"Oh my god, Baoyou, this thing is not going to be sold!"

In the live broadcast room, Elder Niu was shocked, and the two mustaches at the corners of his mouth trembled twice unnaturally.

He quickly put down the enamel jar in his hand, and stared at the object in Baoyou's hand with wide eyes.

On the other side of the live broadcast room was a mysterious treasure friend who covered himself tightly with a hat and a mask, and was curling a shiny claw in his right hand.

The claws are not big, and the whole body is as black as ink. They look like dry chicken feet, but they have five fingers, which are bent into fists.

"Oh, what does this thing say?"

Mystic Baoyou spoke hoarsely, turned a deaf ear to Elder Niu's reminder, and kept stroking the half of his paw.

"Monkey's paw, this is it!"

Elder Niu blinked his eyes in a daze, and reminded in a low voice: "The origin of this thing is too dark, so it's not convenient to talk about it in the live broadcast room, but it is said that this claw can satisfy the owner's three wishes, but after the wish is fulfilled, the owner will be punished." To backlash!"

In an instant, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded.

At first, some people booed and asked Baoyou to make a wish on the spot, and some people started to give everyone a popular science about the origin of the monkey's paw.

"Baoyou, have you made a wish? Has it worked?" Elder Niu asked with a smile.

Baoyou on the opposite side paused for a moment, and replied: "Not yet... let's do it!"

The live broadcast on the other side hung up with a snap, leaving only Elder Niu's face on the screen.

"Hey, thank you for choosing Niuma Jianbao Studio, let's connect with the next Baoyou!"

This is too impolite, just hang up as soon as you say it, Elder Niu muttered.

He clicked on the live broadcast device, and the words "Connecting" appeared on the screen.

"Hey, it's connected!" Elder Niu said with a smile.

A friend named XB connected to the live broadcast, but there was no one on the screen, only a snow-white ceiling.

"What do you want to examine, the ceiling?"

"This stuff is worthless, Baoyou!"

The screen was frozen for three seconds, and the connection was interrupted with a snap. Apparently, Baoyou with the ID XB disconnected on his own initiative.

The barrage was laughing like crazy, everyone was saying that Elder Niu was too bad-mouthed, he made Baoyou angry and asked Master Wang to deduct his salary.

Elder Niu raised his eyebrows and said, "I don't want to say that, it's because the internet is bad!"

Immediately, the live broadcast room was full of crying and laughing, and the effect of the program was full.

No one cared about Baoyou XB's hanging up.

On the other side of the live broadcast, Zhang Xibao clenched his sweaty fists, turned off his phone, and let out a foul breath.

He spread his palm, and a transparent gourd seed appeared in his palm.

Gourd seeds linger in colorful light in the sun, and in the center of the transparent seeds, a small green bud slowly stretches its leaves.

Even if someone who doesn't know how to look at it can see that this gourd seed is a treasure!

This gourd seed was originally an ordinary pendant, a relic left to him by Zhang Xibao's parents, but recently the gourd seed began to appear abnormal. Not only did it emit colorful light, but a small living sprout grew out from the center!

Alien treasure!

This was Zhang Xibao's first reaction when he saw the change in gourd seeds.

Since the global catastrophe in 2080, species have begun to mutate. Plants will grow magical fruits, animals will mutate into strange beasts, and strange treasures will appear in their bodies. Even many antiques handed down from ancient times have shown strange effects.

Some fruits will kill people if eaten, and some treasures have negative effects on humans, so many organizations that identify and collect strange treasures have been born.

Niumajianbaoshi is a relatively well-known small studio on the Internet.

There are a total of three appraisers in the cattle and horse appraisal room: the fat elder Niu, the thin elder Ma and the neither fat nor thin Master Wang, who happened to be the elder Niu live broadcasting today.

Zhang Xibao knew that this gourd seed was a treasure, but he didn't know the function and specific effect of this thing.

There is a treasure mountain in the sky but he doesn't know how to use it. Zhang Xibao's heart is scratched fiercely, as if he has a hundred little claws scratching himself.

