It was the county commander who broke the silence first, and he looked at Commander Sun and asked if he could tell me more about the disappearance.

Commander Sun didn't want to continue to hide anything at this time, so he told the truth, he didn't know much about the specific situation, so he listened to the soldiers who reported about the situation at that time.

Probably on the night that the troops withdrew from the tomb, several soldiers received orders to retreat, and I heard from the soldiers that at that time, several of them walked back together, and when they noticed that something was wrong, they turned back, and the deputy battalion commander had disappeared.

Most of the other missing people were also in this situation, and everyone did not pay attention, and by the time they noticed, they did not know where to go.

However, one soldier said that when he noticed something was wrong, he felt as if there was a roar of a war horse around him, and after that, he began to count the number of people, only to find that there were fewer people.

Later, when he withdrew, he speculated that General Zhenyuan's cavalry battalion had been revived, and then told Commander Sun that he was cured of a crime that shook the hearts of the army, pulled him out and shot him directly.

When Shen Xuan heard this, he was also speechless for a while, the common people of this world are generally superstitious, and they still believe in the things of gods and ghosts, so this is why the soldier passed the news.

However, this Zhenyuan general, Shen Xuan also understood, it was a famous general of the former dynasty, only thirty years old, he made great contributions to the previous emperor of the previous dynasty, and was canonized as a Zhenyuan general, with the same position as the marquis.

His life can be described as a living legend, he was not surnamed Liu at the beginning, surnamed Ma, famous Daoquan, peasant background, with the previous emperor of the previous dynasty to fight the world together, he under a cavalry force called "Taiping White Horse Ride", which means "white horse everywhere the enemy army retreats, everywhere is Taiping", at that time was famous in the world.

All because of this cavalry unit, all riding white horses, wearing bright silver armor, holding black spears, all of them were heroic and good at fighting, at that time, there was a record of "breaking thirteen cities in one night", also known as "breaking the city white horse riding".

Ma Daoquan, who controlled this force, was also called "General Taiping" and "General White Horse" at that time.

This cavalry unit was brought out step by step by Ma Dao, and the former emperor had such a force, which was like a tiger at that time.

Later, this horse road quan, with the previous emperor, fought countless large and small battles, step by step to lay down the great rivers and mountains of the previous dynasty, it can be said that without Ma Daoquan, there would be no rivers and mountains of the previous emperors.

That former emperor did not go to the river to tear down bridges and unload grinding and killing donkeys because of Ma Daoquan's meritorious achievements, but instead gave Ma Daoquan, who had been fighting with him for many years, the post of Zhenyuan general above the third duke.

And also gave the surname "Liu", that is, at this time, "Ma Daoquan" was renamed "Liu Daoquan", that is, Liu Daoquan, the general of Zhenyuan who was famous in the former dynasty.

After being made a general, Liu Daoquan became more courageous in the Vietnam War, subduing all the thirty-two foreign races that threatened the former dynasty regime at that time and were ready to move, which stabilized the former dynasty.

Later, he was given the title of Imperial Prince and State Qi, and his descendants were given the surname "Liu" forever.

When the first emperor died in old age and the second new emperor ascended the throne, there was civil unrest in the imperial court, and it was Liu Daoquan who presided over the affairs and supported the then crown prince as the emperor, which led to the second emperor of the previous dynasty.

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