The things in my heart are touched, and I think back to my previous life, and I am safe and stable every day.

Cao Lao died, did his best to speak, and went to Zhang's house to kill

black clothes and get the "Tiger Summoning Heavenly Ghost Dafa".

In the Qian family, descend the two ghosts and take the "Beijuku Demon Slashing Qi".

These things happened in just over a year.

"Time is really fast, I have been here for more than a year, time is really slow, so many things, but a year."

This year, I have experienced a lot of things, ghostly, mysterious, and unpredictable, which I could never have imagined before.

When I first experienced it, I didn't feel how shocked, but now that I think about it, the core of materialism that I have always believed in has been shattered.

Now he is going to the tomb of General Zhenyuan again, and he has to fight back and forth with those treacherous and unpredictable things.

Then how can Liu Daoquan's tomb be so easy for you to steal, the elders of the three dynasties, the glory of life, countless intrigues and tricks, dangerous and abnormal.

Wouldn't you make plans for yourself after death, is the great power a decoration?

The person who built the tomb for him, which is not the world's heroes, those doubtful graves, which is not dangerous, now Yu Dashuai knows this Zhenyuan General Tomb must be Liu Daoquan's burial place?

In case, this so-called Zhenyuan General Tomb is also a suspicious grave set up by Liu Daoquan, when the time comes, the tomb robbers go in, trap or something, then take you to death.

People set up a tomb of suspicion in order to confuse the public, to consume the tomb robbers, and to deter all the ghostly people.

If this goes down, isn't it knocking yourself into someone's muzzle?

But there is no way, what Commander Sun gave is indeed enough to take the risk this time.

No way, these are all things that he needs for his own cultivation, that ghost pill will help the Tiger Qi successfully manifest his body, and that talisman can also help Shen Xuan speed up his cultivation, as for that silk, Shen Xuan still doesn't know what it is used for.

But according to Lao Huang's observation in the past few days, this silk should be related to Confucianism, because it has a unique tone of Confucian practitioners, which is left by Confucian people, and the poem above should also be written by Confucian people.

I just don't know where Sun Commander got the silk related to Confucianism.

If you can't figure it out, you don't want to, tomorrow you will go to Qingyuan County, and when the time comes, if you have the opportunity, knock on the side from Commander Sun's mouth to see if you can know the origin of this silk.

The moonlight outside the window, in this day, is exceptionally bright, and there is an elm tree in the distance, swaying slightly in the wind, and from time to time, there is a sound of barking dogs.

Sometimes, Shen Xuan thought that if only he could live so carefree all the time.

Thinking of this, Shen Xuan's already small vocabulary insisted on making a poem:

Painting horses in the south and west of the city, and making wine in the north and east of the city.

The road and the difficulty, how to know the danger.

Thinking about this from afar, go back to the hidden mountains and forests.

During the turmoil, a big dragon rose in Ma County.

Today, the lion rises and steps on Kyushu.

What's more, my generation has a far-reaching heart.

There was no longer a long song, and he sighed alone.

This trip is safe and knows the misfortune and blessing, and does not know the dangers and difficulties ahead.

The long wind gradually rose, the moonlight was difficult to see, and the heart was excited.

The shadows are beautiful, the sound is also sounding, and there is no end to the breath.

After more than ten lifetimes, the world can hardly suppress my blood.

Today, the storm is my ambition.

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