Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 107 You Can't Handle Fengzi

The temperature of this strange fire is extremely high!

Comrade Xiaobao has a strong control over different fires!

Comrade Xiaobao turned out to be a fire-type power user?

Ye Changan always thought he was from the strength department...

Otherwise, how could the spirit ape be beaten on the ground?

Everyone watched Zhang Xibao's sculpture in silence, Ye Chang'an was full of thoughts.

Seeing that Zhang Xibao finished carving one side of the wood, he turned the wood piece over and started carving the other side.

Everyone watched intently, and did not notice that two girls, one tall and one lower, walked into Linlangzhai.

The old man shivered suddenly when he saw the loli girl. He saw that the girl was staring at the carving knife in the host's hand with unkind eyes.


When the old man yelled, Zhang Xibao stopped sculpting, and everyone looked back.

The old man shuddered violently when he saw the loli girl.

Ye Changan shivered suddenly when he saw the tall slender girl.

Fuck, why is this guy here? !

Ye Changan's eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost.

The tall slender girl pulled the little Lolita over, saw the sign in Zhang Xibao's hand, and nodded: "The carving is not bad, let's continue!"

Zhang Xibao nodded slightly, and continued to concentrate on dealing with the cards in his hand.

Little Lolita stomped on Ye Changan's foot. Ye Changan took a breath, and felt that his foot bones were cracked again?

Finally, the five thunder ancient inscriptions on the back of the sign were carved, and Zhang Xibao breathed out a foul breath.

The tall slender girl praised: "An ancient inscription engraved on the yin, and an ancient inscription engraved on the five thunders, one yin and one yang are called the Tao, not bad!"

"Thank you for the compliment. Are you the owner of this store? Time is running out, so I borrowed your tools. Thank you very much!"

"I'm not the owner of this store."

The tall slender girl gave way to the little loli beside her and said, "She is the one, you should tell her."

"Thank you, thank you, are you the boss who is not old?" Zhang Xibao winked at the little Lolita.

"Hmph, my sister said that you are good at carving, so I forgive you for using my carving knife without permission!"

The little Lolita waved her hand arrogantly, turned her head and said to the tall slender girl, "Sister, sister, look at him like a monkey!"

The tall slender girl nodded: "Yes, that's Monkey King's face."

"Oh, boss, this guest said he had something important to do, so I lent him your carving knife. I won't dare to do it again!"

The old man kept apologizing to the loli girl, and the girl hummed twice with a proud face.

Ye Changan broke out in a cold sweat, Zhang Xibao had noticed it a long time ago, and asked him softly, "Are you suffering from kidney deficiency?"

Ye Chang'an pulled Zhang Xibao's clothes and reminded him, "Let's go if you have nothing to do!"

something wrong!

Big problem!

Ye Changan's anomaly started when these two girls came in. Could it be that he knew these two girls?

Like a ghost, Zhang Xibao glanced at the two girls with his Tongtian pupil.


A long song of a bird seemed to sound from the depths of Zhang Xibao's sea of ​​consciousness.



The monstrous fire!

Everything in sight is the inextinguishable Lihuo!

Youdao's bird-shaped shadow flashed away in the fire.

"Ouch, I'm going!"

Zhang Xibao covered his eyes, and tears flowed out.

When his eyes felt better, he raised his head and asked Ye Changan, "Are my eyes okay?"

Ye Chang'an said pitifully: "It's okay, it's just a little red, the redness of the monkey's buttocks, it's the same style as the Monkey King who just got out of the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun."

"Slip, slip!"

Zhang Xibao and Ye Changan were about to scream.

"and many more!"

The tall slender girl stopped the two of them, and they stopped abruptly.

"Can you sell that stone?"

The girl pointed to the black stone that Zhang Xibao was playing with.

Zhang Xibao threw a stone and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I have a sword that needs to be tempered."

The girl stared at Zhang Xibao and asked, "Sell it or not? The price is easy to negotiate, and you will definitely be satisfied!"

Zhang Xibao shook his head, and refused very simply: "I still have use for this stone, and I don't sell it high or low!"

Before going out, Zhang Xibao turned around and said something strange to the girl: "Wild pigs can't match cabbage, and feathered beasts can't match four spirits!"


The tall slender girl raised her eyebrows, remembering this anchor wearing a strange mask in her heart.

Zhang Xibao held the black cobblestone and the jujube card in his left hand, and the selfie stick in his right hand. After leaving Linlangzhai, he ran out of Panziyuan.


The little demon in the temple is very windy!

