Since Shen Xuan

cultivated a sense of qi, the speed of this practice can be said to be extremely fast compared to before, and the spiritual energy in Shen Xuan's body is also growing day by day, and this cultivation is also changing day by day.

Shen Xuan didn't know what stage of his cultivation he was in, and a side door like him didn't have a precise definition of his own cultivation.

It is also mainly because there are too many practitioners on the left side of the door, some people are lucky, get a practice method, start the practice, and claim to be a practitioner, and some people just get the scattered steps of the spell, so that they can issue spells, and they also call themselves practitioners.

This kind of practitioner is collectively called the side door left path by other practitioners, which means that there is no serious inheritance, and the practice is a crooked path, but it does not belong to the demon gate, nor is it a scattered cultivation.

But among the left path of this side door, there are also many powerful sects, among which there are frequent high-ranking people, and it is recorded in the notes that fifty years ago, the famous left sect in the north sacrificed to the Heavenly Sect.

This sect majored in witchcraft sacrifice, and at that time, the Heavenly Sacrifice Sect sacrificed an evil god whose ability was rival to the Daomen Mahayana realm.

It was a tie with the famous gate sect in the Mahayana realm in the Soap Pavilion Mountain, and it was a hit for a while.

You know, the Mahayana realm of the Daomen, the golden body realm of the Buddha Gate, the self-attainment realm of the Demon Gate, the birth realm of Confucianism, and the top realm of many other sects, that is the real world's first-level combat power.

And these strongest combat powers, all of them are famous people, the Daomen are called true kings, the Buddha gate is called Arhat, the demon gate is called the demon king, Confucianism is called the saint, and each family has its own honorific title for the strongest.

At that time, the Heaven Sacrifice Sect in the world could be described as prosperous, with the strongest combat power, it was only a matter of time before it was comparable to those gate sects, but unfortunately, later, the evil god who was powerful against the true monarch somehow got out of control.

Overnight, the entire Heaven Worship Sect was extinguished, and the evil god was born to cause trouble in the world, and later it was the Daomen, Buddhism, and Confucianism that joined forces to suppress it.

There are many left-way sects like the Sacrifice Heaven Sect that have produced top combat power, but because they are side doors, most of these combat powers are not permanent.

Like the southern side sect, the Royal Beast Gate, is also the same as the Heavenly Sacrifice Sect, cultivating a pure-blooded white tiger, and the Royal Beast Gate also relies on that white tiger to become the first sect of the left road in Jiangnan.

Later, when the white tiger was about to fly to the upper realm, when he crossed the Heavenly Tribulation, he caused old injuries, failed to survive the Heavenly Tribulation, and died tragically under the heavenly thunder.

However, not every leftist sect is like this, and now there are many side-door left-way sects that can also be compared with those gates.

In the north, there is a vein of horse cultivation who specializes in the merits of immortals, a vein of sword cultivation in killing and cutting down Shu, a vein of witchcraft that makes witchcraft a demon law, a vein of fighting fire that acts to swallow smoke and spit fire, a vein of spells that are unpredictable in the style of ghosts, a vein of refining corpses and raising corpses, and so on.

In the south, there is a practice of inviting the temple of immortal immortals to wish a vein, there is a vein of repelling worms and making tricks, there is a vein of catching demons and raising demons, there is a vein of redeeming the knife that judges the heavens and fate, there is a vein of Fangshu who is missing without a trace, there is a vein of ghost cultivation that drives away ghosts and raises ghosts, and so on.

Now these large and small sects also exist, some have a decent style, some are close to the demon gate, some are strong, some are weak, but because there has not been a soaring master, so they all belong to the left side of the door.

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