Shen Xuan also followed the words of Commander Sun, two people, you are polite, I am polite, just as the so-called "flower palanquin people lift people", everyone also talks and laughs, even if this matter is exposed.

Several people talked about the tomb of General Zhenyuan for a long time, but they didn't say a reason, Shen Xuan naturally didn't mix it in, just listened on the sidelines.

A few people chatted until midnight, and the county order couldn't stay up, so he asked a few people to go back first, and he first found a few grave diggers he knew.

As soon as everyone heard this, they didn't say any more, and this tea party ended here, Shen Xuan and Zhao Yuanwai, and Qian Yuanwai went out together.

As soon as he got into the carriage, Na Zhao Yuanwai spoke:

"Xian nephew, I don't want you to be so powerful today, that Sun Commander is the commander of Yu Dashuai's guard regiment, and his subordinates have all been defeated by you, so he is really powerful."

After this incident, Zhao and Qian once again had a new understanding of Shen Xuan's strength.

Shen Xuan also replied with a smile:

"Outside the two members, where to say, the kid is really a fluke today."

The three of them were in the carriage again, you, I blow you, after a while, the carriage arrived at Shen Xuan's house, Shen Xuan and Zhao, Qian and the two took their leave, and got off and went home.

As soon as Shen Xuan returned home, Lao Huang couldn't wait to float out of the tiger Xuan, and said to Shen Xuan excitedly:

"Master, you are really powerful today, I see that strong man looks like a cow, I think he is very powerful, I don't want him to be qualified to be the opponent of the master, three times or two, he will be beaten to the point of urine, hee."

Although this sentence is suspected of bragging, Shen Xuan is obviously very useful to Lao Huang's.

While pouring himself tea, he looked at Lao Huang with a grin, this thief-eyed weasel still has some strength in flattering people.

Shen Xuan is not a stereotypical person, and for Lao Huang, a typical dog-legged little brother with a bit of meanness, Shen Xuan feels that it is still very good.

And now Lao Huang is making rapid progress compared to before, after more than a year of practice, Lao Huang is with Ghost Huixin almost every day, so its cultivation is also rising.

In the past, when Shen Xuan had just accepted Lao Huang as a ghost, Lao Huang's body was just a soul body composed of ghost qi, and it was erratic, as if it would disperse at any time.

Now Lao Huang is already a soul body condensation, and the ghost qi that makes up the soul body is more concentrated than before, and the soul body is more condensed than before.

In the past, when Lao Huang was carrying Xuangong, but three miles away, he was out of breath and his soul was erratic, and now Lao Huang is running around with Xuangong on his back, and there is no problem.

This time to fight with that strong man, Shen Xuan also let Lao Huang carry Xuanqi to the county mansion, and Lao Huang's speed is also extremely fast now, compared to when it used to have a body as a monster, it is not bad at all.

Now Lao Huang has a ghost heart, everything is improving, but one thing has not changed, that is, its horse fart technique, which is as powerful as before.

Sometimes, Shen Xuan couldn't help but sigh that this old Huang was more than more than those old fritters in the world, and it was all better.

Cleaning up and collecting himself, Shen Xuan began the necessary practice for the day, and Xuan Wei and Lao Huang were also absorbing ghost qi on the side and strengthening themselves.

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