Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 112 General Level Of Qualification Is Limited

"Did you smoke in the toilet?"

Liu Dapeng blocked Zhang Xibao at the door of the toilet for questioning. The movement just now was really big, like the methane gas in the toilet exploded.

Zhang Xibao, whose stomach returned to normal, shrugged: "No, I ate fried chicken burgers last night, you know..."

I know a hammer!

Liu Dapeng finally understood why Bao Guyan said that the student had a weird temper.

He urged angrily: "Hurry up and test the last item, don't make Master Zhang wait too long!"

Zhang Xibao trotted back to the office, sat down on the chair, and put his little hands on the table.

"Master please touch."

The old man looked at Zhang Xibao suspiciously, and stretched out five fingers to rest on Zhang Xibao's wrist.

Zhang Xibao felt a slightly hot air flowing into his body, it should be that the old Taoist was using clear air to probe his acupoints.

After a while, the old Taoist let go of his fingers and nodded: "The acupoints are fully opened, the aptitude is first-class, and you can practice clearing qi."

There is a photo of Zhang Xibao on the recorder next to it, and two small words slowly pop up in the column of qualifications: Class A!

"Is that all right?"

Zhang Xibao was secretly delighted, although the process of dispelling the Qi Pill was a bit indecent, but the effect was impressive, it is worthy of being the mysterious treasure pill refined by Old Man Tongtian!

The products produced by Tongtian Old Man must be the best!

"Okay, let's go!"

The old man waved his hand: "After you enter school, there will be a special person to test the attributes of the five elements for you and plan your cultivation direction. There are too many students today, so only the qualifications will be tested."

Perhaps it was because of Zhang Xibao's gratifying aptitude that it was rare for the old man to say a few words.


Zhang Xibao happily opened the door and went out, the trumpet was saved, and he was tested for a first-class aptitude, Meizhizhi!

At the door, Liu Dapeng couldn't wait to ask Zhang Xibao: "What's the test result?"

"Hey, my qualifications are average..."

Hearing Zhang Xibao's mediocre qualifications, Liu Dapeng was a little disappointed.

Daxia mainly focuses on old-school supernatural beings who practice clear energy. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to eat strange treasure seeds.

The Qing Qi that is gradually recovering between heaven and earth does not cost money. Only by cultivating Qing Qi can one have the possibility of growing into a pillar.

Zhang Xibao is a good seedling, and Liu Dapeng couldn't bear the thought that he died halfway due to limited resources. This is Daxia's loss...

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xibao sighed, and said, "A-class only."

But after hearing the word "A" and so on, Liu Dapeng wished he could strangle Zhang Xibao to death, he was so sad for nothing!

"Class A, that means the acupoints are fully opened, and this is of mediocre aptitude. If others hear it, I will not stop you if you want to beat you!"

Zhang Xibao snorted twice: "Those who are jealous of me can't beat me, those who can beat me don't envy me, only I can beat others!"

"What you said makes sense..."

Recalling the scene of Zhang Xibao punching the test machine to malfunction, Liu Dapeng nodded, agreeing with this sentence very much.

Zhang Xibao blinked: "Leader Liu, I'm curious about how this test divides talent levels?"

"Just call me Group Leader Liu, I dare not be a leader."

Liu Dapeng began to explain to Zhang Xibao: "Master Zhang uses the method of injecting a stream of fresh air into the student's body to detect the condition of the acupoints in the student's body."

"The textbook should have said that a human has 720 acupuncture points. After the aura is revived, a person can become a supernatural being by absorbing clear energy into the body."

"Of course, the concept of supernatural beings was introduced from abroad. In ancient times, people called these people Qi refiners, aliens, and alchemists. Now people are used to using supernatural beings to refer to people from both the old and the new factions."

"I said that I got off the track, so let's get back to the topic. This test is divided into four levels: A, B, C, and D. Every time a student opens 180 acupoints, the qualification can be upgraded to a higher level."

