"Songshan, here we come!"

The students yelled excitedly.

After buying the tickets, the boy squad rushed up the mountain road with all their strength.

Zhang Xibao walked slowly behind.

Han Meimei asked him curiously, "Why don't you rush?"

Zhang Xibao replied lazily: "If I participate, they won't have to compete."

"Oh, I forgot you were 100 meters in 3 seconds, you three-second blue!"

"envy, jealousy, hate?"

"There is no envy or jealousy, only hatred!"

Only Han Meimei dared to quarrel with Zhang Xibao like this, and the girls all looked at their backs curiously.

With a lollipop in her mouth, Han Meimei said vaguely, "Oh, I forgot to ask you, what did you get in the aptitude test?"

"A, what about you?"

"Congratulations in advance, the imperial capital of Qingbei should be stable. Me, my second, my father let me eat three marrow washing pills before." Han Meimei cupped her hands casually.

"Hey, three marrow washing pills, that's 300,000 yuan? I didn't realize that you are still the little sister of a wealthy family!"

"You little sister in heaven and earth!"

Responding, Han Meimei crushed the lollipop in one bite and cursed.

Zhang Xibao had already fled away, turned around and gave Han Meimei a thumbs up: "You know a lot!"

"Don't think I won't beat you because you're handsome!"

Han Meimei looked around, but found no weapons like bricks on the mountain path.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

The students stopped and went, and finally reached the top of the mountain, their spirits had already faded.

In the battle without Zhang Xibao's participation, Wang Meng won the victory as expected.

Wang Meng threatened: "There is no need to pack food and lodging, just wash the socks!"

It seems that some unlucky guy is going to wash Wang Meng's stinky socks.

The boys yelled at the top of the mountain, while the girls gathered to take pictures and eat snacks.

When the game was almost over, Wang Meng waved his hand:

"Let's go down the mountain, before the sun goes down, otherwise there will be many mosquitoes. Tonight, please eat skewers and eat big kidneys. My prince will pay for it!"

Wang Meng's words drew cheers from the students again.

After eating all the snacks and drinking all the water, the students went down the mountain in twos and threes.

A few boys even gave the remaining mineral water to the girls in a very gentlemanly manner.

Things went wrong with these bottles of mineral water.

At the foot of the mountain, Zhang Xibao and the others returned to the bus. Sixteen students sat in the bus, waiting left and right.

It was not until dark that everyone realized that the six boys headed by Wang Meng had disappeared!

"Don't panic, Han Meimei, take your classmates back to the city and call the police. I'll go back to the mountain to have a look."

Before Han Meimei could speak, Zhang Xibao jumped off the bus with his schoolbag in his hand.

Zhang Xibao greeted the bus driver, and the bus drove away slowly. The fungus and Chinchilla poked their heads out of their schoolbags.

"Little mouse, you take the lead, go and see where Wang Meng and the others are, and come back and report to me when you find them!"

The Chinchilla squeaked twice, and disappeared without a trace.

Fungus ran wildly behind Zhang Xibao, one person and one cat ran along the mountain road into the mountain.

Time back to three hours ago.

Wang Meng and his party of six were walking down the mountain, and these six people seemed to be a small group headed by Wang Meng.

"Brother Meng, why do we give all the mineral water to those girls?"


Wang Meng slapped that guy: "How much is a few bottles of mineral water worth? There are more than 20 people in our class, all of whom are the reserve team of supernatural beings. Make a good impression on them now. Open your mouth, isn't it?"

"So that's it, brother Meng really has a vision!"

A few people flattered wildly, not to make a good impression on Wang Meng's heart!

The six of them walked halfway, thirsty and unbearable.

"Brother Meng, I can't do it anymore. I should have saved a few bottles of water for us to drink."

"There's no place in front of the village and no shops behind. If you want to buy water, there's nowhere to buy it!"

Wang Meng was also thirsty. He suppressed his thirst and turned to the boys and said, "Have you heard the story about looking for plums to quench your thirst?"

"When we get down the mountain, brother Meng treats you to drink draft beer and eat lobster!"

"Okay, gout set, I like it!"

Thinking of the iced drinks, several people swallowed wildly.

Wang Meng waved his hand: "Go on, let's go!"

The six of them continued to walk, and an old farmer wearing a bamboo hat walked towards him on the narrow mountain road, and the old farmer was carrying a pole.

Several people's eyes lit up, and they ran over, shouting: "Old man, is there any smoke nearby, can you take us to drink some water?"

The old farmer was just the guy with the bald old man.

He looked at the six iron-headed boys and was stunned, thinking that there is such a good thing?

He was thinking about how to take care of these six guys, but they were delivered directly to his door!


Wang Meng waved his hands in front of the old farmer, and the old farmer came back to his senses.

"Ah, yes, yes!"

The old farmer grinned his big yellow teeth and said, "I live near here. Let me take you to drink water. The water in my house is mountain spring water, and people in the city can't drink it at all!"


The six excitedly followed the old farmer and walked towards the remote place.

The old farmer took the six fellows around and walked more and more sideways. When they came to a cave, the old farmer walked in first.

The old farmer waved: "Come on, through the cave is where I live!"

Wang Meng hesitated subconsciously.

"Old man, do you live in a cave?"

The old farmer smiled: "Have you children ever studied "Peach Blossom Spring"?"

A little clever ghost hurriedly replied: "I know, I know. There is a small mouth in the mountain, as if there is light. It is very narrow at the beginning, and then it opens up to people. After walking dozens of steps, it suddenly opens up!"

"Yes, today you will be able to see such a spectacle!"

Wang Meng thought to himself, what are you afraid of when you punch 600 jin?

The six guys excitedly followed the old farmer into the cave. After walking for a while, there was indeed a cave behind the cave!


"Peach Blossom Spring is real!"

Behind the cave is a vast world, and there is a thatched cottage not far from the cave wall.

"I'll take you to drink mountain spring water."

The six guys cheered and ran on the field ridge, leaving the old farmer far behind.

There is an urn behind the thatched hut. When the lid is lifted, it is full of clean water.

A guy looked around and found a ladle with a handle.

"Hey, you bastard, why are you so selfish? Just now Brother Meng said he would treat us to dinner, let Brother Meng drink first!"

The other guy paid a lot of flattery.

The ladle was handed to Wang Meng, and Wang Meng looked at the crowd with relief: "Good brother!"

Wang Meng scooped up a ladle full of water, drank it all in one go, and let out a deep breath.

"As expected of mountain spring water, it's so sweet!"

"Quick, don't be dazed, you guys try it too!"

Everyone took turns scooping up water to drink.

At this time, the old farmer came over with six bowls, and was stunned again when he saw the six guys scooping up water to drink.

"Uh, the next..."


The old farmer hesitated and said, "What you are holding is a dung scoop..."

"Dung ladle?"

"The one who scooped up shit?"

Now it was Wang Meng's turn and the six of them were stunned.


vomit! x5

Six guys sprayed six fountains.

When he had almost vomited, the old farmer filled six bowls with clean water, and the six guys picked up the bowls and drank.


"What did you say, old man?"




"Are you counting?"

Wang Meng reacted: "No, the water is poisonous!"


The vision of the six people blurred.


Six people fell to the ground with a plop.

The bald old man came out of the hut and looked at the old farmer suspiciously: "It's that simple?"

The old farmer spread his hands: "It's as simple as that, just put the medicine on the edge of the bowl..."

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