But since he is already a little moved, the more he can't show it at this time, anyway, he has already decided to go, it's better to test the bottom line that this Sun commander can give something, well, this is called, maximize benefits.

Shen Xuan looked at the talisman, but did not show any unnecessary movement, looked at it twice, closed the box, and put the beads in his hand back into the box.

Putting both things back on the table, Shen Xuan didn't have any unnecessary movements, nor did he say much, just picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip of tea.

Commander Sun saw that Shen Xuan didn't seem to be interested in these two things, and he was also a little anxious, he was just a regiment commander, and people called him commander, but it was just because he was the commander of Yu Dashuai's guard regiment, and held him.

There are not many good things in him, after all, he is only a regiment leader, there are still many people above him, and the things that can be obtained are either obtained by chance, or the people above do not want it, so they are given to him.

Being able to come up with these two things is already his own maximum limit, and if it weren't for this action, which was related to the secret order of the marshal, he would not be so desperate.

As soon as he thought of Grand Marshal Yu's secret order, he was silent for a while, that Zhenyuan General Tomb, with his skills, really couldn't hold it.

But it can't stand the strict order from above, this Zhenyuan general's tomb can be explored if it is explored, and it is difficult to explore if it is not explored, and the military order is difficult to violate, not to mention that this is still a secret operation.

Either you can give some blood yourself and ask someone to help, so that you can save a small life, or, in a place like this that does not know the situation, you can fill it with your own troops, the key is to fill in the strength of the entire guard regiment, whether it can be filled in, it is still unknown.

Now the best way is to drag more people into the water, in that way, the more likely this matter can be solved, anyway, Commander Sun has made up his mind, it is impossible to solve it by himself.

Now, with a cultivator like Shen Xuan in front of him, if Commander Sun didn't seize the opportunity, then after passing this village, there would be no such shop.

If you do not solve this Zhenyuan general's tomb, you are disobeying the military order, disobeying the military order, it is death, of course, blindly visiting the grave is also death.

Gritting his teeth, Commander Sun turned around and rummaged through the iron box again, and took out a cloth package, which was a round ball wrapped in the gray coarse cloth, which looked a little old.

Shen Xuan looked at the cloth package, the two previous objects were finely wrapped in jade, but now I don't know what this thing is, it doesn't seem to be so sold.

Commander Nasun put the cloth package in front

of Shen Xuan, and did not open it, but looked at Shen Xuan and said: "Brother Shen Xuan, this is the last bit of my grandson's possessions, if you can't look at it again, then Lao Sun's body really has nothing to enter your eyes."

Shen Xuan listened to Commander Sun say this, and he also began to be a little curious about this cloth package, what kind of treasure can be used as the bottom of the box.

Being hidden by this Sun Commander is so good, then the value in it will definitely not be worse than the two things before.

With curiosity, Shen Xuan opened the cloth package handed by Commander Sun little by little.

Slowly peeling off the layers of coarse cloth, the contents slowly appeared in front of Shen Xuan's eyes.

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