After clearing the remaining piles of wood into the yard, Shen Xuan sat on the spot, looking at the talisman in his hand.

The talismans drawn on this red pattern on a yellow background were much more complicated than Shen Xuan's Flame Fire Talisman and Yang Fire Talisman.

As soon as Shen Xuan got this talisman, a cool feeling appeared, and now Shen Xuan has cultivated a sense of qi, and his perception of various breaths is more acute.

This unusual cool breath naturally could not escape Shen Xuan's perception, and the first time he saw this talisman in the barracks, Shen Xuan knew that this talisman was of great use.

At this time, Lao Huang next to him came up, looked at this talisman, two small eyes turned, as if he thought of something, and said to Shen Xuan:

"Master, what is drawn on this talisman should be the Qingxin talisman of the Daomen, the little one has been fortunate enough to get a Qingxin talisman before, and he is very impressed with this talisman, and he knows a little about the origin of this Qingxin talisman."

"Oh, I can't imagine that although you were a monster before, you are still a well-read "little showman", let's talk about the origin of this Clear Heart Talisman." When

Shen Xuan heard what Lao Huang said, he also looked at it with some surprise, and then asked Lao Huang curiously.

"Master, this Pure Heart Talisman is an ordinary talisman of the Daomen, but the quality of this talisman also depends on the person, this talisman should come from the hands of Taoist masters, otherwise, ordinary Clear Heart Talisman will not have such a strong fresh breath."

Shen Xuan nodded, but what Lao Huang said was not bad.

"This Heart Clearing Talisman can be placed on the body for a long time, it can clear the mind and clear the eyes, regulate the breath, and it is also good for cultivation."

"So it is, the breath of this talisman is no wonder that it makes people so peaceful."

Shen Xuan felt his breath again, and found that this was indeed not bad with what Lao Huang said.

Stuffing this talisman on himself, Shen Xuan took out the green silk that made Shen Xuan in trouble, and threw the orange-yellow stone to Lao Huang by the way, it was useless anyway.

This silk also looks like an ordinary thing, but Shen Xuan, who has experienced that predicament, did not underestimate this inconspicuous silk.

The poem was still in it, Shen Xuan read it again, or he didn't see anything, for the quality of the poem, with Shen Xuan's cultural level, it is still impossible to judge.

But Shen Xuan looked left and right, but he no longer had the kind of predicament he experienced in the barracks.

After looking at it for a while, Shen Xuan still didn't understand the details of this silk, so he simply ignored it, put it away, and put it on his body.

Opening the door, Shen Xuan was going to go to Zhao Yuanwai's house to have a bite of lunch first, after all, he was still a guest secretary invited by others.

However, before going to Zhao's house, Shen Xuan listened to gossip again for a while in the small teahouse in Ma County every day, but today he found that there was no useful information, and Shen Xuan was not in the mood to wait any longer.

Carrying the burden of Xuan Gong, Shen Xuan slipped to Zhao's house.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Zhao Yuanwai sitting on the Taishi chair, and when he saw Shen Xuan coming, Zhao Yuanwai also greeted him, and warmly invited Shen Xuan to sit down and drink tea first.

Shen Xuanmo also did not shirk, and after sitting down, he listened to Zhao Yuanwai start to nag about the tomb of General Nazhenyuan.

In this matter, the Zhao family and the Qian family can't run, so naturally they have to make more preparations.

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