Shen Xuan was not interested in the battle between those marshals, not that he couldn't see it, if he got any method and needed to use the materials generated by the battlefield, then he would also participate in the mortal battle.

Mainly because, those handsome guns and cannons, he is not yet capable of resisting bullet cannons, if you give a shot to someone, damn or die.

Shen Xuan, who has always been cautious, how could he take risks with his life, and as a last resort, Shen Xuan would not go head-to-head with these thermal weapons.

In the next few days, the days were still peaceful, that is, the practice of "Beijuku Demon Slashing Qi Technique" gave Shen Xuan a feeling of reaching a bottleneck.

The Beidou Du Divine Mantra chanted every day also made no progress, and Shen Xuan could hardly feel any opportunity to connect with his own breath.

The days went by, but they were also relaxed.

But on this day, Shen Xuan happened to be walking on the street of Ma County, and I saw that on the street in front of me, the people pushed me and shoved, frightened, and ran in his direction one after another, Shen Xuan was also very puzzled, this Ma County has always been stable and calm, why is it so panicked today.

Shen Xuan also gave way, and those people along the street retreated to the alleys or shops on the side of the street, only to see a large number of tall troops coming from the direction of the town gate of Nama County.

The leading few mounted tall horses, wearing dark green military uniforms, followed by a large number of heavily armed soldiers, walked in a mighty manner.

The officers-like men were talking and laughing on their horses, and rode unhurriedly down the street.

Shen Xuan looked at these officers in the crowd, even if they were not close, a cultivator like Shen Xuan could still feel something unusual, and he could clearly feel that the lives of these officers were a lot.

And this group of troops is not those motley armies from bandits, from the eyes of those soldiers, Shen Xuan saw the disregard for life and the unusual calmness, this one by one are from the regular army, not those bandits who are wild roads can be compared.

Those troops did not disturb the people too much, just walked through the street, and slowly walked towards the town, Shen Xuan guessed that the army should be the army passing through Ma County and going to the battlefield to fight.

For this kind of army, Shen Xuan still maintained a respectful attitude, did not pay much attention to them, Shen Xuan went home after going to the teahouse to listen to the gossip.

Before he got home, Shen Xuan saw a few people guarding his door, and when he came closer, he saw that it was the subordinates of the Zhao family, and when Shen Xuan went to Zhao's house to eat, he always saw these people following behind Zhao Yuanwai, which was regarded as Zhao Yuanwai's henchmen.

Seeing Shen Xuan, those subordinates of the Zhao family quickly ran over:

"Brother Xuan, Old Master Zhao said to invite you over, saying that he wanted to find you in an emergency."

Shen Xuan said "um", and followed them to Zhao's house, thinking that he didn't go to Zhao's house to eat tonight, what could this Zhao staff do to find himself?

Could it be that the army that just came?

Shen Xuan followed the people, and after a while, he arrived at Zhao's house, and Zhao Yuanwai had long been waiting in the backyard, and when he saw Shen Xuan come in, he quickly beckoned Shen Xuan to sit down and drink tea.

Shen Xuan was not too polite, sat down generously, took a sip of tea, and asked Zhao Yuanwai to talk about what was going on to find him.

Zhao Yuanwai also told the matter.

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