
days passed, Shen Xuan looked at the sky, everything had not changed, as if the death of Old Man Cao had not happened.

Thinking of Old Man Cao, Shen Xuan couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

After staring at the early morning sky for a while, Shen Xuan collected his emotions, went out to Zhang Ze's house, and took five animal skins.

In this chaotic world, resources are scarce, and in some places, the people are hungry to gnaw the bark of trees, and there is no lack of changes to eat.

Although Ma County is a small county town, there is also a lot of surplus food in the city, and the people can be self-sufficient if they work hard.

Although the county master in the county is not a clean official, he is not greedy, which is a well-known thing in Ma County, so Ma County did not break out in civil unrest like other places, raise flags and uprisings or something.

But no matter how good Ma County is, it is just a crumbling flat boat in this chaotic world.

Zhang Ze can still open a butcher shop safely in this chaotic world, I have to say that there is indeed a certain means, and it is no wonder that Old Man Cao will have a good relationship with him before his death.

Shen Xuan shook his head, didn't think about anything more, and went straight to the Zhangjia butcher's shop, and on the wooden board outside the shop, there was a meat pig that had just been slaughtered.

Shen Xuan measured that there were more than two hundred catties, and it was really not easy to raise pigs to such a large size in this era when people couldn't eat enough.

In front of that stall, Zhang Tong is distributing pork to the subordinates of those big families, and the subordinates are also desperately bargaining, they are taking the silver given by the master's family, the pork they came to buy, the silver is definitely enough, but in this troubled world, who doesn't want to have more money in hand?

Therefore, at such times, the subordinates of various landlord families would stand in the united front and bargain together.

But in this matter, Zhang Tong also has a lot of experience, after all, he has also done business for so many years, naturally he has a set of words to deal with people.

Shen Xuan didn't say much, crossed the noisy crowd, and went directly into the back room, Zhang Tong saw that it was Shen Xuan, and did not stop it.

As soon as he entered the inner room, Shen Xuan saw a stack of large and small skins on the table, and Shen Xuan could see at a glance that this skin was newly cut down not long ago, and also sighed at Zhang Ze's strong ability to do things.

Shen Xuan didn't say anything more polite, gave the money to Zhang Ze, who was sitting on the side, picked up the five skins, and left.

When passing through the door again, he saw that the quarreling people had disappeared, and the pork on the wooden board was also bought, Zhang Tong was cleaning the knife board, and when he saw Shen Xuan come out, he also said hello with a smile, Shen Xuan didn't say much, and after saying hello, he quickly went home.

He couldn't wait.

Back home, Shen Xuan put the five pieces of leather on the table, took a pair of scissors, and carefully cut them.

But after a while, there were ten more neatly sized skins on the table, which also relied on Shen Xuan's help Old Man Cao sew and mend clothes since he was a child, and practiced his tailoring skills.

Store the extra skin aside, maybe you can make up your clothes later.

Shen Xuan took the silk that had been prepared a long time ago from the side, to say that this silk is also a rare object in this world, and it is also thanks to the fact that when Old Man Cao was alive, when he went to a big household, he would always steal chickens and touch dogs, and take some silk made of silk out, which came in handy today.

After sewing these pieces of leather into two thicker pieces of skin, the needles and threads at the corners were also well received, and Shen Xuan was about to start and be cruel to himself.

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