Place these two pieces of skin in the midday sun.

Back in the house, Shen Xuan took out a small knife and cut out two pieces of human skin three inches long and one inch wide at his big arm.

The pain made Shen Xuan sweat cold, and these two pieces of human skin were cut for an hour before they could be cut.

Putting these two pieces of human skin outside and exposing them to the sun together with the five animal skins, Shen Xuan returned to the house, briefly bandaged himself, and lay down on the bed to sleep.

When he woke up again, it was already noon the next day, Shen Xuan packed up, went outside the door, checked the five animal skins, fortunately, in this horse county, there are few pets such as cats and dogs, and even if there are, they are just eating and waiting for death in the hands of the young master of the big family.

The two pieces of human skin that Shen Xuan cut off by himself no longer had the taste of blood, and as for the two pieces of five animal skins, they had been cleaned by Zhang Ze long before they were sewn, and there would be no more blood and the like.

Change the skins to a seat and continue to be exposed to the sun, Shen Xuan's task in the past few days is completed, the main thing is to recuperate, and within seven days after the exposure of these five animal skins, the injury on this big arm will be healed.

It is convenient to sew up his own human skin after seven days.

In the past few days, Shen Xuan did not do much, just eat, sleep and sleep every day, and also bought himself a few more pieces of pig skin, after all, what to eat to make up.

Time turned to seven days later, there was nothing superfluous, and the injury on his big arm was almost better, Shen Xuan did not hesitate, on the two pieces of five animal skins, continued to sew his own two skins, I have to say that in this chaotic world, this is indeed a technical job.

According to the steps, the days passed in a hurry, the wound on Shen Xuan's big arm was already healed, and the two pieces of five animal skins had also been sunburned.

Shen Xuan took out the cinnabar and mercury (also known as lead mercury) at home, found an inkstone that Old Man Cao used in his lifetime, and mixed the two things.

Another table was set up in the courtyard, and under the noon sun, Shen Xuan used a new brush, dipped in paint, and slowly drew two talismans of Yang Fire and Flame on the two pieces of five animal skins on the table.

Under this noon sun, Shen Xuan was already sweating profusely, although these two talismans, Shen Xuan did not know how many times he had drawn since he was a child, but this time, Shen Xuan still carefully drew every stroke.

If these two talismans were in the past, Shen Xuan could draw them in only half an incense, but today, it took Shen Xuan half an hour to paint them well.

At this time, Shen Xuan was already sweating, and under the blazing sun at noon, the pigment on the skins of the five animals had long been dry.

Shen Xuan took away two pieces of finished five animal skins, and without even moving the table, he entered the inner room, and first poured himself a large mouthful of cold water before Shen Xuan began to pack up his belongings.

After grinding until the evening, Shen Xuan scribbled a dinner and waited for the night to come.

As soon as the sun set, Shen Xuan couldn't wait to put the five animal skins in his altar, lit three pillars of clear incense, and after three bows, Shen Xuan saw waiting on the side.

After the three pillars of incense were burned, Shen Xuan added three pillars, and the booklet said that it would be finished until these two pieces of five animal skins were covered with incense ash.

This side burned, while making up, Shen Xuan made up for it until the second half of the night, only to be stunned to spread the two pieces of five animal skins with incense ash, the matter has come to this, Shen Xuan's task is completed, as long as it is put in this altar for half the night, it is the time of success.

Shen Xuan also had no intention of waiting, but he didn't go back to bed, so he slept under this altar, waiting for this tomorrow morning.

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