Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 2 The Great White Mouse

"What's the matter, just one knot?"

It is neither the gourd baby in fantasy, nor the precious gourd that has become a spirit.

Zhang Xibao poked the little green gourd with his finger, and the little green gourd hung on the vine and swayed.

Zhang Xibao touched the small gourd with his hand, it felt cool, nothing strange, and he smelled it closely, and it didn't have the strange smell as imagined, so he couldn't help shaking his head.

"Is it not mature yet?"

Zhang Xibao stared at the little gourd with his eyes wide open, waiting for it to mature.

After a while, the gourd vine began to wither, and the green leaves turned yellow in an instant, turning into white gas and dissipating in the air, leaving only the small green gourd wrapped around the lampshade.

"Could it be to eat its seeds?"

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand and tore off the small gourd. The gourd was so small that it fit in his hand.

He looked up and saw that the last gourd vine also turned into white gas and disappeared.

A small section of the vine at the top of the small gourd automatically bent into a hook shape, and a gap was opened an inch below the top, making the whole gourd look like a jasper wine gourd!

Zhang Xibao shook the gourd, there seemed to be the sound of water inside the gourd.

"Oh, I see, it should be drinking the liquid inside!"

He carefully unscrewed the plug, and purple air came out from the gap, instantly filling the room with fragrance!

After the intoxicating aroma of wine filled the entire room, it spread out along the cracks in the windows.

At the same time, the dogs in the dilapidated community started barking wildly, and the wild cats ran towards the residential building where Zhang Xibao lived. Even the normally timid rats ran wildly behind the large group regardless of the threat of the wild cats.

Animals have the most sensitive sense of smell, and for them, this smell is very fragrant.

"It's broken, the smell of wine has attracted the surrounding animals!"

Snapped! A sparrow crashed straight into the windowpane of Zhang Xibao's bedroom, leaving traces and a few stray hairs on the glass.

"What if the wine is poisonous?"

"Will I be drunk to death after drinking?"

"I can't control that much anymore, if you hesitate, you will lose!"

Zhang Xibao opened his mouth wide and raised the gourd to drink.

The crystal wine was about to fall into his mouth.


A black shadow swished past.


There was a hiccup sound, and it could be heard that the hiccup was very satisfying.


There were two more sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground and rolling down.


Then came the sound of snoring.

Zhang Xibao looked at his empty right hand in a daze.

In the blink of an eye, he was still holding the lid of the gourd with his left hand, but the wine gourd in his right hand was gone!


The cooked duck really flies!

At that time, Zhang Xibao's tears came down, and the teardrops fell down patter.

"My chance... no... gone!"

Zhang Xibao raised his head and glanced at the window with tears in his eyes. The window glass was intact, so it was impossible for animals to get in.

Then, he began to look around following the sound of snoring.

Zhang Xibao lay on the floor and looked under the bed. The green gourd rolled to the side, and a palm-sized brocade mouse was lying on the floor like a human being, sleeping soundly.

He pouted his buttocks, stretched out his hand to fish it, and caught both the gourd and the mouse.

Zhang Xibao first grabbed the small gourd and poured it into his mouth twice, the gourd was empty.

He burst out in a fit of anger, this little mouse is quite ruthless, he didn't even leave a drop of wine for him!

Screwing the lid on the little gourd and putting it aside, Zhang Xibao held the Chinchilla tightly and asked angrily, "How dare you take my chance?"

The loud roar did not disturb the Chinchilla's sleep at all.

"You spit it out!"

Zhang Xibao clenched his fist and slammed Chinchilla's belly.

"Spit it out!"


"Spit it out!"


After venting, Chinchilla's belly was unscathed, but Zhang Xibao's fist was sore from being nibbled.

Zhang Xibao didn't believe in evil, grabbed Chinchilla and rushed into the kitchen.

He threw the Chinchilla on the chopping board, picked up a sharp knife and stabbed it dozens of times, but the belly of the Chinchilla was still unscathed!

Zhang Xibao gradually calmed down, guessing that this small mouse might be a legendary beast!

The copper skin and iron bones of the alien beast, Zhang Xibao's fists and ordinary knives can't do anything to it.

Reminiscent of the unscathed window glass, Zhang Xibao speculated that this chinchilla might have the ability to change shape and change shadows.

That is to say, the wine in the gourd was strong enough to let the Chinchilla die drunk here, and when the Chinchilla woke up after digesting the wine, Zhang Xibao would definitely not be able to catch it!

"Is the opportunity just taken away by it?"

"I'm not reconciled!"

Zhang Xibao burst into tears, and felt a dull pain in his heart. He knew that the wine in the gourd had been swallowed by the Chinchilla and would never come back, but he was not reconciled!

Looking at the sleeping Chinchilla on the chopping board, the anger in Zhang Xibao's heart became more and more intense.

"You took away my chance, but you slept soundly! Even if the wine doesn't come back, I can't let you sleep comfortably!"

Zhang Xibao thought for a while, and took out a sharpening stick from the drawer.

The material of this knife sharpening rod is high carbon steel, the surface is covered with fine vertical lines, and it is more than a star and a half harder than ordinary knives.

In order to get revenge, Zhang Xibao stuffed the knife sharpening stick into the mouth of Chinchilla, but the two big teeth always prevented the knife sharpening stick from moving forward, so Zhang Xibao looked down and found another entrance for the knife sharpening stick.

The knife sharpening stick was in place, Zhang Xibao stabbed it in, a strange thing happened, the knife sharpening stick of more than 30 centimeters was completely submerged, as if there was an unfathomable abyss there!


The drunk Chinchilla suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were blood red instantly, and he screamed, and a golden bead involuntarily flew out of his open mouth.

"Mom, is this explosive equipment?"

Zhang Xibao heard that there is a chance that strange beasts will drop strange treasures after they die

The golden bead flew out from the mouth of the Chinchilla, and the Chinchilla opened its mouth wide, eager to suck the beads back.

Zhang Xibao subconsciously pulled the sharpening stick...


The Chin Maoshu screamed again, and had no choice but to ignore his head.

"Maybe it's the inner alchemy of a strange beast?"

Zhang Xibao's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, he grabbed the golden bead in mid-air, and he didn't think it was dirty, so he threw the bead into his mouth and swallowed it with a grunt.

"Ouch~ I'm choking to death!"

Zhang Xibao ran to get a glass of water, and gulped it down.

The golden bead was swallowed by Zhang Xibao, and it turned into a beam of light and disappeared into the body.

Chinchilla stood sluggishly on the chopping board, as if it had turned into a fossil.


Zhang Xibao laughed triumphantly: "If you take my chance, I'll swallow your pearls. I won't let you take advantage of it even if I die, ha, ha, ha!"

Chin Maoshu's eyes were fierce, and he was about to get violent and hurt someone, but when he saw the sharpening stick in Zhang Xibao's hand, he subconsciously shrank back.



The Chinchilla man stood up, with his forelimbs crossed, standing on the chopping board and yelling.



Zhang Xibao waved the knife sharpening stick and laughed at the Chinchilla on the chopping board.

One person and one mouse, with big eyes and small eyes, began to spray each other.


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