With the profit maximization loot squeezed out of Commander Sun, Shen Xuan returned home happily.

After sending away Zhang Hei, who accompanied him back, Shen Xuan picked up the good things he got from going to Commander Sun this time.

The jewel obtained from a ghost, a Taoist talisman, a roll of cyan silk of unknown origin but mysterious and abnormal.

First took out the orb, since Shen Xuan walked out of the barracks with these things, the tiger behind him "buzzed" and trembled, and the old yellow inside was also anxious.

Now that it was finally clean, Shen Xuan quickly took out the Tiger Xuanqiao and put it together with the orb.

With a "buzz", the tiger fire xuanxuan, who was originally lying still, suddenly appeared a large black tiger qi and swept towards the treasure orb.

Shen Xuan did not stop it, he took this orb meaning, it was for the tiger Xuangong, now seeing the tiger Xuanxuan's reaction is so big, Shen Xuan is also a little curious, after this, what will change.

I saw that the thick tiger qi surrounded Fang on the table, and slowly, the black qi formed by the tiger qi became less and less, and finally, it gathered into the orb little by little.

Shen Xuan was a little curious about what kind of changes this orb from the ghost would bring to Hu Xuanxuan.

Now, all the tiger qi that floated out of the tiger beast was condensed in that orb, and the cyan orb was also trembling non-stop at this time, and the trembling became more and more violent.

Like, well, like, going to explode.

Thinking of this, Shen Xuan also felt wrong, seeing that above the orb, there were already fine cracks, as if it was about to explode in the next moment.

Shen Xuan hurriedly rolled backwards, opened the distance from the table, and saw that the table had been driven by the orb above and trembled, and a sense of foreboding appeared in Shen Xuan's heart.

It won't really blow up.

The moment Shen Xuan thought of this, a crisp sound of "pong" reverberated in Shen Xuan's room.

Looking again, there was still the figure of the table, only two pieces of the table top that were broken in half and four messy corners scattered next to it.

Shen Xuan also leaned out at this time, looked at the pile of wooden tables that had been "disassembled" and clean, and searched around, but found no trace of the orb.

Just when Shen Xuan was wondering where the orb went, the Tiger Qi came out of nowhere, but at this time, the Tiger Qi seemed to have been greatly improved, and it had been raised from "intense" to "almost substantial".

Moreover, the current Tiger Qi seemed to be more agile, and the essence of the Tiger Qi circled around Shen Xuan, and then quietly stopped in front of Shen Xuan without moving.

Shen Xuan stretched out his hand with some hesitation and touched the mass of tiger qi, which was cold and cold, as if touching a ball of jelly.

Suddenly, the touched tiger qi began to float up and down, and it was moving faster and faster.

"Boom", the tiger qi seemed to have reached an extreme, and began to spread out, and the black qi slowly drifted away.

Slowly, the tiger qi began to condense into the silhouette of a big black tiger, and this big tiger was still being enriched.

This was different from the tiger fire condensed before, it was Shen Xuan's intentional control, and now, that tiger fire was completely moving by himself.

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