When Shen Xuan

heard Commander Sun's words, he also nodded slightly, what he expected was really good, as for why Shen Xuan could think of it.

Just now, Lao Huang in the tiger behind him passed on a message to him that the green bead had a fatal attraction to Lao Huang.

Shen Xuan immediately guessed that what could make a ghost like Lao Huang feel tempted, in addition to some ghost qi, was about the heavenly material and earth treasure of ghosts, and the green bead's appearance was so extraordinary, it must be a treasure related to ghosts.

Commander Sun was also more and more satisfied with Shen Xuan, the future helper he identified, not only was he young, his skills were good, but his eyesight was also quite high, such a helper would be very helpful for him to explore the tomb of General Zhenyuan in the future.

With a smile, Commander Sun took out a small box from his arms again, palm size, rectangular, flat look, Shen Xuan was attracted by this box again.

There are really a lot of good things in this Sun's hand, and that bead should be left by some ghost with a deep path, as for the things in this box, it will not be bad if you think about it.

Seeing that Shen Xuan was attracted again, Commander Sun did not sell the pass, and slowly opened the box.

In the box, a talisman with red patterns on a yellow background lay quietly inside, and as soon as Shen Xuan saw this talisman, he suddenly felt a clear spiritual qi rushing towards him.

Now Shen Xuan has cultivated the sense of qi with the help of the Beidou Dudu Divine God Spell in "Beijuku Demon Slashing Qi Technique", and his perception of breath can be said to be very keen.

The feeling that the bead just now gave Shen Xuan was cold and terrifying, and the feeling that this talisman gave Shen Xuan now was fresh and natural.

This sober and natural feeling gave people an otherworldly meaning, and Shen Xuan could see at a glance that this talisman was painted by a Daomen master.

And the cultivation of this master is not low, otherwise, this sober and natural feeling would not be so strong.

This feeling is like itching your throat, eating a bite of mint, like you are walking on the road in summer, the heat is unbearable, at this time, suddenly chew a popsicle.

Shen Xuan looked at

the talisman and said to Commander Sun: "I can't imagine that in Commander Sun's hands, there are so many treasures, this talisman should be from the hand of the Daomen."

At this time, Commander Sun was more and more satisfied with Shen Xuan, handed the box to Shen Xuan's hand, and slowly spoke:

"Little brother, when it is really a pearl, I can see the origin at a glance, this talisman is that I used to lead troops, and I met a view by chance, and there was an old Dao who gave it to me, saying that it was brought with me and used to calm and concentrate."

Shen Xuan took the box, and carefully observed the talisman again, the red strokes on it, the dragon flying phoenix dance, there seemed to be a pattern in the scrawl, it was really wonderful.

Shen Xuan had not drawn talismans, and his Yanhuo Paper Talisman and Yang Fire Paper Talisman were also practiced.

It is also because Shen Xuan's skill in drawing talismans is not low, it can be seen that the person who drew this talisman is also far above Shen Xuan's skill in drawing talismans.

But seeing this, Shen Xuan thought of a question, didn't this commander Sun mean to buy himself and accompany him to visit the tomb of General Zhenyuan?

It will be that Shen Xuan is indeed a little moved, that treasure orb is not a small help to the tiger Xuanqi, this talisman can play a role in calming and condensing qi when he practices the "Beijuku Demon Qi Technique".

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