Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 106 Master Bao's Miracle


There are exactly three kinds of stalls in Pan Ziyuan.

One is Yebao Zhai, which doesn’t even pay the management fee of the booth, just like the uncle shouting at Zhang Xibao.

One is a serious package where people can set up a stall after paying the fee according to the rules, just like the middle-aged stall owner who was tricked by Zhang Xibao.

The last one left is Yibaozhai, which is rich enough to have a presence in Pan Ziyuan.

The first two kinds come to you as soon as you ask the price, and you will not pay for your life. The last kind of Yibaozhai is different. Most of the things in it are genuine, and the price is clearly marked.

Zhang Xibao changed his strategy, stopped visiting stalls, and chose Yibaozhai in the front room instead.

"Comrade Xiaobao, there is nothing too cheap here..."

Ye Changan nodded, and Zhang Xibao nodded: "I know it well."

Seeing that Zhang Xibao stopped in front of a Yibao Zhai called "Linlang Zhai".

Everyone looked up, and there were writings on the left and right sides of the door: Although Xiaozhai is small, there is a universe inside, and the boss is not always happy to welcome everyone.

"Is there a universe inside?"

Zhang Xibao raised his eyebrows: "What a big tone!"

"Brother Meng, kill him!"

Zhang Xibao strolled in holding the selfie stick.

Seeing that there were guests, an old man in an ancient gown greeted him.

Zhang Xibao teased the old man: "Didn't you say that the boss is not old, you have a long life this year?"

"Hey customers, I'm just a shopkeeper, and the boss has someone else!" The old man explained to Zhang Xibao with a smile.

"Oh, like this……"

Zhang Xibao began to focus on the treasures in Yibaozhai.

Zhang Xibao inspected around for a while, and found that although "Lin Lang Zhai" is small, it really has all the internal organs.

The classification in the counter is also done in detail.

Of different animals: different animal inner alchemy, animal horns, animal claws, animal skins, animal bones, all kinds.

Different grasses: there are flowers, fruits, stems, and leaves.

There are also standard rare treasures, such as talisman paper, warm jade, long knife and so on.

The old man smiled and asked, "Customer, what do you want to buy?"

Zhang Xibao pointed to a pile of wood in the corner and asked, "How about these?"

There are many small pieces of wood in the corner of Linlangzhai, which seem to be the waste left over from the finished wood. The colors of the wood are also different, pink, blue, and maroon. At first glance, these woods come from a foreign land.

"Ah, these woods are scraps. My boss likes to carve, and there are often scraps left over. Although these are scraps, they are all good woods from foreign lands, so some people come to buy them and use them to car beads or make incense."

"I see."

Everyone didn't know why the anchor asked this, but Zhang Xibao squatted down to pick and choose among the scraps, picked up a palm-sized piece of date red wood and asked, "How much is this?"

Someone in the barrage asked curiously:

"Bao Ye, is this also a treasure? 』

"That's a piece of rotten wood!" 』

"Is Master Bao going to do something again? 』

The old man looked at the jujube wood, and said like a treasure: "Yan Mogu's millennium lightning strikes jujube wood, such a piece has to be..."

Zhang Xibao said angrily, "Don't tell me 80,000!"

Zhang Xibao really can't hear the word "wrist pulling" now, he pulls his wrist when he opens his mouth, and pulls his wrist when he shuts his mouth, do you want Hu Qingyi?

The old man replaced two fingers with three, held back the 80,000 that he almost blurted out, and said, "30,000!"

"How many?"

Zhang Xibao picked out his ears: "How much did you say?!"

"Please reorganize the language again!"

"If you say a lightning strike is a lightning strike? If you say a thousand years is a thousand years? Even if it comes from Yan Mogu, it is a piece of jujube wood. How dare you sell it for 30,000?!"

The old man patted Zhang Xibao's shoulder without blushing, and said, "Young man, I see that you bought it sincerely, how much do you think is suitable?"

Zhang Xibao wiped two zeros on him and said, "Three hundred!"

"No, no, it's wood from a foreign land after all, so it's better to sell the beads to others. A string of beads is more than three hundred!" The old man shook his head.

"What's the price for the beads? I want a small piece the size of a palm, can I car beads? Do you want to cut it into foam and drink it?"

Zhang Xibao ruthlessly exposed the old man's lies.

The old man chuckled: "Let me make some money anyway? I'm so old, I just point to this small shop to make some coffin money!"

"Didn't you say that the shop is not yours?" Zhang Xibao asked warily.

"It's really not mine..."

The old man pulled Zhang Xibao into a corner, and secretly said: "But I can get a commission for every piece of wood I sell. The higher the price I sell for these woods, the more commission I will get!"

"Do you want me to make some money?" the old man rubbed his three fingers together.

The old man probably didn't understand live broadcasting, so he pulled Zhang Xibao to a corner to avoid people like Ye Changan, but there were millions of viewers in the live broadcasting room!

When he was talking, Zhang Xibao held up a selfie stick and took pictures of everything.

Well now, millions of people have heard what the old man said!

Zhang Xibao looked at the old man with pity, and thought to himself, just pray that your boss is not in the audience...

"Three thousand, buy it now!"

Zhang Xibao stretched out three fingers: "Let's not be sloppy, I'll pay you three thousand, you'll definitely make some money, and can you let me use your boss's carving knife?"

"Ah, this..." The old man hesitated.

Zhang Xibao directly paid 3,000 yuan for the wood, and gave the old man 200 yuan, so the old man took out the boss's set of carving knives.

Zhang Xibao doesn't know much about engraving, so he directly chose the most convenient one from the row of knives, holding the wood in his left hand and the carving knife in his right, and smiled at the camera: "My dear friends, Master Bao will give it to you today." A wave of turning waste into treasure, we are sure to win today!"

Ye Chang'an and the others stood behind Zhang Xibao and watched silently.

Could it be that Comrade Xiaobao is going to use this piece of waste wood to refine a strange treasure on the spot? !

"Isn't this against the rules?" Someone whispered.

Ye Changan looked back at the man, and asked, "Which rule did you violate? First, the price of the wood did not exceed 10,000 yuan. Second, the Panziyuan market was not closed, and the wood was also bought from Panziyuan. Third, who said Can't turn waste into treasure? As long as the anchor can turn waste into treasure, and the premium exceeds Qiufeng, he will win!"

Everyone whispered and watched Zhang Xibao sculpting there with a serious face.

"Heavenly fire?!"

Suddenly someone exclaimed.

Ye Changan looked intently, the blade of the carving knife in Zhang Xibao's hand was covered with red flames!

Zhang Xibao muttered words, the blade cut across the wood, and the complicated patterns of ancient inscriptions appeared on the surface of the wood, before those wood debris fell to the ground, they turned into white smoke in the flames...

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