Seeing the three busy in front of the tomb door, Shen Xuan also came up curiously.

At this time, Shen Xuan began to seriously observe the stone door, which was one and a half high, four or five meters wide, and there were many carved patterns on the door.

Probably looked at it, most of them are portrayed some dragons, snakes and pythons, and there are scenes of battlefield fighting, which should be some battles that Liu Daoquan experienced before his death, portrayed and praised Liu Daoquan's achievements.

And Liu Daoquan was named a general of Zhenyuan before his death, ranking above the third duke, and also belongs to the category of princes wearing python robes, so the depiction of pythons on this tomb door is also used to identify the identity of the tomb owner.

It seems that this tomb should belong to the prince's type of tomb, as for whether it is Liu Daoquan's, that remains to be verified.

Seeing Wang Long and the three of them turning over and over on the tomb door, Shen Xuan said that he couldn't understand and couldn't help.

Just walked towards Zhang Hei behind, and at this moment, the tomb door behind him "clicked", and Shen Xuan heard the prestige.

A small opening appeared at this time in the originally closed tomb door, and after Zhang Hei saw it, he also quickly called someone to come up and push the two stone doors open.

Shen Xuan also felt some admiration for these three native masters at this time, professional, this is called professional.

After the group pushed open the door of the tomb, they also looked inside, and by the light of the torch, they could barely see the situation inside.

A tomb with a total of 70 or 80 square meters appeared in front of him, and he was greeted by the huge coffin in the middle of the tomb, and everyone was happy when they saw the coffin.

Zhang Hei was ready to go in, but Wang Long stopped Zhang Hei at this time:

"The situation in this tomb is unknown, and if you enter it rashly, I am afraid that it will be dangerous."

When Zhang Hei heard this, he also nodded, and what he said really made sense.

After Wang Long said this, he also gave Wang Hu next to him a look, and Wang Hu also felt something from his bag behind.

Towards the open tomb door, I threw it in, and as soon as the black thing arrived in the tomb, it moved and began to move around the tomb.

It wasn't until he turned the entire tomb that Wang Long took the lead and walked in.

Everyone also followed Wang Long and went in together, and only now did Shen Xuan see clearly what that Wang Hu took out of his bag.

It was a black pangolin the size of a dirt dog, just taken out or curled up in a ball, and when it was later placed in the tomb, it stretched its body to explore the way for everyone.

Now Wang Hu also put it away again and put it in a bag.

Everyone also began to explore in the tomb at this time, and Shen Xuan was certainly no exception.

There are quite a few things in the tomb, and there are many jars with different patterns on the wall.

When those soldiers saw the jars, they couldn't wait to rummage through them all over the jars, and Wang Long saw the behavior of those soldiers at this time, and also said:

"This should be just a side tomb, not the main tomb, and most of those jars are some grains and liquor, which are used to bring the dead below to enjoy."

Where did those soldiers understand this, after listening to Wang Long's explanation, they did not rummage through the jars again, but stared at the coffins in the middle of the tomb one by one.

At this time, that black also couldn't bear it, the purpose of these people coming down was for the funeral goods in this tomb, the coffin was in front of them, how could they let it go.

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