Shen Xuan didn't say anything, after all, he didn't know much about this thing, but the three last Tufuzi came to the bombed stone gate and carefully observed.

Wang Long, who took the lead, said to Shen Xuan Zhang Hei

: "This place should be an ear chamber of the tomb, we should be in the middle part of the tomb now, and the outside should be the tunnel of the tomb."

When Zhang Hei heard this, he also smiled:

"Sure enough, this professional problem, then it is up to professional people to solve it, where do we old and rough understand these things."

After speaking, he directly led the person towards the door, and Shen Xuan also followed closely behind.

Passing through the tomb door that had been blown up, Shen Xuan Zhang Hei and his party came to the Yongdao that Wang Long said.

This road is spacious, there are roads left and right, Zhang Hei also said:

"Last time I took the brothers down, the two roads in front and on the right have already been walked once, there are many traps, many brothers have been folded, and I haven't figured out anything, this time, which way do we go?"

After speaking, he looked at Wang Long and asked professionals for professional questions.

Shen Xuan also looked at Wang Long, this matter about tomb robbery, he knew that it was estimated to be similar to Zhang Hei, naturally he couldn't interject.

At this time, Wang Long and the three of them touched and looked at the stone slabs next to this road, took out the compass to turn east and west, and then pointed to the road in front and said:

"Take the road ahead, according to the direction, this road should lead to the main tomb."

After speaking, he took the lead and walked towards the front, Shen Xuan Zhang Hei also led people to follow behind, looking at the three Wang Long walking in front, Shen Xuan still did not let his guard down.

Or, in other words, as soon as he went to the tomb, he was wary of everyone, including Zhang Hei, no way, born with persecution paranoia.

The group followed Wang Long for a long way, but did not encounter any danger, those organs were triggered by the soldiers who came down last time, Zhang Hei naturally knew this mechanism by heart, and let everyone bypass it.

Until he walked for a while again, Shen Xuan was a little surprised, how could the passage of this tomb be so long, and Wang Long in front stopped.

Everyone also stopped closely, and Shen Xuan and Zhang Hei also stepped forward to observe the situation.

There was a closed stone door in front of him, about the same size as the stone door that had been blown open by Zhang Hei before, and the reason why Wang Long stopped was naturally because of this.

Zhang Hei looked at the stone door at this time and spoke:

"Otherwise, blow up this door too, anyway, when you come down, you will bring explosives."

Wang Long shook his head and said to this black:

"Can't bomb anymore, the stone door just now is just on the edge of the tomb, and if it is blown up, it will be blown up, and now this place should be in the middle of the entire tomb, if it is blown up, the bearing dragon of the tomb is also blown up, then everyone will wait to be buried here together."

Zhang Hei listened to Wang Long's words, and also nodded in agreement, although he did not understand the tomb thing, but this bearing dragon, he still understood a little, and also knew that Wang Long was not lying.

Shen Xuan knocked on the surrounding stone slabs at this time, found that they were all solid, and said to this Wang Long:

"Then what to do, the stone slabs next to this are all solid, only this stone door can go, will you open the tomb door?"

When Wang Long heard Shen Xuan's words, he also greeted Wang Hu and Wang Leopard behind him, and the three of them stepped forward together and studied the stone gate.

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