Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 110 Isn't This Machine Expensive?

"Good afternoon, audience friends, this is the gate of Beishi No. 1 Middle School. 』

"The annual college entrance examination has begun, and the bell is ringing for the end of the literary test. Let's prepare to interview the first candidate who walks out of the examination room!" 』

A well-dressed hostess with a sweet smile was standing outside the cordon with a microphone in her hand. The camera shifted to a male student in a blue school uniform coming out of the examination room. It seemed that he was the lucky one to be interviewed.

After the rain, there was a lot of water on the floor tiles. Zhang Xibao, who had finished the written test, was bouncing on the road. He was wearing white sneakers.

"This candidate, can you take a few minutes of your time to accept our interview. 』

The hostess smiled and greeted her from afar.

Zhang Xibao looked around to see if there was no one around, then pointed to himself, meaning to ask if he wanted to interview me.

"Yes, it's you, the first candidate to come out of the examination room. 』

The hostess smiled and handed the microphone to Zhang Xibao's mouth. In order not to make the interviewed student nervous, the hostess asked in a homely tone:

"Hello, my classmate, we are reporters from Beishi TV station. I think you are the first one to come out of the exam room. How do you feel about this exam?" 』

Master Bao is not timid in front of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room. How can he be nervous when he is interviewed by a reporter? joke!

"Ah, this test gave me a good feeling overall. The paper on the roll is moderately soft and hard, the layout design is also very reasonable, the printing is clear, and the ink is fragrant. As for the test room, the invigilators are serious and responsible. The test environment It's relatively quiet, except that a candidate next to me farts all the time, and the air quality is a bit bad, so if you get a perfect score, you can get an overall score of 8.8, um, it's auspicious..."

Zhang Xibao was talking nonsense in a serious manner, and the hostess was startled, do you eat at a broadcasting restaurant, or live in a five-star hotel, and you even gave the test room a score!

"Ahem... This examinee's evaluation is quite comprehensive, so do you think this essay test paper is difficult?" 』

Zhang Xibao pulled the microphone closer, and said solemnly to the camera: "Our candidates in Beishi No. 1 Middle School don't have difficult test papers in their eyes!"

This stuff is crazy!

The hostess raised her eyebrows, and asked again unwillingly:

"Is there no question on the paper that you think is difficult?" I heard that in this literary test, the famous talisman master Mr. Qin Jiuyuan personally came up with a final question...』

"Ah? That final question about talismans!"

"It's too simple! It took me three seconds..."

It happened that a dejected girl had just walked out of the school gate, and when she heard Zhang Xibao's words, she burst into tears.


Zhang Xibao shrugged with an innocent look on his face.

"Sorry, I still have something to do."

Zhang Xibao refused the next interview and walked straight towards Lao Bao.

Lao Bao asked him, "How did you do in the exam?"

Zhang Xibao made an OKK gesture: "Don't worry, I've recited the plenary meeting, and I got it all right!"

Old Bao snorted twice, and said, "Tomorrow's physical test will be bigger than today, don't be nervous, show your full strength!"

"I have a comrade-in-arms from the imperial capital who came to invigilate the exam. I bragged to him that he had accepted a good candidate. Come on, give me some face."

"Big scene? How big is it?" Zhang Xibao blinked.

Lao Bao grinned and took a puff of smoke: "You will know tomorrow!"

On June 8th, it was a cloudy day, and the physical examination in the examination room of Beishi No. 1 Middle School was about to begin.

Zhang Xibao understood how big the big scene was in Lao Bao's mouth, all the five dragons in Beishi had come!

The Black Dragon Society is in charge of order on site, the Yellow Dragon Society and Red Dragon Society are in charge of proctoring the exams, the Blue Dragon Society is in charge of adjusting the physical testing equipment, and the White Dragon Society is in charge of making soy sauce to prevent candidates from getting heatstroke.

Before the physical test, all candidates were tested for urine, and then scanned again by members of the Blue Dragon Club with special treasures.

Such a big scene has stunned all the candidates who took the test. Everyone sat quietly in their seats, and the classroom was eerily quiet.

"The students from Class 1, Senior 3, come with me. 』

The man who spoke was an unsmiling man, wearing a black dragon pattern uniform, with a scar on the left corner of his mouth.

"Those who have read their student numbers come over and line up in two groups in order. Whispering and making loud noises are strictly prohibited, understand?" 』

The students nodded obediently.

"Meng Tianlong, Wang Meng, Han Meimei..."

"Zhang Xibao..."

When Zhang Xibao was called, the man looked up.

"Form two teams and follow me." 』

The huge indoor stadium in Beishi No. 1 Middle School has been turned into a makeshift exam room.

Many people in blue dragon uniforms are nervously adjusting in front of the machine.

"Strength, speed, reaction... These tests are used to identify whether you have the possibility of becoming a supernatural being. Please do your best to do your best." 』

"There will be another special test later, to identify whether any of you are suitable for practicing Qingqi. 』

"If you are ready, let's start one by one according to the student number!" 』

Two rows of people began to stand on the machine to test one by one, and the man walked straight towards Zhang Xibao.

"My name is Liu Dapeng, Bao Guyan's comrade-in-arms, he said you are a good seed, let me see your strength, do your best, I have never seen him ask for help."

Lao Bao said before that as long as Zhang Xibao excels in the essay test, he can give Zhang Xibao a recommendation spot. Could it be that Liu Dapeng has gone the way?

Zhang Xibao was a little moved for a moment, and decided to use at least half of his strength in the physical test, so that Lao Bao could look good in front of Liu Dapeng.

Zhang Xibao nodded in silence and didn't say much.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the students in front also passed by like commodities on the assembly line.



After a loud noise, there was a burst of exclamation, and Zhang Xibao stretched his neck to look.

The sports committee member Wang Meng actually exerted a huge force of 300kg on the machine. It can be seen that Baodan did not eat less or exercise less.

The member of the Blue Dragon Club who was in charge of recording nodded and recorded the data on the panel.

At present, Wang Meng has the greatest strength and ranks first. With a grin on his lips, he walked to the next test site under the envious eyes of his classmates.

"The next classmate, Zhang Xibao! 』

Zhang Xibao trotted over.

The machine is similar to the one that Lao Bao asked Zhang Xibao to test, but it looks bigger.

"Hello, hello, I'm Zhang Xibao."

Members of the Blue Dragon Club glanced at the strange boy, looked down at the tablet, and said, "Let's fight!"

"What is the limit of your machine?" Zhang Xibao asked.

"9999kg, it has nothing to do with you, why ask this?"

The member of the Blue Dragon Society felt that the young man named Zhang Xibao in front of him was a bit irritated, and urged: "Hurry up!"

"Then your machine is quite expensive, right?" Zhang Xibao asked again.

"Why are you asking this? Does it have anything to do with you? This classmate, what's going on with you, is it unpredictable?"

The member of the Blue Dragon Club said angrily: "Don't worry, you students won't have to pay if you break it, besides..."

Before the words finished, Zhang Xibao took a deep breath and punched the machine hard.

The numbers on the screen began to soar rapidly, changing from 0000 to 9999 in an instant!

Under the stunned gaze of the debugger, 9999 on the screen of the machine flashed a few times and changed to XXXX.

"Damn it, the machine is really broken! 』This is the first thought of the debugger.

"Fuck, this boy is simply not human! 』This is the second thought of the debugger.

Zhang Xibao moved his wrists, saw the four eye-catching big eyes, and nodded in satisfaction.

Well, it's okay, I was moved by Lao Bao, and I used 70% of my strength unconsciously!

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