Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 116 Journey To The South City (Part 2)

"Hey, what time is three o'clock, sleep, sleep, wake up and drink tea!"

The face of the middle-aged stall owner was swollen, but he still closed his eyes tightly and remained motionless.

"Tsk... this is troublesome!"

Zhang Xibao thought that the stall owner was a person with supernatural powers, so he used a lot of strength, but he turned out to be an ordinary person without any supernatural powers!

Can this punch not ascend to heaven?

"Wake up, wake up!"

Zhang Xibao saw a water jug ​​in the corner of the room, and poured a jug of water on the stall owner's face.


The middle-aged stall owner suddenly opened his eyes, and a layer of blisters formed on his face.

"Sorry, I didn't know it was boiling water..."

Zhang Xibao resentfully put down the kettle, straightened his expression, stared at the middle-aged stall owner and asked, "Should I tell you more about you now?"

"Ababa! Hehehe..."

The middle-aged stall owner looked straight at Zhang Xibao and grinned, with saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"You won't be dumbfounded with one punch, will you?"

Zhang Xibao waved his hand in front of the middle-aged stall owner, and found that the stall owner's eyes were not moving, as dull as a puppet.


"Pretend me again!"

Zhang Xibao slammed his fist at the stall owner, only to find that the stall owner didn't know how to hide.

"It seems really stupid..."

Zhang Xibao sucked his teeth: "I haven't found anything yet, it's okay if I'm stupid."

"Hey hey..."

The middle-aged stall owner took out the wooden sculpture of a puppy from his chest, sniffed it twice, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Hey, you can't eat this!"

Zhang Xibao snatched the wood carving of the puppy, and with a slight force of his thumb, the wood carving broke with a click, and the soul of the puppy imprisoned inside barked twice and disappeared.

"Forget it, leave it to the Nanshi Appreciation Bureau."

Zhang Xibao wrapped the fragments of the two woodcarvings in the red cloth and kept them as evidence.

"Come with me, I'll take you to buy melon seeds!"

Zhang Xibao hooked his hands at the broken stall owner.

"Melon seeds?"

A trace of saliva flowed from the stall owner's mouth.

"Yes, melon seeds, melon seeds for fools, melon seeds that even fools love to eat!"

The middle-aged stall owner obediently followed Zhang Xibao out of the house.

Nanshi Appreciation Bureau.

A team of administrators had just finished inspecting Yibao City and reported to the director that they hadn't found anything.

A man with a smirk on his back broke into the treasure appraisal bureau.

A red cloth pocket was hung around the man's neck, which contained fragments of a baby-faced tree carving and a report letter.

There is a large line on the letter: This person resells baby-faced tree carvings in Yibao City, murders for money.

Signature: Enthusiastic people who do good deeds without leaving their names.

"Who sent you here? ’ an administrator asked in a cold voice.

"My big brother!"

The eyes of the middle-aged stall owner fluttered, obviously frightened.

"Who is your elder brother?" ! 』

"do not know……"

"Then where did your elder brother go? 』

"Buy sunflower seeds, buy foolish sunflower seeds!"

The director of the Nanshi Appreciation Bureau almost pouted in anger.

He glared at his subordinates viciously, and roared: "Check! Check for me! Find out who this idiot is!"

There was a sudden panic in Nanshi Appreciation Bureau.

Zhang Xibao avoided the camera, took off Fang Rui, and wandered back to the hotel.

As soon as he went up the stairs, a snow-white grimace poked out from the corner.

Zhang Xibao almost punched him, and when he looked closely, it turned out to be Han Meimei who was wearing a mask.

It's okay, it's okay, keep your fists, otherwise the second idiot will come out today.

Han Meimei glanced at Zhang Xibao: "Why did you go? Do you want lunch? Wang Meng ordered box lunches for everyone."

"That's too bad."

Zhang Xibao spread out his hands: "Master was hungry just now, went for a stroll around the market, and ate dozens of sesame seed cakes, meaty ones, pure ones, all lean meat!"

"Dozens, why don't they support you to death?"

Han Meimei muttered, and went back to her room with the boxed lunch.

"Oh, right!"

Before closing the door, Han Meimei poked her head out: "I'm going to climb Songshan Mountain this afternoon, so don't be late."


Zhang Xibao gave him a middle finger, and the door of Han Meimei's room slammed shut.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, twenty-two people gathered in the hotel lobby on time.

Because everything in the scenic spot is expensive, everyone carries schoolbags with snacks and mineral water in them.

Wang Meng turned into an old scalper and dutifully arranged a car for everyone.

"Students, let's go to Songshan Mountain!"

On the bus, the students chattered and discussed.

"Everyone, if you don't take the cable car to climb Songshan Mountain, it will take about five hours to go up and down the mountain. How about we challenge it today?"

"Boys, boys don't take the cable car, let's climb up, whoever climbs to the top of Songshan Mountain first, I will cover all the food expenses for these three days, and I will wash his socks!"

"Okay, okay, no one should take the cable car, whoever takes the cable car will have no eggs!"

The boys' damned desire to win and lose broke out, and they decided on the plan in a hurry.

Zhang Xibao folded his arms and closed his eyes to rest, still thinking about what happened just now.

Zhang Xibao felt that the whole thing was rather abrupt.

The middle-aged stall owner seemed to come to his door automatically.

It is worth mentioning that the middle-aged stall owner does not have that conspicuous scar on his palm.

Zhang Xibao didn't know if he was overthinking, he always felt that this matter had something to do with the guy who connected live to identify the seeds of the baby face tree back then.

The bus galloped towards Songshan Mountain.

Yibao City.

In another booth not far from the middle-aged man's booth sat a bald old man.

The old man sat quietly all morning, and found that the middle-aged man had not returned to the booth, so he slowly packed his bags and strolled to that alley like a normal person.

The wooden door was ajar, and the old man lingered for a long time, making sure no one was inside before going in.

The wood carvings were gone, and so was the middle-aged stall owner. The table was smashed to pieces, and there was still a pool of water stains on the concrete floor.

"It seems to be planted..."

The wooden door rang, and the bald old man turned his head, and an old farmer wearing a bamboo hat walked in.

"Why did you let Lao Huang fight that anchor?"

The bald old man's lips twitched: "Old Huang got caught in the eyes of money and secretly sold wood carvings, which are no longer usable."

The man who looked like an old farmer asked again: "Do you know that Lao Huang will fall into the hands of that anchor?"

"That host is capable. Back then, he suppressed the monkey spirit with a soul-suppressing talisman. I saw it clearly in the live broadcast room, but I really didn't expect that he could kill four monkey spirits at once..."

The bald old man shook his head.

"I originally thought that if Lao Huang succeeded, he would just solve this anchor for us. If he failed, this anchor could also solve Lao Huang for us. Anyway, Lao Huang didn't know what we were doing. We entered the Black Dragon Club Prison, don’t even think about getting out in this life.”


The old farmer laughed happily for a while, and waved to the bald old man: "Let's go, I have found a new batch of goods..."

"Oh, I'm busy again."

The two put on their bamboo hats, walked out of the wooden door, and disappeared into the crowd.


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