Not only the second emperor, but also Liu Daoquan lived from the time when he followed the previous emperor to the third emperor of the previous dynasty, that is, the "Yunhe Emperor" period, which was called the "rule of Yunhe" at that time, and can be said to be the elder of the three dynasties.

And the "Taiping White Horse Ride" led by him has also been passed down in the previous dynasty, and each generation of "Taiping White Horse Ride" is the most elite army in the previous dynasty.

Whether it was rushing to kill foreign enemies or suppressing civil unrest, at that time, the military merits of the "Taiping White Horse Ride" were incomparable to all the troops of the previous dynasty combined.

The life of this Zhenyuan general Liu Daoquan can be described as a wonderful legend, not only compiled into the book "History of General Zhenyuan", but also talked about by many literati at that time.

There is a way:

born in the clouds and indifferent, the first exhibition will be far away

, a martial art from the sky, the mountains and rivers and mountains to promote my name

, the white horse rides to fight the peace, shows majesty in the chaotic world

, a silver spear is sharp, and the town of the three dynasties is far away.

After the death of this Zhenyuan general, he was also posthumously named "King of Cavalry" by Emperor Yunhe, which means "King of Cavalry".

And this Liu Daoquan also left a last word, to be buried with the first batch of cavalry of the "Taiping White Horse Ride" he used to lead.

But where exactly this Liu Daoquan was buried, according to the history books, it should be in his hometown, that is, the place where he first started his army, Yuhe in southern Yunnan

, but some people say that it was in Changyuan in Yuzhou, because when the previous dynasty was established, the most difficult and tragic battle was fought here, which was also the battle with the most casualties of the "Taiping White Horse Horse" at that time, which was called the "Battle of Changyuan" by the history books.

It was precisely with the victory of this battle that a solid foundation was laid for the establishment of the previous dynasty.

Some people also say that it was in Yuyu, Binzhou, because this place was the first battle that Liu Daoquan fought after the previous emperor, and Liu Daoquan also formed the feared "Taiping White Horse Ride" in later generations.

There are also many wild histories, saying that Liu Daoquan was buried somewhere, but no one has found it.

Some people also say that when this Liu Daoquan was dying, in order to prevent someone from stealing his tomb in later generations, he arranged many suspicious graves, and he was buried in these doubtful graves, and no one has dug the real Zhenyuan General's tomb so far.

And now Yu Dashuai didn't know where to know about the tomb of General Zhenyuan, so he sent people around to look for it.

This Liu Daoquan is the elder of the three dynasties, and his funeral goods will naturally not be less, and Yu Dashuai's meaning is to borrow the ancestors' property and use it.

That Marshal Yu also got the news from nowhere, saying that the tomb of General Zhenyuan was in Qingyuan County, no, he immediately sent someone to look for it, moreover, it was still a secret order, after all, this kind of thing, in anyone's opinion, it was a dishonorable thing.

Digging graves and taking the wealth of ancestors is a great disobedience, and people in this era are still superstitious, believing that this kind of thing not only damages Yin virtue, but also angers ghosts and gods, which is also the source of rumors in Sun's army.

Later, these things happened that Commander Sun said, and now it is good, originally the secret order that Yu Dashuai gave Commander Sun alone, now he wants Li County Order, Zhao Yuanwai, Qian Yuanwai and Shen Xuan to think of a way together.

Shen Xuan regretted that he and Zhao and Qian came here together, this is not pure to find something for himself.

Shen Xuan did not make a sound at this time, the so-called "gun shot out of the head bird", he would not stupidly hit the muzzle.

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