Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 100 Street Slippery Master Bao

The twenty-ninth, Saturday.

Li Ju, Zhang Ju and Liu Siming went to a meeting, so Zhang Xibao took the opportunity to go out for a walk.

The imperial capital is too big, so he spent a day shopping around the Guangdong Third Ring Road, familiarizing himself with the route outside Liuli Pavilion headquarters.

On the 30th, Liu Siming protected the two bureau chiefs and returned to Beishi, while Zhang Xibao stayed in the imperial capital alone.

Zhang Xibao took out the live streaming tool he bought yesterday - a selfie stick, hung his phone on it, and clicked on the live broadcast function of "Alien".

"Brother Meng, I'm already outside the Liulige headquarters building, [Autumn Wind] is inside, let's kill him!"

On the 30th, the day when Master Bao and Qiu Feng competed.

Millions of viewers have been waiting for Bao Ye to start broadcasting.

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room soared violently, reaching more than five million in an instant!

『My good fellow, it really is the Liuli Pavilion headquarters in the imperial capital! 』

"Bao Ye is mighty, I wish Bao Ye victory! Don’t forget to give out red envelopes when you win...』

"Mobile phone in hand, follow me!" Breaking into the Liuli Pavilion headquarters, Pan Qiufeng! skr~』

"Let's go, let's enjoy the autumn breeze!"

Zhang Xibao held the mobile phone holder and stepped into the gate of Liuli Pavilion headquarters.

As soon as he raised his leg and entered the gate, several security personnel in blue-gray uniforms blocked his way.

"Hey, hey, stop, street stalkers are not allowed to enter!"

"Do you want to use the air conditioner instead of seeing where this is?"

The voice was clearly transmitted to the live broadcast, and the barrage exploded.

"Hahahaha, what a street trickster! 』

"Bao Ye, you don't want to wear a child to go in, do you? 』

"Well, the gate has not yet entered, this is the evil capital's prestige!" 』

The security guard headed by him was a man of culture, and stopped Zhang Xibao: "Those with disheveled clothes are not allowed to enter."

Wearing sports clothes and sneakers, is this disheveled?

Zhang Xibao looked at himself up and down, he didn't wear a big gold chain or a small watch, how could he look like a street sneaker?

Zhang Xibao's face was full of black lines: "I am Qiufeng's guest!"

Security thought that Zhang Xibao was invited to the event, so he asked, "Then do you have an invitation ticket?"


"Oh, don't let them in!"

The three security guards in the lead seemed to be supernatural beings of the power department, and they bulged their big muscles. They were about the same size as the spirit apes on Hao Cang Island.

"It's over, it's over, the door can't even get in!" 』

"Is this an understatement? Deliberately tripping me up, right? @【Autumn Wind】』

"Bao Ye, fuck them! 』

"I don't have an invitation ticket, so it's okay if I come to buy the strange treasure?" Zhang Xibao didn't want to make trouble.

It stands to reason that he came to compete with Qiufeng, Liuli Pavilion should report this matter, and send some security guards to find fault, can't it?

"Buy strange treasures!"

Several security guards looked at each other and were happy.

"Do you know how much the cheapest rare treasure in Liuli Pavilion costs?"

"This number!"

Security stretched out a slap: "500,000!"

It's true that Zhang Xibao doesn't wear famous brands, nor does he look rich, but he has a lot of points!

Points are the hard currency for buying exotic treasures!

Zhang Xibao casually tapped twice on his phone, and lifted up the account points to show to the security guard in charge.

During the live broadcast, Anbao's smile froze on his face, and Gulu swallowed a big mouthful of saliva.

"How many points are there?" 』

"Is this security guard alive? 』

"There is a string of numbers in the pupils of the security guard, um, several 8s..."

"Upstairs, Ning is Leeuwenhoek? 』

The audience can only see Anbao's expression, but not Baoye's account number.

Zhang Xibao tilted his head and asked, "If converted into money, how many digits are there before the decimal point?"

The security stared and counted one by one: "!"

"Then I can enter?" Zhang Xibao asked again.

"Can enter, can enter!"

Several security guards immediately changed their smiles and stretched out their arms to lead Zhang Xibao.

"You're the kind of boss who likes to wear white shirts and drag kids, and has several buildings in your hand?"

"We all understand, what is that word called?"

The headed security guard asked his companion, and the companion thought about it: "Pretend to slap your face?"

"What kind of pretense is this? It's called showing off your holiness!"

Zhang Xibao had black lines on his face, thinking, are you a funny comparison invited by monkeys?

In the live broadcast room, Bao friends laughed like crazy.

"Hahaha, these security guards are not actors invited by Master Bao, are they? This show is full of effects! 』

"The script is wrong, everyone, shouldn't the plot be an unreasonable provocation by the overbearing security, and Master Bao is forced to act to show his holiness in front of others?" 』

The situation at the door caught the attention of the manager in the lobby. A female manager in a hip skirt came over and asked, "What happened?"

Finally, a normal person came.

Zhang Xibao took a step forward and stopped her: "My lord, I'm here to compete with the autumn wind."

"Oh, Lord Bao!"

The female manager was taken aback when she saw Zhang Xibao's iconic mahatma face and the live broadcast equipment in her hand.

"This way please, [Autumn Wind] will come later!"

The story of [Autumn Wind] fighting with [Bao Ye] was widely spread inside Liuli Pavilion.

The company's original plan was to make a bet of 10,000 points as a gimmick. If Qiufeng wins, it can not only give Liuli Pavilion a wave of publicity, but also give Bao Ye a stick. Liuli Pavilion.

But [Qiu Feng] privately raised the bet with [Bao Ye] to 50,000 points, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the company's senior management. Previously, [Qiu Feng] swore to win this battle, and now the challenger is here!

"Hehe... Are you so impatient to lose to me?"

Hearing his voice before seeing him, before Qiufeng opened the door, Zhang Xibao heard this stinky words.

"Stop talking nonsense, it's a mule or a horse coming out for a walk!"

Zhang Xibao gave Qiu Feng a thumbs up, turned it counterclockwise, and pressed hard.

"Arrogant, let me see how you lost today!"

"Start broadcast!"

Qiufeng waved his hand, and two female secretaries filmed him with live broadcast equipment.

He hooked his fingers towards Zhang Xibao: "Let's go, go to the rough stone warehouse."

Holding the selfie stick, Zhang Xibao leisurely followed Qiufeng. Qiufeng sneered, the rough stone with the best quality and the largest size had already been marked, and after a while, he would choose that one directly.

The original stone warehouse occupies an entire floor of the Liuli Pavilion Building. When Zhang Xibao and Qiu Feng came to the warehouse, the place was already full of people.

These people are treasure appraisers from various cities, and they were invited by Liuli Pavilion to participate in the event. It coincided with the competition between Qiu Feng and Master Bao, and the treasure appraisers all came to join in the fun.

Zhang Xibao took a glance and found an old acquaintance, Ye Changan, a senior treasure appraiser of the Yellow Dragon Society.

Seeing Zhang Xibao, Ye Changan's eyes lit up, and he waved his hand to greet him from afar.

Zhang Xibao rolled his eyes and ignored him.

Seeing that the two protagonists have arrived.

The host raised the microphone excitedly and began to mobilize the atmosphere of the scene.

『Welcome all appraisers to the competition site. The two participants of this competition have arrived. 』

"On one side is the well-known old anchor [Qiu Feng], and on the other is the newcomer [Bao Ye] who is in the limelight, who will win this competition, let us wait and see! 』

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