go.

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