Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 111 Master Bao's Fart Shakes The World

"Team leader!"

The members of the Blue Dragon Club yelled loudly: "The machine was broken by this kid!"

Members of other test projects also pulled their necks and looked this way.

"Okay, don't shout, I have seen it all, others continue to test!"

Under Liu Dapeng's expressionless face, he was already in agitated mood.

Damn it, I picked up the treasure!

Hehehe... Be calm and calm, don't lose your image in front of the team members and these furry kids.

Not only Liu Dapeng saw it, but all the students who were waiting for the test saw it!

Zhang Xibao punched the machine out of order!

What did the debugger say, the maximum load-bearing capacity of the machine is 9999kg, and Zhang Xibao's fist strength exceeds 9999kg, is this still a human?

Han Meimei in the other row asked in surprise, "Who the hell are you? Which monster are you?"

Zhang Xibao rolled his eyes: "Wow!"

"Bounce! Bounce! Bounce!"

Han Meimei flicked her fingers a few times, then nodded: "Well, the identification is complete, it's Zhang Xibao himself."

"How do you score this score?"

The members of the Blue Dragon Club blinked and asked Liu Dapeng: "500kg can give you a full score, what is the score for this little monster?"

Liu Dapeng thought for a while, and replied: "First fill in the 100+ mark, and I will ask the invigilator of the Red Dragon Society afterward."

Then Liu Dapeng said calmly to Zhang Xibao, "Continue to do our best for the next item!"

Go all out? I only used 70% of my strength, okay?

Zhang Xibao glanced at Liu Dapeng.

Just pretend you are! Just now your eyelids twitched several times, thinking I didn't see it?

The next speed test, the 100-meter run.

This does not require a machine, and I don't worry about breaking the machine.

Liu Dapeng's task was to watch the strength test the whole time, but the machine was broken by Zhang Xibao, so he followed Zhang Xibao to watch the test the whole time.

Liu Dapeng took over the position of the tester and said to Zhang Xibao: "Let's run when you are ready, and I will time you personally."

In fact, there is no human timing at all. This test uses laser speed measurement. Liu Dapeng just wants to get Zhang Xibao's data as soon as possible.

A gust of air suddenly rolled up in the air, and the dust captivated Liu Dapeng's eyes. After he rubbed his eyes twice, Zhang Xibao had already stood at the finish line.

The display on the instrument: 3 seconds 43.

Liu Dapeng raised his eyebrows, Zhang Xibao was faster than Cheetah.

"Oh, go on!"

"Next item, reaction test."

The instrument used for the test is still the VR glasses similar to cutting fruit.

The debugger introduced: "20 levels can get full marks, and 1 level can get 5 points."

Zhang Xibao whistled and said very easily, "I know this one well!"

When learning boxing with Lao Bao in the equipment room, Zhang Xibao played the test as a decompression game after each training session.

Zhang Xibao skillfully put the machine on his body without the help of a debugger.

Compared to other clumsy testers, Zhang Xibao seemed to be playing games in an Internet cafe.

And indeed.

Every time after playing, Zhang Xibao will delete the file and start again. What Lao Bao doesn't know is that Zhang Xibao has played the game to level 99.

"It's still short of the last level, let's get through it today!"

Zhang Xibao took the controller and started the test. This was no longer a challenge to a level, but a challenge to himself.

Get through the last level!

The speed of waving the handle became faster and faster, gradually turning into two afterimages in the air.

One pass, two passes, three passes...

Until the 80th level, Zhang Xibao continued, even though he had already scored full marks.


A member of the Blue Dragon Club next to him sucked his teeth, pointed to Zhang Xibao and said to his companions, "If he is in our hometown, he will definitely be a good hand-made beef ball!"

"Choose the best leg meat and beat it with two sledgehammers. It takes at least 20,000 times to make a pot of springy and refreshing beef balls. With the speed of this handsome boy, at least dozens of beef balls must be made a day." Basin? The boss is ecstatic!"

"Stop talking, my mouth is watering!"

"Oh, not bad, it's the last level!"

The two ended the topic and looked at Zhang Xibao with wide eyes.

"Damn it, two-knife turkey?"

