After Shen Xuan practiced for a while, he went to sleep, and now he has not advanced his cultivation, like eating and sleeping, he still has to do it every day.

After a confused night, Shen Xuan got up early, cleaned up, and before he could go out to eat breakfast at Zhao Yuanwai's house, he heard someone knocking on the door.

Shen Xuan was really puzzled, his own small broken yard with a single household, no one passed by for ten days and a half a month on weekdays, so the two members would send people to find him, and now it was good, in the morning, someone would come to the door.

Shen Xuan did not hesitate, came to the door, and opened his small wooden door with the deadbolt.

Opening the wooden door, Shen Xuan felt that he was shrouded in a black shadow, and when he looked up, a black face with big teeth appeared in front of him.

Shen Xuan looked left and right, it was also quite familiar, hey, isn't this the strong man who fought with himself yesterday? How did you come here today?

Could it be that he was beaten by himself yesterday, not convinced, and wanted to come to the door to challenge himself.

Shen Xuan looked at him, and before he could speak, he listened to the strong man and said:

"Little brother, good morning, get to know, my name is Zhang Hei, you can just call me Heiko."

Seeing him so polite, Shen Xuan was embarrassed not to answer him, and also introduced himself:

"Hello, buddy, my name is Shen Xuan, you call me Xiaoxuan."

Shen Xuan also replied, those elders he knew in Ma County all called themselves Xiaoxuan, Shen Xuan knew for a while, and he couldn't think of any name, so he said it casually.

"It turned out to be Brother Xuan, Commander Sun asked me to invite you over, saying that there was something important to discuss, please."

When the big man heard Shen Xuan's answer, he also called Shen Xuan Brother Xuan, after all, people only beat themselves up yesterday, and they can't really call him Xiaoxuan.

When Shen Xuan heard the strong man's words, he also frowned, this Sun commanded the morning, what did he tell himself to do?

Yesterday, Shen Xuan won the competition, and the matter of General Zhenyuan's tomb was not about him, could it be that Commander Sun still wanted to play when he wanted to.

But after thinking about it, if people play with it, they can't do anything, so it's better to go to Commander Nasun and make everything clear.

Shen Xuan is not afraid to go to the tomb of General Zhenyuan, he also has a little self-preservation power now, but for those gods and ghosts, if there are seemingly nothing, Shen Xuan still holds the mentality of "more is better than less".

If you can not take risks, you will not take risks, and if you can be safe, you will not take risks.

But Commander Sun sent someone to his invitation, and he couldn't refuse, so he wanted to go with the strong man.

Closing the door, Shen Xuan and the strong man went to the temporary garrison of Unit 107 in Ma County.

On the way, Shen Xuan chatted with this Zhang Hei, and the two gradually became acquainted.

This Zhang Hei was originally a native of Xing'an County, Zhejiang, and also had a tragic life, having no father or mother since childhood, growing up as a beggars on the side of the road, and later because of the war, there was a shortage of food, and the people could not afford to eat, where there was excess food for these beggars.

Later, this black was also hungry, so he went to be a thief, and later, during a burglary, he was caught on the spot and was about to be beaten to death, but was seen by Commander Sun, who just happened to go out.

So, Commander Sun saw him pitiful and also saved him, and from that day on, he was taken in and joined Unit 107 under Sun's command.

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