Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 101 The City Can Play

"Next, I would like to announce the rules of the competition. There are a thousand raw spirit stones on the scene. This is all the inventory of Liuli Pavilion this time. [Autumn Wind] and [Bao Ye] will search for the best quality among the thousand raw spirit stones." Stone. 』

"When the two of you have finished searching for the stone, we will have a professional master make the stone on the spot. Whoever takes the shortest time and finds the rough stone with the highest price will be the winner of this game. This time, the bet is 50,000 points!" 』

"50000 points!"

The competition between the two middle-level appraisers did not actually arouse the interest of the appraisers, they only thought it was a child's play.

But when the host said the bet was 50,000 points, there were whispers around.

"Playing so big?"

Ye Changan raised his eyebrows, and looked at Comrade Xiaobao on the side of the stage, Zhang Xibao was still holding a selfie stick to show the scene to his friends.

"This is the raw stone warehouse of Liuli Pavilion? so big! So many people are appraisers? Open your eyes, open your eyes! 』

"I heard that there is an event in the Liuli Pavilion today. I'm afraid all the senior treasure appraisers of Daxia are gathered here, right?" 』

"Each rough stone is the size of a human head, and the thousand rough stones probably cost tens of billions..."

Zhang Xibao's side is the polished commander, and thousands of treasure friends can only cheer him on through the screen.

Qiufeng's side was different. Two full-time beautiful secretaries were accompanying him. One was broadcasting live with a handheld device, and the other was helping him massage his shoulders and legs to relax his muscles.

"Both players are very energetic! If everything is ready, then I will announce the start? 』

"three! 』

"two! 』

The host stretched out three fingers and put them away one by one.

"Bridge Bean Sack!"

Before he could shout, he held back his breath and looked at Zhang Xibao on the right with a strange expression.

"What's the problem, player Baoye? 』The host asked with a smile in his hand.

Zhang Xibao held the selfie stick in one hand, and pulled the microphone with the other: "By the way, this Liuli Pavilion is Qiufeng's home field, right? It's not good to be both a referee and a player!"

"Oh? Master Bao means that Liuli Pavilion will cooperate with Qiufeng to cheat? 』

The host faced the audience, pointed at the original stone and introduced: "You don't have to worry about this happening at all! 』

"Everyone, please see that the 1,000 rough stones have not been numbered and are all in their original state. Moreover, the staff have shuffled the positions of the 1,000 rough stones, so there will be no cheating. 』

Qiufeng grinned, this treasure master is quite vigilant, but it's useless!

The original stones have the same color, the same material, and almost the same shape.

There was no mark on the best raw spirit stone, and no one could find any signs of cheating, because Qiufeng relied on his strong memory to identify that stone!

Relying on memory to find that one-of-a-kind stone among a thousand stones, although this method is a bit stupid, but no one can catch it, Qiu Feng will convince Master Bao to lose!

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "Oh, that's no problem, let's start!"

The host was no longer in the mood to shout one, two, three again, took the microphone and shouted: "Get ready, start!"

Zhang Xibao and Qiu Feng rushed into the pile of rough stones at the same time.

"Tiantian pupil, minimum power, open!" 』

Zhang Xibao recited silently, his eyes flashed a gleam of light, just like the pattern of fiery eyes and golden eyes on the mask of the Great Sage, but it didn't attract the attention of others.

"In Tongtiantong's field of vision, every rough stone will glow. The strength of the light represents the quality of the spirit stone inside the rough stone, and the size of the light cluster represents the size of the spirit stone. Just find the one with the brightest light and the largest light cluster. !"

It's so cool to hang on!

Zhang Xibao smiled slightly, stroking the Lingshi pretendingly, but actually scanning the rows of raw stones for their brightness.

The same is true for Qiu Feng, pretending, you must pretend to be like it, grab the original stone and touch it around, in fact, it is matching the original stone in memory.

The appraisers in the audience were all dumbfounded.

Are young people today so brave?

Can the quality be identified by touching rows of rough stones?

