"How much do you want to sell this stone for?"

"Pull your wrists!" 』

"Again, how much?"

"Pull your wrists!" 』

"Give you a chance to reorganize the language!"

"Still pull out your wrists! 』

The uncle is almost becoming a repeater.

In the end, Zhang Xibao was defeated.

He picked up the stone and asked the uncle: "Do you know what it is, and you dare to ask for 80,000?"

The uncle's answer was very simple: "Stone, black drop stone."

"You know it's a stone and dare to ask for 80,000?!" Zhang Xibao's eyes widened.

The uncle replied: "My son said he could sell it for 80,000 yuan, so I will sell it for 80,000 yuan!"

It seems that the uncle listened to his son very much, and his son asked him to sell it for 80,000 yuan. Although he also felt that the stone was not worth the price, he dared to ask for 80,000 yuan!

Zhang Xibao asked again: "Does your son know what this is?"

The uncle shook his head: "My son doesn't know either. I asked many people to look at it, and they all said it was a worthless broken stone."

"Then dare to sell it for 80,000?"

Zhang Xibao was startled, aren't these two tigers?

"I'll just sell it for 80,000!"

The uncle picked up the stone and showed it to Zhang Xibao.

"This black stone was picked up by my son and others when they entered the Yan Mo Valley. They entered a foreign land, and they didn't get anything. Two of them were eaten by tigers."

"My son said that tiger is as big as a house!"

"Bao Dan is too expensive, and the family can't open the pot. He asked me to come to Pan Ziyuan to meet someone who is destined."

"The price of this stone is 80,000 yuan. Don't come looking for me if you miss it, and I won't look for you if you miss it!"

Zhang Xibao took the stone and rubbed it with his fingers, the surface of the stone was rough and not round.

"Your son picked it up from Yan Mo Valley?"


Zhang Xibao put away the stone, took the phone off the holder, and asked, "Scan code or cash, do you collect points?"

Everyone present was stunned, and the old man was also stunned for a moment.

"Collect points! Now points are more precious than money!"

The uncle took out his mobile phone and clicked on "Different". The account on it might belong to his son, and he showed Zhang Xibao the code for collecting points.

Zhang Xibao simply transferred 800 points to the old man.

It's only the price of a few bottles of Zuixianjiu, it's really not expensive...

After transferring the money, Zhang Xibao turned around and left.

"Eh eh? Did you really spend 80,000 to buy it? 』

"Master may be at a loss, he's still young..."

"Baby, what the hell is this thing? 』

The treasure friends were all curious, and Zhang Xibao said casually: "This stone has some kind of strange beast's blood stuck to it. As for what kind of strange beast it is, it's not convenient for me to say."

Hearing what Zhang Xibao said, the senior appraisers behind him frowned.

This dark stone is exactly the same as a pebble, why can't they see any magic?

Could it be that the anchor hit his eyes, made up an unfounded story, and forcibly saved face?

Ye Changan couldn't help reminding: "Comrade Xiaobao, your bet with Qiufeng is based on 100 points, and you spent 800 points on this stone. Even if the price is a hundred times higher, it's too much to do!"

Zhang Xibao held the black stone in his hand, and waved his hand: "I know this one doesn't count, let's continue, anyway, there is a lot of time, and Pan Ziyuan will not be closed for a while!"

A group of people continued to walk behind Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao is holding a stone in his left hand and a selfie stick in his right hand. He looks like an old street guy.

Strolling around three streets, I didn't see any treasures. During the period, I bumped into Qiufeng's group of people, and Qiufeng was also empty-handed.

Don't panic, it's not a big problem.

Master Bao had caught at least one stone, but Qiufeng didn't even have a single hair.


The group walked another two streets, and there was a light shining on a booth in the distance. Zhang Xibao was overjoyed, isn't this coming again?

Zhang Xibao casually glanced at the stalls on both sides, and slowly strolled towards that stall.

There was a middle-aged man with an unshaven beard in that booth, seeing Zhang Xibao walking towards his booth, a chrysanthemum-like smile bloomed on his face.