The two handles in Zhang Xibao's hand slashed alternately, a sonic boom sounded faintly in the air, and the handle made of high-strength plastic began to groan unbearably.


Zhang Xibao shattered the last colored bubble in his field of vision with a false slash, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

It's done, the last challenge is successful!

He took off the VR glasses and found that everyone in the stadium was staring at him.

"Look at it, look at it? If you look at it again, I'll drink you all!"

The debuggers shook their heads, this pretty guy is amazing, but he seems a little unclear.

"Ahem... then proceed to the last item."

"follow me!"

Liu Dapeng took Zhang Xibao to test the last item. He had already decided that when Zhang Xibao graduated from university, he must be recruited to the Black Dragon Club of Beishi!

"Although you have achieved good results in the previous tests, this test is also very important, and it is related to how high you can go in the future."

Liu Dapeng led Zhang Xibao to a door and let him in after a reminder.

Zhang Xibao pushed open the door and found an old man with his hair tied up in a bun sitting inside, wearing a blue Taoist uniform.

The old man with white hair and goosebumps, but his eyes were shining like big stars, when he saw Zhang Xibao coming in, he parted his lips slightly, and uttered a word: "Sit."

Zhang Xibao sat down like a good baby, this old man gave him a feeling of danger, it's better to be honest.

"Stretch out your hand, let me feel your acupoints first, and see if you can cultivate clear Qi."

Don't you want to touch your hands again?

Zhang Xibao felt a little bad, he had taken the marrow-washing and bone-cutting pill, and the acupoints and openings were fully opened, and after taking the refining and transforming qi pill, a considerable amount of clear energy had been stored in his body.

Besides, he has swallowed fire lotus seeds and phoenix blood for six thousand years, and the strange fire in his body is like a small nuclear bomb, wouldn't it be completely leaked if this old man touched it?

He still wants to wear the vest of Master Bao to do things in a foreign land!

Find a way, think of a way!

"Shouldn't you reach out your hand soon?" The old man raised his eyes and glanced at Zhang Xibao.

No matter, the trick, the big shit escape technique!

"Report, I want to shit!"

"Vulgar! Bear with me!"

Zhang Xibao hugged his stomach: "No, it hit the sphincter!"

The old man waved his hands with a look of displeasure: "Hurry up and come back!"

At the door, Liu Dapeng asked with a strange face: "Why did you come out right after entering?"

"People have three urgencies!" Zhang Xibao clutched his stomach and rushed to the toilet.

Inside the toilet cubicle.

Zhang Xibao knocked on the head: "Shu Ling, Shu Ling, come out and save the situation, if you don't come out, my trumpet will be picked up!"

Golden scriptures emerged from the air.

"Is there any baby that can cover up my clear energy and strange fire? Just take out one or two and let me deal with it!"

Shuling conveyed an idea to Zhang Xibao: I have baby, but I want to eat dragon liver and phoenix marrow.

"Eat your sister's dragon liver and phoenix marrow. I gave you the inner alchemy of the iron-winged eagle last time. Why don't you just chew me and eat it!"

The book spirit opened and closed twice in a grudge, and a black pill flew out from the page - discouraged pill

"Desperation Pill: Xuan-rank Grade A treasure pill, refined by the old man Tongtian, specially used to punish monks who oppress mortals with their cultivation base. Those who eat this elixir will completely vent their qi, dissipate their cultivation bases, and within three days they will be no different from ordinary people. 』

"Thank you, I'll treat you to a good meal next time you enter the foreign land."

Shu Ling disappeared, Zhang Xibao swallowed the black pill in one gulp.

A discouraged qi pill entered his abdomen, Zhang Xibao felt that the fresh air in his body was slowly dissipating.

"Eh? Damn it!"

The fresh air dissipated, and Zhang Xibao's stomach also swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, making him instantly become a pregnant woman with a big belly in October.

Zhang Xibao took off his trousers, "So it's such a trick? Go from the back? What kind of thing is this that old man Tongtian practiced!"

There was a loud noise in the toilet, which scared everyone to shiver.

"An earthquake? ’ someone asked suspiciously.

No, that's a fart!

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