These two guys are not invited by the Liuli Pavilion to amuse everyone, right?

Everyone present is a senior appraiser, but it will take at least three days to identify the thousand rough stones.

Zhang Xibao held up the selfie stick, looked left and right, just like taking a walk.

There is a secretary behind Qiufeng holding the device, but he doesn't need to free up one hand to hold the phone. He holds the rough stone with both hands and fumbles around, like an evil ghost in color.

"Tsk, this one is big but not bright enough, this one is bright but not big enough..."

Zhang Xibao muttered softly, looking for a big and bright rough stone.

Qiufeng frantically compared the original stones according to his memory.

Rows of rough stones were passed, and the distance between the two became closer.

"Huh? This one is good, big and bright!"

Zhang Xibao walked straight towards a rough stone.

Qiufeng's eyes lit up, and he also found the stone in his memory.


The palms of both people fell on the best stone at the same time.

Zhang Xibao smiled slightly: "I like this piece, can you give it to me?"

Qiu Feng's face was ashen: "I chose this one first, please let it go!"

Qiu Feng shouted frantically in his heart, this is the fucking best stone, if I give it to you, I will lose!

The audience present were stunned, the host was also stunned, and the barrage on the two devices was also stunned.

"what's the situation? Two people chose the same piece? 』

"These two people are not invited by Liuli Pavilion to make fun of me!" 』

There were whispers all around.

a ha ha ha……

The host smiled awkwardly: "It seems that the two contestants have the same views!"

The barrage that reacted began to refresh.

"Two people chose the same stone at the same time, what is this, a tie? 』

The scene was once very embarrassing.

Two slaps pressed the stone tightly, Zhang Xibao and Qiu Feng refused to give in to each other.

Nonsense, who is willing to give up 50,000 points!

Life is gone, come back in the next life, points are gone, death is not reconciled!


In the auditorium, beside Ye Changan, an old man in Tang suit coughed twice.

The host's eyes lit up: "Mr. Ye Weng, master of appreciating treasures, please tell me something fair!"

At present, there is no king of appreciating treasures in Great Xia, only a few masters of appreciating treasures, Ye Weng, the old man of the Ye family, is one of them, and everyone agrees with his words.

"Ahem...Since both of them chose this one, let's cut it open and have a look!"

Zhang Xibao and Qiu Feng let go of their palms, and the stone master took away the rough stone and cut it on the spot.

After the recovery of aura, the supernatural beings are divided into old and new factions. The new faction stimulates their supernatural powers by devouring the seeds of strange treasures, while the old faction strengthens their physique and uses supernatural powers by absorbing clear energy into the body.

Countries such as Great Xia, Tianzhu, and Neon Kingdom have mostly old-school supernatural powers, while Western countries such as the Beautiful Country have mostly new-school supernatural powers.

Spiritual stones are produced in foreign lands, and they are important materials for refining exotic treasures. They can also provide practitioners with fresh air. No matter whether they are new or old, there is a high demand for spiritual stones.

Exotic lands, exotic treasures, exotic beasts, and spiritual stones are strategic resources in the new era.

"Top quality, extremely thin leather case! 』

There was an exclamation, and everyone looked up at the screen.

There are three types of Lingshi quality: upper, middle and lower, and the top grade is naturally the best.

On the big screen, the rough stone the size of a human head has only a thin layer of skin, and the inside is full of high-quality spirit stones. This rough stone is extremely rare, so it's no wonder that the stone master couldn't help but sigh.

So here comes the problem.

Zhang Xibao and Qiufeng chose this rough stone at the same time, whoever wins?

Everyone looked at Ye Weng, Ye Weng waved his hands: "Then let's have an overtime game!"

"Choose the worst rough stone!"

In a word, Qiufeng's cold sweat broke out.

He only remembered the best quality stone, but didn't remember the worst quality stone!

Qiufeng wished he could jump off the stage and strangle Ye Weng to death.

Zhang Xibao grinned at Qiu Feng: "You city people really know how to play?"

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