Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 109 Secretly Reviewing And Amazed Everyone

The train headed west, and Zhang Xibao returned to Beishi.

In just half an hour, hundreds of thousands of red envelopes were thrown down, and the number of fans of [Bao Ye] reached 5 million.

The tens of millions of fans of [Autumn Wind] are the result of his years of hard work and the packaging and promotion of Liuli Pavilion, while [Bao Ye], an account from Ye Luzi, has reached a height that others can't reach in a lifetime in half a month.

But there is one thing to say, it is really exciting to throw coins!

After being happy, Zhang Xibao took a deep breath and announced one thing: "My friends, the broadcast will be suspended for half a month in early June, and Master Bao's live broadcast will come to an end."

"Ahhh, Master Bao, why are you going to enter a foreign land again?" 』

Zhang Xibao shook his head: "Do you remember when June is?"

"Oh, oh, I see, the college entrance examination will be held in June, this is an annual big summer event!" 』

"That's right."

Zhang Xibao grinned: "As the image ambassador of the Beishi Appraisal Bureau, Master Bao is here to wish all the candidates good grades in advance. The broadcast of Master Bao is off for half a month, and he is going to contribute to the exams of the students in Beishi City."

"Every year in the test, many people with supernatural powers are invited to maintain order in the test room. With Master Bao's weight in the Beishi Appreciation Bureau, he must be among the invited! 』

"Yes, that's right."

Zhang Xibao thought to himself that if I take the exam, it will be regarded as a contribution to Beishi...

"Does Master Bao have any family members to participate in the test?" 』

"Yes, but the anchor can't reveal too much, I can only wish him good results in advance!"

Zhang Xibao thought that the one who participated in the test was me.

I wish myself good results, what should I say about this wave?

Seeing all the bullet screens saying "I wish Baoye's family good grades in advance!" 』, Zhang Xibao was quite relieved, the hundreds of thousands of red envelopes were not in vain!

It has become Zhang Xibao's habit to draw the curtains when he gets home.

He stared at the balance of his account and giggled for a while, then took out the black pebble he found from Pan Ziyuan.

Zhang Xibao did not deceive his friends, this stone was indeed stained with the blood of a strange beast, and this strange beast was not young, it was the phoenix, the head of the feathered beasts among the four beast spirits!

"Phoenix: A heaven-level B-level alien beast, the head of a feathered beast, covered with colorful feathers, shaped like a chicken, the male bird is a phoenix, and the female bird is a phoenix. The phoenixes fly together, good luck! 』

"Good baby!"

After reading Baojian's introduction, Zhang Xibao stroked a big black cat and Panjin Maoshu's head, and laughed loudly: "Shu Ling releases the Tongtian Cauldron, let's practice!"

The Tongtian cauldron fell to the floor, Zhang Xibao threw the black stone into the cauldron, closed the lid and began to burn it with different fire.

"Wow, my mentality has collapsed, this stone is really smelly and hard!"

Zhang Xibao wiped the sweat off his head, the fresh air was exhausted, and there was no movement in Tongtian Cauldron.

He stuffed half a pill of Refining and Refining Qi into his mouth to replenish his energy, took a breath and continued to practice.

Back and forth, the fresh air was exhausted three times, and finally there was movement in the Tongtian Cauldron, which is indeed the blood of a heavenly beast!

The lid of the Tongtian Ding was pushed open, and a tiny drop of blood flew out from the tripod, how small was it, it was about the size of a blood-sucked mosquito!

Although the blood bead was small, it was powerful. When it flew out of the cauldron, it seemed that there was a cry, and the room was instantly filled with blood.

The big black cat and Chinchilla stood on the spot dumbfounded, and after realizing it, they huddled together in a defensive posture.

"Come here, you!"

Zhang Xibao opened his mouth, and swallowed the blood beads in the air with a grunt.

"Oh ha ha ha... it's hot, it's hot, it's hot!"

Zhang Xibao jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and rushed towards the bathroom.

Cold water splashed on him, but the hot body surface quickly evaporated the cold water.

Instant steam filled the bathroom, and Zhang Xibao was like a humanoid self-propelled humidifier.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, Zhang Xibao came out of the bathroom all red, looking half mature.


A ball of flame rose from Zhang Xibao's palm.

"Red with yellow, my strange fire is changing?"

"Among the flames, only a trace of flame in the center is yellow. It seems that I need more phoenix blood..."

Zhang Xibao sat on the sofa, licking a popsicle, muttering to himself: "Yan Mogu..."

There is less than half a month left before the annual college entrance examination in Daxia. During this period, the popular "Bao Ye" really stopped broadcasting.

During the off-air period, Zhang Xibao began to frantically review the knowledge of the literary test.

The test content of the literary test is completely different from the test content before the spiritual recovery.

In the past, there was only the literary test, and there were three major subjects plus a comprehensive test. Now, a physical test has been added. The literary test focuses more on the application of knowledge after the recovery of spiritual energy. This is because the literary test is selecting available talents for the two rounds.

Even if a person has no talent, as long as he has a good score in the literary test, he may be recruited as a backup talent by the two bureaus of each city. This is also a channel for ordinary people to rise after the recovery of spiritual energy.

Applied knowledge of spiritual recovery such as: the time and place of spiritual recovery, the name of the first supernatural person in Daxia, the name of the first strange treasure...

These are basic compulsory knowledge, and there may be fill-in-the-blank questions and multiple-choice questions.

Don't think that you don't need to study after the spiritual energy is revived!

(Learning and practice are important ways to understand the world, student party members, Ollie!)

Since "Tongtian Dabaojian" entered Zhang Xibao's sea of ​​consciousness, he can understand all kinds of complicated ancient inscriptions at a glance, let alone the knowledge in textbooks.

All Zhang Xibao had to do was secretly review, and then amaze everyone with his literary test results.

He told Lao Bao that he wanted to take the first place in the literary test, not just for fun.

"I just don't know what Lao Bao's expression will be when he sees my grades after taking so many vacations!"

Zhang Xibao smiled, with the calmness of sitting on the Diaoyutai.

On June 7, there was light rain in Beishi.

It rains every year as soon as the test comes, and everyone has long been familiar with it.

Some people said that this was because of the resentment of the examinees, while others said that it was raining because some carp were about to jump over the dragon gate.

But no matter what, it's cool when it rains a little, and Zhang Xibao is a more pragmatic person.

Lao Bao was standing at the school gate wearing a poncho, and Zhang Xibao passed him by with a file bag full of stationery.

Lao Bao opened his mouth, and his voice reached Zhang Xibao's ears: "Take a good exam!"

Zhang Xibao nodded: "You are here, don't move around, I'll get you the first place in the literary test."

"You're so cheap, aren't you?!"

Lao Bao sucked his teeth: "The emotions that have just been brewed, bang, it's gone!"

Zhang Xibao ran away with the file bag in his arms, and Lao Bao yelled at his back:

"Number one in the literary test, as you said, I can't save you if you don't pass the test, I said it!"


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