Pan Ziyuan came to hunt for treasures, and the news had already spread.

Although they are two stunned young people, both of them have real skills. If they stop at someone's stall, doesn't that mean that there is a real treasure in that stall?

They are all shedding foxes, so don't play Liaozhai!

"Come on brother?"

The middle-aged man rubbed his hands, stood up from the ponytail, and handed Zhang Xibao another ponytail: "Wait a minute?"

This anchor is a big golden pig, he needs to be taken care of!

The stall owner was so enthusiastic, Zhang Xibao's heart shuddered, something bad happened, the stall owners of Pan Ziyuan had already regarded him and Qiu Feng as wronged.

Zhang Xibao immediately turned a big corner, and turned back under the shocked gazes of the middle-aged stall owner and Ye Changan.

Goodbye, I won't stop at your stall, let's see who you cheat!

The stall owner had already thought about where to look at the house, but who knew that the down payment would be lost!

"Hey, hey, young man, why are you leaving, come back and have a look!"

The ball is gone, come back, the stall owner is a little bit about to cry.

There are definitely treasures in my stall, but which one is the key, and the stall owner is not sure, and I will not set up a stall in the future, what if the treasure is picked up and bought away?

Zhang Xibao stopped, and stretched out his index finger and thumb.

Everyone, Monk Zhanger, was puzzled and didn't know what the anchor meant.

"Wrist pull!"

Zhang Xibao said, "Give me 1 yuan, and I'll point out which treasure is on your stall!"

The stall owner was shocked, how could it be like this? !

He hasn't opened his business today, but he's going to lose 80,000 yuan?

"Hahahaha, look at the shocked expression of the stall owner! 』

"The stall owner cuts his wrists, the uncle pulls his wrists more, the treasurer does not lose money, and he earns a treasure for nothing. Absolutely!" 』

"If you fail to kill someone, you will be slaughtered, hahaha, I laughed so hard!" 』

The stall owner was a little hesitant.

Zhang Xibao ignited him again, and said, "Your treasure is definitely more expensive than 80,000 yuan. If you don't agree, I'll turn around and leave. In the future, if someone picks up the treasure on your stall and buys it, you can cry!"




"Hey! Pull your wrist and pull your wrist!"

"Help me watch the stall, I'll get the money!"

The stall owner gritted his teeth, took the card and went to the nearest bank, and came back with a bag in a short while, pouring out eight packs of hundred-yuan bills.

Master Bao picked up a bundle casually, and plucked it, yo, the money still has the residual temperature of the machine on it!

"Young man, should I tell you which one is a treasure on my stall?"

The stall owner's hands trembled a little, which was a sign of extreme excitement.

If the anchor can't say one, two, three today, he will use the folding stool that kills people invisible to shoot people!

Zhang Xibao collected the money and pointed to the stall.

"See that bodhi string with one hundred and eight seeds on your right hand?"

The stall owner picked up the bracelet and held it in his hand. After looking at it, there was nothing miraculous about it.

"Counting down from the knot, the twenty-seventh bodhi seed is a rare treasure seed, but it is a pity that it has been punched, otherwise it would be worth hundreds of millions. Now the seeds cannot be planted, so they can only be used as rare treasures. If the materials are sold, they can be sold for more than ten or two hundred thousand!"


The stall owner let out a long sigh.

With an extra eye on the bodhi seed, it changed from hundreds of millions to 200,000!

This bodhi string was harvested from the countryside, and the eyes had already been punched when it was harvested.

Zhang Xibao turned around and left with everyone.

Many people on the bullet screen asked Master Bao why he didn't accept it. Even a waste seed is worth 200,000 yuan.

"The bodhi seeds are not a treasure with a high premium in my mind, and the people at these wild stalls have already regarded me and Qiufeng as fat pigs. I only have 10,000 yuan in funds, so I have to change my strategy and go to Yibaozhai on the street instead. Buy the kind of baby with a clear price tag!"

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