"As long as your acupoints are open, you can absorb clear qi or swallow treasure pills to flush out blocked acupoints. Those who don't know anything about it are called dead orifices. They are not qualified to practice clear qi at all, and they can't even eat treasure pills!"

"It turned out to be like this..."

A total of 1,300 people participated in the physical examination in the No. 1 Middle School. If each of them injected a stream of Qing Qi into their bodies, how much Qing Qi should the old Taoist have in his body? !

Zhang Xibao was a little surprised, this old man is too scary!

"Master Zhang said that after entering the school, what is the matter of testing the attributes of the five elements?"

The chatterbox opened up, and Zhang Xibao simply seized the opportunity of this conversation to ask clearly.

Liu Dapeng was a little surprised. Zhang Daochang usually doesn't talk much, but he didn't expect to say a few more words to Zhang Xibao today. It seems that talents are everywhere.

"This is a long story. After the establishment of the Five Dragons Association, we will sweep away the chaos caused by the supernatural beings in the Great Xia, and add physical tests to the college entrance examination to select talents, and firmly grasp the new generation of supernatural beings in our hands."

"In order to cultivate the new generation of supernatural beings, the Five Dragons Association has formulated corresponding textbooks based on the ancient exercises. The textbooks are divided into five main departments of gold, wood, water, fire and earth according to the five elements. The sub-department of class, you will learn these after you enroll."

Liu Dapeng narrated slowly, Zhang Xibao eagerly absorbed useful information.

Before they knew it, the two walked to the school gate.

Lao Bao was standing outside the cordon at the school gate, seeing Zhang Xibao and his old comrades approaching from a distance, he smiled and asked loudly, "How did you do in the exam?"

Without waiting for Zhang Xibao to answer, Liu Dapeng gave a thumbs up: "Old Bao, you really found a treasure, so I'll leave it at that. In today's physical test, if this kid is ranked second, no one can be the first!"

Zhang Xibao was praised for his comfort and comfort, and pressed his hands: "Hey, low-key, low-key, limited level, average ability..."

"The brat is upside down!"

Lao Bao raised his fist, which was raised in the air but opened slowly, and patted Zhang Xibao twice in relief.

"It's so cool! It really gives me a long face!"

Zhang Xibao smiled embarrassedly.

"After the physical test is over, let's have a good drink, and then I will tell you slowly."

Liu Dapeng had to go back to the gymnasium to watch the test, chatted with Bao Guyan for a few words and left.

"Would you like to have a big meal and celebrate?" Zhang Xibao suggested.

"I won't go, I have to stay here and watch."

Lao Bao patted Zhang Xibao on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "The grades will be out in half a month, you go and have a good meal, go home and have a good rest, finally you don't have to ask me for leave, are you happy!"

"Happy, but a little sad, thank you, old Bao..."

Qixue Pill and Dali Pill cost 2,000 yuan each, which is not cheap for ordinary wages.

When Zhang Xibao was training in the equipment room, Lao Bao occasionally brought him one to eat.

Although one treasure pill is not enough to fit Zhang Xibao's teeth, Master Bao and Chinchilla eat treasure pills by the handful...

It's easy to make icing on the cake, but difficult to give charcoal in the snow. Lao Bao really means enough to Zhang Xibao.

"Hey, thank you for what. I am also very happy to see you today. If you really want to thank me, then do something for Daxia!"

Zhang Xibao remembered that Lao Bao used to be a soldier of Da Xia, and his leg was probably injured for Da Xia.

"Well, I will!"

Zhang Xibao bid farewell to Lao Bao and set foot on the way home.

He thought, when he encounters some rare treasure in a foreign land, he will heal Lao Bao's disabled leg.

Bao Guyan stood at the door of No. 1 Middle School like a big gun. He saw the boy grinning and waving goodbye to him from a distance.

He thought, there should be more and more young people like this in Daxia!

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