After a while, the group of tigers condensed into a black tiger the size of a calf, which was different from the previous condensation.

In the past, the black tiger was only forcibly condensed with a tiger fire, only the shape of the tiger, not gaining its gods, and acting, with some stiff feelings.

And now, the black tiger's eyes began to become agile, and the movements of the body were not as stiff as before, but became lighter.

This black tiger that had just condensed surrounded Shen Xuan, rubbing left and right, it seemed very intimate, and Shen Xuan also reached out and touched its tiger head.

A substantial hair touch sensation came, and Shen Xuan was a little puzzled, whether this was a real black tiger or a black tiger condensed by the tiger.

That black tiger, touched by Shen Xuan's head, also sat comfortably at Shen Xuan's feet, scratching his neck with his paws.

Shen Xuan now reacted a little, and now this tiger qi seems to have been helped by that treasure orb to manifest its body, just like a ghost condensing entity, the tiger qi is also condensing the figure.

Shen Xuan was rubbing and kneading on this black tiger again, just like petting a cat, this black tiger was also very cooperative, no matter how Shen Xuan moved, it lay on the ground and looked at Shen Xuan.

At this time, Shen Xuan picked up the tiger Xuanqi that fell on the ground, and when the black tiger saw Xuanqiao, he also stood up and pounced towards Xuanqi, turning into a black qi again, and was withdrawn into the tiger Xuanqi.

At this time, Lao Huang, who had been silent, flew out of the Xuanqiao, waved at Shen Xuan, and then obediently shouted:

"Good master, please give you peace to the little one."

Now this old Huang is getting more and more powerful in the piece of, and he is comfortable serving Shen Xuan.

At this time, seeing Lao Huang come out, Shen Xuan also asked if Lao Huang had changed, and Lao Huang also answered truthfully:

"Master, this Xuanqiao weapon of yours can be said to have improved tremendously this time, and even the small ones are rising in the tide and rising in a few years."

When Shen Xuan heard this, he also nodded and said, "

Oh, it seems that the jewel is indeed not an ordinary thing, and it is no wonder that Xuan Xuan has a deep sense of that bead."

"Yes, yes, according to Xiao's speculation, that orb should be a ghost pill of an old ghost, and it was lucky to be lucky by that Sun Commander and got it."

Hearing Lao Huang's speculation, and according to Commander Sun's original words, this orb may really be a treasure like a ghost pill.

This ghost pill is not common, only old ghosts who have accumulated years can condense the ghost qi of the whole body to form this ghost pill, and it must not be an ordinary old ghost, there must be some chance in the body, and the ghost thing with excellent luck will have the possibility of condensing the ghost pill.

His luck this time was still good, and he got this ghost pill from Commander Sun in confusion, which was really caused by chance.

Now Shen Xuan can release the black tiger at any time, whether it is to kill the enemy or sneak up on the Yin people, it is the best choice.

Thinking that he had an incomparably majestic black tiger, Shen Xuan couldn't help but rejoice, this black tiger could not only be used as a helper, but also as Shen Xuan's mount.

At that time, not only can he not have to rush by himself, but also ride the black tiger, which is simply in line with Shen Xuan's inner aesthetic.

Putting the tiger beast aside first, Shen Xuan cleaned up the pile of wood before finding the talisman and cyan silk from it.

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