That girl just now is definitely stronger than Tail Fire Tiger!

Zhang Xibao glanced at Ye Chang'an, who was about to shrink into a quail, and combined with the phantom seen by Tong Tian Tong, he thought that he must have bumped into Vermilion Bird, one of the Four Saints, right? !

Nan Vermilion Bird of the second level of the earth rank is so young?

A group of people returned to the Liulige headquarters building, and Zhang Xibao found that Qiufeng and the others had returned.

"Ahem... Now that the two contestants are back, let's take out the treasures they found. The treasures will be judged by Ye Weng, the treasure appraiser, absolutely fair!"

Ye Weng was sitting in front of a table with reading glasses on his face, it seemed that he also attached great importance to this judgment.

"Take out all the treasures you found!"

Qiu Feng glanced at Zhang Xibao, walked to the table, took out a small blue jade seal, and said loudly: "I bought this for 8,000 yuan, please judge Ye Gong!"

Ye Weng nodded: "Well, okay..."

Zhang Xibao took out the jujube wood plaque and put it on the table, he smiled: "This is a placard for suppressing evil and eliminating evil spirits carved by a non-famous engraver on the base of a thousand-year-old lightning-struck jujube wood from Yan Mo Valley in a foreign land. I paid 3,020 yuan, and I invite Mr. Ye Weng to taste it!"

Ye Weng nodded habitually: "Well, not bad..."


"Who are the non-famous sculptors?"

Ye Weng looked at Zhang Xibao in bewilderment.

Zhang Xibao pointed at himself without shame.

Ye Weng almost threw the brand on Zhang Xibao's face, you carved your own feelings, you stinky face!

Qiufeng was delighted when he heard Master Bao say that.

I bought a piece of rotten wood for 3,000 yuan and carved a sign myself?

Where can the premium go?

Although my seal is not a rare treasure, it is an antique, absolutely valuable, at least a hundred times the premium!

"Then I'll start judging!"

Weng Ye took a deep breath, and the two treasures on the table began to be projected on the big screen.

Ye Weng first picked up the cyan jade seal, looked at it carefully for a while, and said loudly: "This is a Qingtian jade seal carved by Ding Jing, a master seal carver in the Qing Dynasty and the head of the Eight Xiling Schools. Words, real antiques, based on previous transaction prices, I will give an estimate of two million, who has any objection?"

The audience whispered for a while, but no one raised any objections.

Although this seal is an antique, but the material is Qingtian instead of Tianhuang, two million is considered a fair price.

"Two million!"

Qiu Feng's face brightened. This seal cost 8,000 to buy back, and the valuation is 2 million, which is already a premium of 250 times, which has greatly exceeded his expectations.

"Let me take a look at this card for suppressing evil spirits..."

Ye Weng picked up the sign and studied it for a while, and was amazed.


"Everyone, please take a look. This plaque is engraved with an ancient soul-suppressing talisman, and an ancient five-thunder talisman is engraved on the yang side. The yin side suppresses the soul, and the yang side repels evil spirits. It cannot be used by anyone who does not refine Qi. This is a mysterious treasure!"

As soon as the words fell, there was an uproar in the audience.

"Is it really a mysterious treasure?"

According to the Liuli Pavilion's auction, the price of the mysterious treasure is not less than ten million. Isn't this brand a thousand times more expensive? !

"I do not believe!"

Autumn wind roared.

"Chang'an, come and try!"

Ye Weng handed the plaque to Ye Chang'an. All the senior appraisers here know that Ye Chang'an is a person with the ability to cultivate clear energy.

Ye Changan took the sign and said worriedly, "What if the power is too powerful and hurts someone?"

"No problem!"

A senior treasure appraiser in the audience stood up, took out an iron bowl, and said confidently: "My bowl can imprison the attacks of strange treasures, just try it!"

Ye Changan nodded, poured a stream of fresh air into the sign, and with a bang, the lightning from the sign was sucked away by the iron bowl.


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the iron bowl was cracked!

"Oh shit, my bowl!"

The senior appraiser's distressed tears were about to come down, and he quickly picked up his iron bowl to check.

He wanted to cry, but he wanted to pretend, but Bo was cut by Wu Lei, how many points would it take to fix it!

"It's really a mysterious treasure!"

"I declare that Comrade Xiaobao wins this competition!"

Before the words fell, Qiu Feng rolled his eyes and fell down with a thud.

"Hey hey?"

Zhang Xibao flew over, among those who pinched Qiu Feng vigorously: "I said, don't pretend to be dead, first transfer the points to me before you die!

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