However, even if these sects are on the left side of the door, now Shen Xuan can't afford to provoke, without him, only the strength is too weak.

Shen Xuan has obtained a total of three inheritances, "Yanyang Fire Talisman", "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa" and "Beijuku Demon Slashing Qi Technique" all belong to the left path of the side door, but compared to those ordinary people who have no inheritance, or those who understand only a few words, they are much better.

Today, Shen Xuan came to the teahouse as usual, asking for a cup of tea, ready to listen to a few gossip.

"Hey, have you heard? Zhang Dashuai in the north and Yu Dashuai, Yang Dashuai, Jiang Dashuai and Lu Dashuai on our side are fighting more and more fiercely, and now several counties on the Yangtze River have begun to arrest Zhuangding.

"Is it? I heard that the marshal seemed to have invited some superior person from the north, and overnight, the water of the Yangtze River flooded the artillery positions of the marshals on our side.

"Later, didn't the marshals on our side also invite those hidden immortals, saying that it was a fire from the sky that burned that marshal Zhang's temporary military camp, and almost burned Zhang Dashuai to death."

"I also heard that it seems that the marshals on our side invited an immortal who came down from Wuyi Mountain, and the immortal opened the altar, and there was a heavenly fire that burned down Zhang Dashuai's camp."

"That's not it, Zhang Dashuai's side is not an immortal invited down from some Qilian Mountain, now it is not only the warlords in the south and the warlords in the north who are fighting, but now those immortals are also fighting."

Shen Xuan listened to their conversation, and also frowned slightly, he couldn't imagine that most of the cultivators in this world did not have this concept in seclusion, and would still come down to participate in the battle between mortals.

But the guns under the hands of those marshals are not vegetarian, these cultivators who can participate in the worldly battles think that they do not have such a profound realm, it is estimated that most of them are some side doors or scattered cultivators, otherwise, how can they enter the land of red dust at will.

You know, when a practitioner absorbs aura, he also needs to eliminate the parts that he does not need or that are harmful to himself, and the red dust qi is also harmful to the practitioner.

Not only the red dust qi of the world, which is not good for practitioners, the purple-gold dragon qi of the dynasty, the qi of the battlefield, the incense qi of sacrifice, etc., these are all "poisonous" substances for practitioners, except for those specific cultivation methods, most practitioners still stay away from these.

This was why Shen Xuan judged that most of the cultivators who helped the warlords fight were side or scattered cultivators, because such cultivators did not have a profound inheritance, no powerful division, and did not have sufficient resources.

Therefore, in order to obtain these, they can only participate in the worldly struggle, use their lives to fight for resources, and fight for inheritance, which is also a fact that scattered practitioners cannot change.

Like Shen Xuan, the left side of the door is a little better, at least there is inheritance, there are certain resources, unlike scattered cultivation, pure is three nothings.

However, some side doors and left ways will also participate in mortal battles, and some left path methods or special magic weapon refining methods require the use of soldiers, blood, resentment and death on the battlefield.

Just like Shen Xuan's Tiger Fire Xuan Gong needs to use Tiger Fu and Ghost Qi, this kind of side door magic weapon is mostly different from those orthodox magic weapon refining methods, so it has the sword to go sideways, cruel and obedient.

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