Shen Xuan also made it clear to them that he was also going to the tomb of General Zhenyuan, and when Zhao Yuanwai and Qian Yuanwai heard it, they also made plans again.

Originally, they were going to find a few strong men from outside Ma County to go to the general's tomb with Commander Sun, of course, this kind of strong man, that is, a young and strong young man, gave some money and could go to work.

This kind of behavior is equivalent to muddle through, contributing, but not much.

But now, hearing Shen Xuan say that he was also going, naturally he couldn't just send a few people over to count like before, after all, Shen Xuan was also a marginal person among the few people who knew the inside information.

This kind of marginal personnel have gone in person, how can they be vague, even if they can, Sun Commander Na, he can't say it.

Therefore, Zhao Yuanwai and Qian Yuanwai planned to let a few skilled family members go with Shen Xuan, and let them only listen to Shen Xuan.

In this way, he can be regarded as giving Commander Sun enough face, and these people are much better under Shen Xuan than under Commander Sun.

Shen Xuan also nodded when he heard the plans of the two of them, but if he only sent a few family members to go with him, wouldn't it be too cheap for these two old boys.

Shen Xuan's meaning is very clear, you can send someone with me, but well, these people go, I can't guarantee safety.

Of course, I can do my best, but how much I do depends on how much money you give.

These words, Shen Xuan will not say it on the surface, in fact, there is no need to say, those two old foxes have been crawling in this world for many years, and they still have a very good set of human feelings.

These necessary money, they will not be stingy, one of them will give ten family members, one family member gave Shen Xuan two taels of silver, and the two people together gave Shen Xuan a total of forty taels of silver.

The money must be given to Shen Xuan first, this is Wang Ba's ass - there are rules (turtle belly).

This is a lot of money, enough for Shen Xuan to take money and run away to eat elsewhere and wait for death, of course, that was Shen Xuan before, and now Shen Xuan is still thinking about how to ensure his own safety.

He went to the town and bought yellow paper and cinnabar, and now he can prepare more, and that's the only thing he can prepare for this, if he can prepare a little more talismans, he will prepare more, maybe it won't be enough by then.

In this way, Shen Xuan prepared all the things that he could think of that would help him, anyway, he was rich now, so he naturally had to prepare more.

After three days of wandering, news came from Commander Sun's side, probably tomorrow, he would leave for Qingyuan County.

Shen Xuan also had no doubt about him, and after packing up the things he had prepared in the past few days, he stood in front of the window and waited quietly.

I don't know if it was his persecution paranoia, Shen Xuan was a little uneasy, or rather, every time he had to do something that he didn't know the details, he would have this kind of unease.

Qiang Zi suppressed his emotions, looking at the moonlight outside the window, Shen Xuan was also full of emotion for a while:

he has been displaced for more than ten years, and he has always understood his own law.

The cycle of the past follows the clouds, and depression is difficult to do.

Now that I don't know where to go, I know whether success or failure is right or wrong.

Everything is ready for the east wind, and the dragon tour shoal tiger is in the forest.

The boy has an eight-foot body in this life, and how to move forward without going through hardships.

Left and right want to go through the affairs of the world, and they are not willing to rest until the end.

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