Opening the gray coarse cloth, inside, forehead, and wrapped in a layer of cyan silk, Shen Xuan looked at Commander Sun, you don't sell Guanzi very much, how come the things you give, are so good at matryoshka dolls.

As soon as Shen Xuan touched the silk, a feeling of grandeur wrapped Shen Xuan's whole body, and the whole person was in the middle of a flowing river in an instant.

Shen Xuan looked at the mighty water around him with some horror, and he was on an isolated island in this current, and all around him was turquoise blue water, empty, silent, and dead.

Shen Xuan began to observe everything around him impatiently, as if he saw something, but he didn't seem to see anything.

Shen Xuan was a little confused, obviously he was still bargaining with Commander Sun just now, why was he in this unknown place now.

After waiting on this isolated island for a while, but still nothing happened, Shen Xuan began to be a little anxious, and he began to frantically look for the exit.

But no matter how Shen Xuan searched, everything around him did not change, or in other words, Shen Xuan could not change everything around him.

It's like you're in a static space, and you want to change things around you, but you can't touch what you see, and you don't seem to be in this space.

Suddenly, this endless ocean changed, and in the distance, a huge wave swept towards the isolated island, and the momentum was huge and unavoidable.

The fear of the unknown and the incompetent panic shrouded Shen Xuan's heart in an instant, and he began to run in a daze, wanting to seize the last time to escape.

However, everything was useless, Shen Xuan could not find anything, he could only watch the waves rushing towards him quickly.

At the moment when the waves came to the isolated island, Shen Xuan resigned himself to his life and was ready to tie his hands.

A cool feeling emerged from Shen Xuan's mind, and the increasingly strong feeling attracted all of Shen Xuan's attention.

Suddenly, Shen Xuan's spirit returned to the barracks and returned to Commander Sun.

Shen Xuan shivered suddenly, everything became clear, the waves had disappeared, he was not on an isolated island, everything just now seemed to be an illusion.

Shen Xuan's hand was still holding something wrapped in that cyan silk, but the layer of cyan silk had been lifted open.

Shen Xuan was a little confused, huh? What's the situation? What's going on?

After looking around left and right, he found that nothing had changed, the tea in the teacup was still steaming, and Commander Sun was still looking at himself.

It was as if everything happened in an instant, without the slightest change.

Without showing any movement, Shen Xuan continued to look at the thing in his hand and peeled the cyan silk again, but this time, nothing happened.

Peeling off the cyan silk little by little, now Shen Xuan finally saw what was wrapped inside.

It was an orange-yellow irregular object the size of a thumb, with many edges and corners, which gave people a mysterious meaning.

However, Shen Xuan's attention was not attracted by this object, but the cyan silk was held in his hand all the time.

Open the silk, there are actually a few lines of words inside:

blue waves and green water, a long ring and a drop of clouds.

Wind and rain, rivers and seas are impermanent, turning things upside down.

There is no intention to wait for the autumn to fall, and he intends to explore Dong Lingcai.

There is no room for hatred in this life, and the waves must be ruthless.

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