Since that Zhang Hei joined Unit 107, he has been diligent and conscientious every day, and he has great respect for Commander Sun, a lifesaver.

And because his physical fitness is getting better and better, he became Commander Sun's henchman, followed Commander Sun, fought big and small, I don't know how many battles, but also the Vietnam War became more and more courageous, and was valued more and more by Commander Sun.

Now, wherever Sun Commander goes, Zhang Hei will follow, and this Zhang Hei also regards Sun Commander as his own reborn parent, obeying orders.

Shen Xuan listened to this black words, and he was also quite emotional, in the chaotic world, it is also a good result to meet a noble person and promote himself.

After thinking about it, Shen Xuan asked about Commander Sun again, and that Zhang Hei was also familiar with Shen Xuan at this time, so he said the matter generously.

It turned out that Na Sun Commander, originally named Sun Zhiqiang, was a fellow villager with the current Yu Dashuai, and later Yu Dashuai made a mark, became a marshal, and promoted him to be the head of his own guard regiment.

Stationed in the rear, the entire guard regiment can be said to be Yu Dashuai's reserve hidden force, and Sun Zhiqiang is also Yu Dashuai's henchman.

That Sun Zhiqiang has also followed Yu Dashuai for many years, and he has also experienced a lot of unpredictable things, so in yesterday's competition with Zhang Hei, it can be seen that Shen Xuan's ability to make fire in his hand and descend from the sky is possessed by cultivators.

Therefore, after Commander Sun went back yesterday, he had been thinking about how to invite Shen Xuan over and excavate the tomb of General Zhenyuan for himself.

But because his own people lost the competition, there was no reason to impress Shen Xuan again, so he asked Zhang Hei to ask Shen Xuan to discuss with him personally.

But how Commander Sun wants to impress Shen Xuan, this Zhang Hei doesn't know, just said that Commander Sun seems to be very confident.

Shen Xuan and Zhang Hei walked for a while before arriving at the place of station, and from a distance, Shen Xuan saw a tight black military camp.

Following Zhang Hei, Shen Xuan entered a relatively large tent, and as soon as he entered, Shen Xuan saw Commander Sun sitting on a wooden chair, holding a newspaper in his hand, looking at something.

As soon as Shen Xuan entered, Commander Sun put down the newspaper and invited Shen Xuan to sit down, and Shen Xuan did not hesitate and sat generously on a chair next to Commander Sun.

"Haha, little brother, I heard the two members introduce your deeds, but I still don't know your name, can I..." Commander

Sun was much more polite, pouring tea for Shen Xuan first, and then slowly spoke.

Seeing that people were so polite, Shen Xuan did not take yesterday's events to heart anymore, and spoke:

"Under the surname Shen, the single name is a Xuanzi, I don't know what the commander today means by coming down here?"

After listening to Shen Xuan's words, Commander Sun also smiled:

"I don't know what Brother Shen Xuan thinks about the tomb of General Zhenyuan?"

As soon as Shen Xuan heard this, he knew that Zhang Hei had not lied to himself, and sure enough, this Commander Sun still wanted to help him try the water from General Zhenyuan's tomb himself.

But how can he win the competition as he wishes, that is, he is reasonable, no matter what you say, I will not go:

"There is no opinion, Commander Sun, for this matter, Shen still does not want to participate in it."

As soon as Commander Sun heard Shen Xuan's words, he knew that Shen Xuan still remembered yesterday's competition.

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