Zhang Hei

was familiar with this place, and everyone followed Zhang Hei up this mountain together.

The tomb was in a dense forest halfway up the Pansnake Mountain, and when Zhang Hei brought Shen Xuan and his group here, several people immediately emerged from this dense forest.

At that time, Shen Xuan was still startled by this person who suddenly appeared, and the flame talismans in his hands were ready to fly out, and Zhang Hei came out and said that these people were also in their troops, and it was Commander Sun who stayed to guard the entrance of the tomb.

Only then did Shen Xuan put away his posture and say hello to a few people, and Zhang Hei led the group into the dense forest.

Coming to the dense forest, Shen Xuan found that the trees in this so-called dense forest had been cut down, and a clearing appeared, but the trees on the edges were not cut down, so from the outside, the trees here were still dense.

However, in the center of that clearing, a two-person large hole appeared in front of Shen Xuan's eyes, needless to say, this was the entrance to the tomb of General Zhenyuan that Commander Sun found.

As soon as the three Tufuzi saw this tomb, they immediately put down their bags and took out something from it.

Shen Xuan has some understanding, some don't know, what he knows is Luoyang shovel, compass, black donkey hooves or something, if he doesn't know, then it's more.

Seeing the three people facing the mouth of the tomb outside, planing a shovel in the east and eating two mouthfuls of soil in the west, it is quite a bit of a posture, quite professional.

Zhang Hei and the few guards at this time also finished greeting and were also preparing to go to the tomb.

The three Tufuzi also took back all the things they took out at this time, and did not say anything more.

Shen Xuan saw that the three of them didn't say a word, and they didn't say anything, who let the family be professionals.

Zhang Hei also raised the torch at this time, and the dozen soldiers behind him also climbed down the rope hanging down the mouth of the tomb one by one.

Shen Xuan waited at the entrance of the tomb until Zhang Hei below shouted "Come down" before slowly climbing down.

The mouth of this tomb was about ten meters deep, not vertical, some twists and turns, and Shen Xuan climbed down the rope at the mouth of the tomb little by little.

It was pitch black inside, and it wasn't until Shen Xuan was about to land that some flames came from below, it was the torches that Zhang Hei brought down.

Shen Xuan saw that he was almost in the end, and he was also a lung, so he jumped down and fell on the stone slab, and Shen Xuan saw the appearance in front of him.

A cemetery that could accommodate seven or eight people in parallel, thirty or forty meters long, looked along the cemetery, Zhang Hei and those people were already waiting in place.

After all the people above came down, Zhang Hei said at this time:

"This tomb road has been explored, but there are many forks in this tomb, for safety, everyone cannot act alone, cannot enter the fork at will, and do not touch other things in the tomb at will."

Everyone naturally agreed one after another, but Shen Xuan looked at the front of the tomb at this time, where there were many broken stone slabs connected to the tomb next to it, and there was a pile of scattered rubble on the ground.

I think this should be Zhang Hei can't open the tomb door, directly sent someone to blow the stone door open, this is also the style of the army to rob the tomb, if you can't open it, you will directly bomb it, this is not bad, if it can't be blown down, then blow it up casually.

Zhang Hei noticed Shen Xuan's gaze, and also said with a grin:

"When the brethren came down for the first time, they didn't understand this thing, they couldn't open this stone door, they simply exploded, once and for all, hehe."

Apparently he was also a little embarrassed.

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