Impulsive in his heart, he couldn't help but want to connect with Elder Niu to identify this gourd seed.

But the moment the connection was made, Zhang Xibao regretted it again, so he quickly disconnected the video connection.

why? Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty!

There have been three large-scale rare treasure auctions in Beishi recently, and the grand finale of one of them was a strange purple pine nut.

This little pine nut was directly auctioned for 30 million!

Zhang Xibao dared to use his head as a guarantee, this gourd seed with colorful lights is definitely more precious than that pine nut!

Taking purple light is amazing? I am taking colorful light!

Gourd seeds are worth more than 30 million yuan, and Zhang Xibao is just an orphan with no background. If someone finds out that he has a treasure in his hand, he will have to be killed along the network cable before tonight!

Thinking of this, Zhang Xibao broke out in a cold sweat, and his palms became sweaty.

"It's abrupt, it's abrupt..."

"But what's the use of this thing!" Zhang Xibao anxiously scratched his head.

I heard that after someone ate a strange treasure from a seed, not only did his physique not change, but he was sucked by the seed and turned into a human being. In the end, the flower that the seed produced with the human nutrition was the real rare treasure!

Therefore, it has become the default rule for people to identify different treasures before using them.

Zhang Xibao wiped the sweat from his hands. He was overjoyed when he found out that the gourd seeds had mutated, but he put the gourd seeds in his mouth and tried it. If he didn't get sucked into it, he was lucky.

"Why don't you plant it first and see if it doesn't work, I'll dig it out later?"

Selling is impossible. If you sell a baby on the first day, someone will kill him on the second day.

These rare treasures can only be used by themselves, so as to increase the capital to survive in the catastrophic world.

Zhang Xibao's eyes fell on the balcony, where he had grown a lot of leeks, and when it was time to eat, he could free up the flower pots for the gourd seeds.

There is a pot of tender leeks on the balcony~

It is growing green~

You just call it green and shiny~

don't cut it~

Zhang Xibao hummed a little song, pulled out the leeks, dug a small hole in the flower pot, carefully put the gourd seeds in, cultivated the soil, and poured some mineral water.

"Dig a hole, bury some soil, count one, two, three, four, five, guess what? No response!"

Zhang Xibao calmly analyzed while rubbing his chin.

"The germination of seeds requires suitable temperature, sufficient water, oxygen and sunlight!"

"It should be the lack of light, move to the balcony and try."

Zhang Xibao moved the flowerpot to the balcony, letting the golden sunlight shine on the flowerpot.

Time passed quietly.

"Yes, yes!" Zhang Xibao looked at the flowerpot excitedly.

The soil in the flower pot suddenly loosened, and then a small bud came out. The bud grew when it saw the wind, and jumped when it saw the sun, and began to stretch at a speed visible to the naked eye.

One inch, two inches, three inches...

Under Zhang Xibao's expectant eyes, the calabash vine wanted to climb out along the glass of the balcony.

"This is not possible!"

How can a cooked duck make it fly? Zhang Xibao slammed the window shut, and guided the gourd vine to climb up the bookshelf next to the window sill.

The gourd vine climbed up the bookshelf and began to climb up the closet next to the wall. The growth was very gratifying.

Zhang Xibao is looking forward to it!

"Will this gourd vine produce seven small gourds, and when the gourd falls to the ground, it will become a little person. The little people call me Grandpa. Some of the little people can breathe fire, some can spit water, and some can hide... ...Grandpa is about to reach the pinnacle of his life, hahaha!"

Zhang Xibao's fantasies almost flowed out.

"No, no, maybe a treasure gourd can grow on the gourd vine. At that time, the cheat books and elixirs will be inexhaustible, and then I can travel in foreign lands, hehehe..."

When Zhang Xibao fantasized, the gourd vine climbed up the bookshelf, the wardrobe, and the lampshade, and finally a small green gourd hung down from the ceiling.

It's done!


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